{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-| Agents in a DMCC API session enable call control over devices. -} module DMCC.Agent where import DMCC.Prelude import Control.Lens import Control.Concurrent.STM (retry) import Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.CaseInsensitive (original) import Data.Data import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Client (httpNoBody, method, requestBody) import DMCC.Session import DMCC.Types import qualified DMCC.XML.Request as Rq import qualified DMCC.XML.Response as Rs -- | Actions performable by a controlled agent. data Action = MakeCall{number :: Extension} | AnswerCall{callId :: CallId} | EndCall{callId :: CallId} | HoldCall{callId :: CallId} | RetrieveCall{callId :: CallId} | BargeIn{callId :: CallId, pType :: ParticipationType} | ConferenceCall{activeCall :: CallId, heldCall :: CallId} | TransferCall{activeCall :: CallId, heldCall :: CallId} | SendDigits{callId :: CallId, digits :: Text} | SetState{newState :: SettableAgentState} deriving Show $(deriveJSON defaultOptions{sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject{tagFieldName="action"}} ''Action) data AgentSnapshot = AgentSnapshot { _calls :: Map.Map CallId Call , _state :: (Maybe AgentState, Text) -- ^ Last recognized agent state along with reason code. } deriving Show instance ToJSON AgentSnapshot where toJSON s = object [ "calls" A..= Map.mapKeys (\(CallId t) -> t) (_calls s) , "state" A..= _state s ] instance FromJSON AgentSnapshot where parseJSON (Object o) = AgentSnapshot <$> Map.mapKeys CallId `liftM` (o .: "calls") <*> (o .: "state") parseJSON _ = fail "Could not parse AgentSnapshot from non-object" $(makeLenses ''AgentSnapshot) -- | Events/errors are published to external clients of the -- agents and may be used by agent subscribers to provide information -- to user. data AgentEvent = TelephonyEvent { dmccEvent :: Rs.Event , newSnapshot :: AgentSnapshot } -- ^ A telephony-related event, along with an updated -- snapshot. | StateChange{newSnapshot :: AgentSnapshot} -- ^ Arrives when an agent state change has been -- observed. | TelephonyEventError{errorText :: String} -- ^ An error caused by a telephony-related event. | RequestError{errorText :: String} -- ^ An error caused by a request from this agent. deriving Show $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''AgentEvent) -- | Web hook event. data WHEvent = WHEvent { agentId :: AgentId , event :: AgentEvent } deriving Show $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''WHEvent) -- | An agent controlled by a DMCC API session. data Agent = Agent { deviceId :: DeviceId , monitorId :: Text , actionChan :: TChan Action -- ^ Actions performed by the agent. , actionThread :: ThreadId , rspChan :: TChan Rs.Response -- ^ Input chan for XML responses for this agent (including -- events). , rspThread :: ThreadId -- ^ Response reader. , stateThread :: ThreadId -- ^ Agent state poller. , eventChan :: TChan AgentEvent , snapshot :: TVar AgentSnapshot } instance Show Agent where show (Agent (DeviceId d) m _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = "Agent{deviceId=" <> unpack (original d) <> ", monitorId=" <> unpack m <> "}" newtype AgentHandle = AgentHandle (AgentId, Session) instance Ord AgentHandle where compare (AgentHandle (aid1, _)) (AgentHandle (aid2, _)) = compare aid1 aid2 instance Eq AgentHandle where (AgentHandle (aid1, _)) == (AgentHandle (aid2, _)) = aid1 == aid2 instance Show AgentHandle where show (AgentHandle (aid, _)) = show aid -- | Exceptions thrown by agent-related routines and threads. data AgentError = DeviceError String | MonitoringError String | StatePollingError String | UnknownAgent AgentId deriving (Data, Typeable, Show) instance (Exception AgentError) -- | Command an agent to do something. -- -- Due to lack of global locking of the agents map an agent may be -- gone (released) by the time an action arrives to its actionChan. -- This is by design to avoid congestion during action processing. agentAction :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadCatch m) => Action -> AgentHandle -> m () agentAction cmd (AgentHandle (aid, as)) = do ags <- readTVarIO $ agents as case Map.lookup aid ags of Just Agent{..