{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Haskell.Djinn
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the accompanying LICENSE file)
-- Maintainer  :  claudiusmaximus@goto10.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (template-haskell)
-- Djinn uses a theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic to
-- generate a Haskell expression when given a type. Djinn-TH uses Template
-- Haskell to turn this expression into executable code.
-- Based mostly on <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/djinn>.
-- Using Language.Haskell.Djinn generally requires:
-- @&#x7B;-&#x23; LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables &#x23;-&#x7D;@

-- Modified to use TemplateHaskell by Claude Heiland-Allen, 2010
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Lennart Augustsson
-- See LICENSE for licensing details.
module Language.Haskell.Djinn (
  djinn,  -- :: Q Type -> Q Exp
  djinns, -- :: Q Type -> Q Exp
  djinnD, -- :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
  djinnsD -- :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
  ) where

import Data.List (nub, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Set (Set, empty, singleton, union, toList)
import Language.Haskell.TH (
  Name, Type(..), Dec(..), Pat(..), Exp(..), Body(..), Clause(..),
  Match(..), Info(..), Con(..), TyVarBndr(..), Q,
  newName, mkName, tupleTypeName, tupleDataName, reify, pprint, report)
import Control.Monad (forM)

import Language.Haskell.Djinn.HTypes (
  HType(..), HPat(..), HExpr(..), HClause(..), HEnvironment,
  termToHClause, hTypeToFormula, getBinderVars)
import Language.Haskell.Djinn.LJT (prove)

getConTs :: Type -> Set Name
getConTs (ForallT _ _ t) = getConTs t
getConTs (ConT name)     = singleton name
getConTs (AppT t1 t2)    = getConTs t1 `union` getConTs t2
getConTs (TupleT n)      = singleton (tupleTypeName n)
getConTs _               = empty

hType :: Type -> HType
hType (TupleT 0) = HTTuple []
hType (TupleT 1)         = error $ "djinn: 1-tuple should not exist"
-- FIXME kludge for now to handle small tuples...
-- FIXME kludge to handle GHC's tuple stuff
hType (AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) = HTArrow (hType t1) (hType t2)
hType (AppT (AppT (TupleT 2) t1) t2) = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2])
hType (AppT (AppT (ConT   c) t1) t2) | c == tupleTypeName 2 = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (TupleT 3) t1) t2) t3) = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT   c) t1) t2) t3) | c == tupleTypeName 3 = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (TupleT 4) t1) t2) t3) t4) = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3, t4])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT   c) t1) t2) t3) t4) | c == tupleTypeName 4 = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3, t4])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (TupleT 5) t1) t2) t3) t4) t5) = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5])
hType (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT   c) t1) t2) t3) t4) t5) | c == tupleTypeName 5 = HTTuple (map hType [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5])
hType (TupleT n) | n > 5 = error $ "djinn: " ++ show n ++ "-tuple not yet supported (max 5)"
hType (AppT t1 t2) = HTApp (hType t1) (hType t2)
hType (ForallT _ _ t) = hType t
hType (VarT v) = HTVar v
hType (ConT n) = HTCon n
hType t = error $ "djinn: unimplemented in hType: " ++ pprint t

-- two mutually recursive functions chase down all data/type defs

environment :: Type -> Q HEnvironment
environment = fmap concat . mapM environment1 . toList . getConTs

environment1 :: Name -> Q HEnvironment
environment1 name = do
  info <- reify name
  case info of
   ClassI _dec -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected ClassI"
   ClassOpI _n _t _c _fx -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected ClassOpI"
   TyConI dec -> do
    case dec of
     DataD _cxt dName dVars dCtors _derivs -> do
      dTypes <- forM dCtors $ \(NormalC cName cFields) -> do
        let cTypes = map (hType . snd) cFields
        cEnv <- mapM (environment . snd) cFields
        return ((cName, cTypes), cEnv)
      return $ [(dName, (map binderName dVars, HTUnion (map fst dTypes)))]
             ++ (concat . concatMap snd $ dTypes)
     TySynD tName tVars tType -> do
      es <- environment tType
      return $ [(tName, (map binderName tVars, hType tType))] ++ es
     x -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected TyConI " ++ show x
   PrimTyConI n _ar _l -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected PrimTyConI " ++ show n
   DataConI _n _t _tn _fx -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected DataConI"
   VarI _n _t _mdec _fx -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected VarI"
   TyVarI _tvName _tvType -> fail $ "djinn: unexpected TyVarI"
binderName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
binderName (PlainTV n) = n
binderName (KindedTV n _k) = n

pat :: HPat -> Pat
pat (HPVar s) = VarP s
pat (HPTuple ps) = TupP (map pat ps)
pat (HPAt s p) = AsP s (pat p)
pat (HPCon c) = ConP c []
pat (HPApply p q) = let ConP c ps = pat p in ConP c (ps ++ [pat q])

expr :: HExpr -> Exp
expr (HELam ps e) = LamE (map pat ps) (expr e)
expr (HEApply e f) = AppE (expr e) (expr f)
expr (HECon c) = ConE c
expr (HEVar v) = VarE v
expr (HETuple es) = foldl AppE (ConE (tupleDataName (length es))) (map expr es)
expr (HECase e ms) = CaseE (expr e) (map case1 ms)
  where case1 (p, f) = Match (pat p) (NormalB $ expr f) []

