{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable , DeriveFunctor , DeriveTraversable , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , NamedFieldPuns , ScopedTypeVariables , StandaloneDeriving #-} {- | This module defines the 'Proof' type, some proofs, and some helper functions. A 'Proof' does three things: - verifies that the input value meets some criteria - optionally transforms the input value to another value while preserving that criteria - puts the proof name in type-signature where the type-checker can use it -} module Ditto.Proof where import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Ditto.Core (Form(..)) import Ditto.Backend (FormError(..)) import Ditto.Types (Proved(..), Result(..)) import Numeric (readDec, readFloat, readSigned) -- | A 'Proof' attempts to prove something about a value. -- -- If successful, it can also transform the value to a new value. The -- proof should hold for the new value as well. -- -- Generally, each 'Proof' has a unique data-type associated with it -- which names the proof, such as: -- data Proof m err a b = Proof { proofFunction :: a -> m (Either err b) -- ^ function which provides the proof , proofNewInitialValue :: a -> b } -- | apply a 'Proof' to a 'Form' prove :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> Proof m error a b -> Form m input error view b prove (Form{formDecodeInput, formInitialValue, formFormlet}) (Proof f ivB) = Form (\input -> do a <- formDecodeInput input case a of Left x -> pure $ Left x Right x -> f x ) (fmap ivB formInitialValue) ( do (html, a) <- formFormlet res <- lift $ case a of Error xs -> pure $ Error xs Ok (Proved pos x) -> do eeb <- f x case eeb of Left err -> pure $ Error [(pos, err)] Right res -> pure $ Ok (Proved pos res) pure ( html , res ) ) -- * transformations (proofs minus the proof). -- | transform the 'Form' result using a monadic 'Either' function. transformEitherM :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> (a -> m (Either error b)) -> (a -> b) -> Form m input error view b transformEitherM frm func ivb = frm `prove` (Proof func ivb) -- | transform the 'Form' result using an 'Either' function. transformEither :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> (a -> Either error b) -> (a -> b) -> Form m input error view b transformEither frm func ivb = transformEitherM frm (pure . func) ivb -- * Various Proofs -- | prove that a list is not empty notNullProof :: (Monad m) => error -> Proof m error [a] [a] notNullProof errorMsg = Proof (pure . check) id where check list = if null list then (Left errorMsg) else (Right list) -- | read an unsigned number in decimal notation decimal :: (Monad m, Eq i, Num i) => (String -> error) -- ^ create an error message ('String' is the value that did not parse) -> i -> Proof m error String i decimal mkError i = Proof (pure . toDecimal) (const i) where toDecimal str = case readDec str of [(d, [])] -> (Right d) _ -> (Left $ mkError str) -- | read signed decimal number signedDecimal :: (Monad m, Eq i, Real i) => (String -> error) -> i -> Proof m error String i signedDecimal mkError i = Proof (pure . toDecimal) (const i) where toDecimal str = case (readSigned readDec) str of [(d, [])] -> (Right d) _ -> (Left $ mkError str) -- | read 'RealFrac' number realFrac :: (Monad m, RealFrac a) => (String -> error) -> a -> Proof m error String a realFrac mkError a = Proof (pure . toRealFrac) (const a) where toRealFrac str = case readFloat str of [(f, [])] -> (Right f) _ -> (Left $ mkError str) -- | read a signed 'RealFrac' number realFracSigned :: (Monad m, RealFrac a) => (String -> error) -> a -> Proof m error String a realFracSigned mkError a = Proof (pure . toRealFrac) (const a) where toRealFrac str = case (readSigned readFloat) str of [(f, [])] -> (Right f) _ -> (Left $ mkError str)