} -> atomically $ writeTChan actionChan cmd Nothing -> throwIO $ UnknownAgent aid placeAgentLock :: AgentHandle -> STM () placeAgentLock (AgentHandle (aid, as)) = modifyTVar' (agentLocks as) (Set.insert aid) releaseAgentLock :: MonadLoggerIO m => AgentHandle -> m () releaseAgentLock (AgentHandle (aid, as)) = atomically $ modifyTVar' (agentLocks as) (Set.delete aid) -- | Enable an active agent to be monitored and controlled through -- DMCC API. If the agent has already been registered, return the old -- entry (it's safe to call this function with the same arguments -- multiple times). controlAgent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadMask m) => SwitchName -> Extension -> Session -> m (Either AgentError AgentHandle) controlAgent switch ext as = do let aid = AgentId (switch, ext) ah = AgentHandle (aid, as) -- Check if agent already exists prev <- atomically $ do locks <- readTVar $ agentLocks as if Set.member aid locks then retry else do ags <- readTVar $ agents as if Map.member aid ags then pure $ Just aid -- Prevent parallel operation on the same agent else placeAgentLock ah >> pure Nothing case prev of Just a -> pure $ Right $ AgentHandle (a, as) Nothing -> try $ flip onException (releaseAgentLock ah) $ do -- Get Avaya info for this agent (note that requests are not -- attached to the agent (Nothing) as it has not been inserted -- in the agent map of the session yet). gdiRsp <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) Nothing Rq.GetDeviceId { switchName = switch , extension = ext } device <- case gdiRsp of Just (Rs.GetDeviceIdResponse device) -> pure device Just (Rs.CSTAErrorCodeResponse errorCode) -> throwIO $ DeviceError $ unpack errorCode _ -> throwIO $ DeviceError "Bad GetDeviceId response" msrRsp <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) Nothing Rq.MonitorStart { acceptedProtocol = protocolVersion as , monitorRq = Rq.Device device } monitorCrossRefID <- case msrRsp of Just (Rs.MonitorStartResponse monitorCrossRefID) -> pure monitorCrossRefID Just (Rs.CSTAErrorCodeResponse errorCode) -> throwIO $ MonitoringError $ unpack errorCode _ -> throwIO $ DeviceError "Bad MonitorStart response" -- Setup action and event processing for this agent snapshot <- newTVarIO $ AgentSnapshot Map.empty (Nothing, "") actionChan <- newTChanIO actionThread <- forkIO $ forever $ atomically (readTChan actionChan) >>= processAgentAction aid device snapshot as eventChan <- newBroadcastTChanIO rspChan <- newTChanIO rspThread <- forkIO $ forever $ atomically (readTChan rspChan) >>= processAgentEvent aid device snapshot eventChan as -- As of DMCC 6.2.x, agent state change events are not -- reported by DMCC (see -- https://www.devconnectprogram.com/forums/posts/list/18511.page). -- We use polling to inform our API clients about update in -- the agent state. -- Find out initial agent state gsRsp' <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) Rq.GetAgentState { device = device , acceptedProtocol = protocolVersion as } case gsRsp' of Just Rs.GetAgentStateResponse{..} -> atomically $ modifyTVar' snapshot $ state .~ (agentState, reasonCode) Just (Rs.CSTAErrorCodeResponse errorCode) -> throwIO $ StatePollingError $ unpack errorCode _ -> throwIO $ DeviceError "Bad GetAgentState response" -- State polling thread stateThread <- forkIO $ forever $ do gsRsp <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) Rq.GetAgentState { device = device , acceptedProtocol = protocolVersion as } case gsRsp of Just Rs.GetAgentStateResponse{..} -> do ns <- atomically $ do sn <- readTVar snapshot if _state sn /= (agentState, reasonCode) then do modifyTVar' snapshot (state .