djinn0 :: Bool -> Maybe String -> Type -> Q Exp
djinn0 multi mStr typ = do
  syns <- environment typ
  name <- case mStr of
    Nothing -> newName "djinn"
    Just s -> return $ mkName s
  let form = hTypeToFormula syns (hType typ)
  ps <- (nub . map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (f name)) `fmap` (prove multi [] form)
  if multi
   then return $ ListE (map g ps)
   else case  ps of
    ps'@(p:_:_) -> do
      report False $ "djinn: " ++ show (length ps') ++ " options for: " ++ show name ++ " :: " ++ pprint typ
      return $ g p
    [p] -> return $ g p
    [] -> do
      report True $ "djinn: cannot realize: " ++ show name ++ " :: " ++ pprint typ
      x <- newName "djinnError"
      return $ LetE [ValD (VarP x) (NormalB (VarE x)) [] ] (VarE x)
    f name p  = let c = termToHClause name p
                    bvs = getBinderVars c
                    r = if null bvs then (0, 0) else (length (filter (== underscore) bvs) % length bvs, length bvs)
                in  (r, c)
    g (HClause _ pats body) = let e = expr (HELam pats body) in wilderE e

underscore :: Name
underscore = mkName "_"

wilder :: Pat -> Pat
wilder l@(LitP _) = l
wilder (VarP n) | n == underscore = WildP
wilder (TupP ps) = TupP (map wilder ps)
wilder (ConP n ps) = ConP n (map wilder ps)
wilder (InfixP p1 n p2) = InfixP (wilder p1) n (wilder p2)
wilder (TildeP p) = TildeP (wilder p)
wilder (AsP n p) | n == underscore = wilder p
                 | otherwise = AsP n (wilder p)
--wilder (RecP n fs) = error $ "djinn: field patterns not yet implemented"
wilder (ListP ps) = ListP (map wilder ps)
wilder (SigP p t) = SigP (wilder p) t
wilder p = p

wilderE :: Exp -> Exp
wilderE (AppE e f) = AppE (wilderE e) (wilderE f)
wilderE (InfixE me o mf) = InfixE (fmap wilderE me) (wilderE o) (fmap wilderE mf)
wilderE (LamE ps e) = LamE (map wilder ps) (wilderE e)
wilderE (TupE es) = TupE (map wilderE es)
wilderE (CondE e f g) = CondE (wilderE e) (wilderE f) (wilderE g)
wilderE (LetE ds e) = LetE (map wilderD ds) (wilderE e)
wilderE (CaseE e ms) = CaseE (wilderE e) (map wilderM ms)
-- DoE [Stmt]                         -- { do { p <- e1; e2 }  }
-- CompE [Stmt]                       -- { [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ] }
-- ArithSeqE Range                    -- { [ 1 ,2 .. 10 ] }
wilderE (ListE es) = ListE (map wilderE es)
wilderE (SigE e t) = SigE (wilderE e) t
-- RecConE Name [FieldExp]            -- { T { x = y, z = w } }
-- RecUpdE Exp [FieldExp]             -- { (f x) { z = w } }
wilderE e = e

wilderM :: Match -> Match
wilderM (Match p b ds) = Match (wilder p) (wilderB b) (map wilderD ds)

wilderD :: Dec -> Dec
wilderD d = d -- error "djinn: no wilderD yet"

wilderB :: Body -> Body
wilderB b = b --error "djinn: no wilderD yet"

{- |
Generate an anonymous expression of the given type (if it is realizable).
djinn :: Q Type -- ^ type
      -> Q Exp
djinn qtyp = do
  typ <- qtyp
  djinn0 False Nothing typ

{- |
Generate a list of anonymous expressions of the given type (if it is realizable).
djinns :: Q Type -- ^ type
       -> Q Exp
djinns qtyp = do
  typ <- qtyp
  djinn0 True Nothing typ

{- |
Generate a named declaration with an accompanying type signature.  For example:

>   $(djinnD "maybeToEither" [t| forall a b . a ->  Maybe b ->  Either a b |])
>   main = print . map (maybeToEither "foo") $ [ Nothing, Just "bar" ]

might print @[Left \"foo\",Right \"bar\"]@.
djinnD :: String  -- ^ name
       -> Q Type  -- ^ type
       -> Q [Dec]
djinnD str qtyp = do
  let name = mkName str
  typ <- qtyp
  exp' <- djinn0 False (Just str) typ
    [ SigD name typ
    , FunD name [ Clause [] (NormalB $ exp') [] ] ]

{- |
Generate a named declaration with an accompanying type signature
for a list of possible realizations of a type.

>   $(djinnsD "picks" [t| forall a . (a, a) -> (a -> a) -> a |])
>   main = print [ p ("A","B") (++"C") | p <- picks ]

might print @[\"BC\",\"AC\",\"B\",\"A\"]@.

djinnsD :: String  -- ^ name
        -> Q Type  -- ^ type
        -> Q [Dec]
djinnsD str qtyp = do
  let name = mkName str
  typ <- qtyp
  exp' <- djinn0 True (Just str) typ
  let ForallT vs cxt t = typ
    [ SigD name (ForallT vs cxt (AppT ListT t))
    , FunD name [ Clause [] (NormalB $ exp') [] ] ]