{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

{- Copyright 2014 Romain Edelmann

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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   limitations under the License. -}

-- | This modules provides ways to randomly and efficiently sample values
--   from distributions.
--   Walker's <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alias_method alias method> is
--   used internally, so that values can be sampled in constant time.
module Data.Distribution.Sample
    ( -- * Generator
      -- ** Building
    , fromDistribution
    , safeFromDistribution
      -- ** Sampling
    , sample
    , getSample
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom, getRandom, getRandomR)
import Control.Monad.ST.Safe
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.MArray.Safe
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.ST.Safe
import System.Random (RandomGen, random, randomR)

import Data.Distribution.Core

-- | Generator of random values of type @a@.
--   Can be created in linear time from distributions
--   and sampled in constant time.
data Generator a = Generator
    { capacity :: !Int
      -- ^ Number of buckets.
    , probabilities :: !(UArray Int Double)
      -- ^ Probability to stay in the bucket.
    , values :: !(Array Int a)
      -- ^ Value in the bucket.
    , indexes :: !(UArray Int Int)
      -- ^ Index of the "guest" value. Used when the bucket is left.

instance Functor Generator where
    fmap f (Generator n ps vs is) = Generator n ps (fmap f vs) is

-- | Creates a generator from the given non-empty distribution.
--   Runs in @O(n)@ time where @n@ is the size of the distribution.
fromDistribution :: Distribution a -> Generator a
fromDistribution d = case toList d of
    [] -> error "makeGenerator: Undefined on empty distributions."
    xs -> generate xs
    n = size d

    -- Creates the generator using Walker's algorithm.
    -- The main idea is to put each value into its own bucket.
    -- In addition, each bucket has a probability to be discarded when picked,
    -- in which case another value, the "guest" of the bucket,
    -- is chosen instead.
    -- The following procedure sets the probabilities and guests of
    -- the bucket so that the probability to choose the value of a bucket
    -- is the probability of the value in the input distribution.
    generate xs = runST $ do
        -- The values are directly from the list.
        let vs = listArray (0, n - 1) as

        -- The probability to stay in the bucket is @n@ times the
        -- probability in the distribution. This is due to the fact
        -- that each of the @n@ buckets is chosen with probability @1 / n@.
        -- Note that this can well exceed @1@. This will be taken care
        -- during the equilibration phase.
        -- In case the value exceed @1@, the bucket is said to be overfilled,
        -- and if its is strictly less than @1@, underfilled.
        ps <- stArrayFromList sqs

        -- The indexes of "guest" values.
        -- The correct indexes will be set during the equilibration phase.
        -- Guest values are used by underfilled buckets.
        is <- stuArray 0

        -- The 'go' function is used to equilibrate the buckets, by assigning
        -- unused space in underfilled buckets to overfilled buckets.
        -- As first argument are the indexes which have a probability > 1
        -- (indexes of overfilled buckets),
        -- and as second argument those which have a probability < 1
        -- (indexed of underfilled buckets)
        -- The idea behind the function is to take an overfilled and an
        -- underfilled bucket, and to completely "fill" the underfilled bucket.
        -- To do so, the overfilled bucket is registered as the guest of the
        -- underfilled bucket. The probability of the overfilled bucket is
        -- then reduced by the amount that was "poured" into the underfilled
        -- bucket.
        let go (o : os) (u : us) = do
                -- First, we register o as the guest of u.
                writeArray is u o

                -- We then update the probability of o.
                po <- readArray ps o
                pu <- readArray ps u
                let po' = po - (1 - pu)
                writeArray ps o po'

                -- We recurse on the new overfilled and underfilled buckets.
                if | po' < 1 -> go os (o : us)  -- We took too much from o.
                   | po' == 1 -> go os us       -- o perfectly fits its bucket.
                   | otherwise -> go (o : os) us  -- o is still too large.

            go [] [] = return ()  -- All buckets are filled.
            go _ _ = error "makeGenerator: Implementation error."

        -- We select the initial overfilled and underfilled buckets.
        let os = map fst $ filter ((> 1) . snd) iqs
            us = map fst $ filter ((< 1) . snd) iqs

        -- We perform the equilibration phase.
        go os us

        -- Each bucket is now completely filled. We freeze the result.
        fps <- freeze ps
        fis <- freeze is
        return $ Generator
            (listArray (0, n - 1)
                (fmap fromRational $ elems (fps :: Array Int Rational)))
        -- Separating the values from their probability.
        (as, qs) = unzip xs

        -- Scaling the probabilities by @n@. This is due to the fact that each
        -- of the @n@ buckets is uniformly chosen with probability @1 / n@.
        sqs = map (* fromIntegral n) qs

        -- Indexed and scaled probabilities.
        iqs = zip [0 ..] sqs

    stArrayFromList :: [e] -> ST s (STArray s Int e)
    stArrayFromList = newListArray (0, n - 1)

    stuArray :: e -> ST s (STArray s Int e)
    stuArray = newArray (0, n - 1)

-- | Safe version of 'fromDistribution'. Returns @Nothing@ when the
--   given distribution is empty.
safeFromDistribution :: Distribution a -> Maybe (Generator a)
safeFromDistribution d = if size d == 0
    then Nothing
    else Just $ fromDistribution d

-- | Picks a random value from the generator.
--   Runs in constant @O(1)@ time.
getSample :: MonadRandom m => Generator a -> m a
getSample g = do
    let n = capacity g
    u <- getRandom
    j <- getRandomR (0, n - 1)
    let i = if u < probabilities g ! j
                then j
                else indexes g ! j
    return $ values g ! i

-- | Picks a random value from the generator.
--   Runs in constant @O(1)@ time.
sample :: RandomGen g => Generator a -> g -> (a, g)
sample g k = (values g ! i, k'')
    n = capacity g
    (j, k') = randomR (0, n - 1) k
    (u, k'') = random k'
    i = if u < probabilities g ! j
            then j
            else indexes g ! j