~ (agentState, reasonCode)) newSnapshot <- readTVar snapshot Just newSnapshot <$ writeTChan eventChan (StateChange newSnapshot) else pure Nothing case (ns, webHook as) of (Just ns', Just connData) -> sendWH connData aid $ StateChange ns' _ -> pure () -- Ignore state errors _ -> pure () threadDelay $ statePollingDelay (sessionOptions $ dmccHandle as) * 1000000 let ag = Agent device monitorCrossRefID actionChan actionThread rspChan rspThread stateThread eventChan snapshot atomically $ modifyTVar' (agents as) $ Map.insert aid ag releaseAgentLock ah pure ah -- | Translate agent actions into actual DMCC API requests. -- -- TODO Allow agents to control only own calls. processAgentAction :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m) => AgentId -> DeviceId -> TVar AgentSnapshot -> Session -> Action -> m () processAgentAction aid@(AgentId (switch, _)) device snapshot as action = case action of -- We ignore bad requests here. All CSTA errors will be reported -- to the agent. MakeCall toNumber -> do rspDest <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) Rq.GetThirdPartyDeviceId -- Assume destination switch is the same as agent's { switchName = switch , extension = toNumber } case rspDest of Just (Rs.GetThirdPartyDeviceIdResponse destDev) -> do mcr <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) $ Rq.MakeCall device destDev (protocolVersion as) case mcr of Just (Rs.MakeCallResponse callId ucid) -> do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let call = Call Out ucid now [destDev] Nothing False False atomically $ modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ Map.insert callId call _ -> pure () _ -> pure () AnswerCall callId -> simpleRequest Rq.AnswerCall callId HoldCall callId -> simpleRequest Rq.HoldCall callId RetrieveCall callId -> simpleRequest Rq.RetrieveCall callId BargeIn activeCall m -> do sscR <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) $ Rq.SingleStepConferenceCall device activeCall (protocolVersion as) m case sscR of Just (Rs.SingleStepConferenceCallResponse callId) -> do -- Find the call we've stepped in among other agents' calls -- and copy it to us allCalls <- atomically $ do agents <- readTVar (agents as) mapM (fmap _calls . readTVar . DMCC.Agent.snapshot) $ Map.elems agents case Map.lookup callId (Map.unions allCalls) of Just call -> atomically $ modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ Map.insert callId call _ -> pure () _ -> pure () ConferenceCall activeCall heldCall -> simpleRequest2 Rq.ConferenceCall activeCall heldCall TransferCall activeCall heldCall -> simpleRequest2 Rq.TransferCall activeCall heldCall EndCall callId -> simpleRequest Rq.ClearConnection callId -- Synchronous to avoid missed digits if actions queue up SendDigits{..} -> void $ sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) $ Rq.GenerateDigits digits device callId (protocolVersion as) SetState newState -> do cs <- atomically $ readTVar snapshot when (fst (_state cs) /= Just Busy) $ simpleRequest Rq.SetAgentState newState where arq = sendRequestAsync (dmccHandle as) $ Just aid simpleRequest rq arg = arq $ rq device arg $ protocolVersion as simpleRequest2 rq arg1 arg2 = arq $ rq device arg1 arg2 $ protocolVersion as -- | Process DMCC API events/errors for this agent to change its snapshot -- and broadcast events further. processAgentEvent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadCatch m) => AgentId -> DeviceId -> TVar AgentSnapshot -> TChan AgentEvent -> Session -> Rs.Response -> m () processAgentEvent aid device snapshot eventChan as rs = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime case rs of -- Report all errors to the agent Rs.CSTAErrorCodeResponse err -> atomically $ writeTChan eventChan $ RequestError $ unpack err -- New outgoing call -- -- MakeCallResponse handler should have already added the call -- information to agent state. If this is not the case (which -- occurs when multiple DMCC library sessions interact with the -- same AVAYA instance), we add the call after finding out its -- UCID. Rs.EventResponse _ ev@Rs.OriginatedEvent{..} -> do s <- readTVarIO snapshot updSnapshot' <- if Map.member callId $ _calls s then pure s else do gcldr <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) $ Rq.GetCallLinkageData device callId (protocolVersion as) case gcldr of Just (Rs.GetCallLinkageDataResponse ucid) -> atomically $ do let call = Call Out ucid now [calledDevice] Nothing False False modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ Map.insert callId call readTVar snapshot _ -> do atomically $ writeTChan eventChan $ TelephonyEventError "Bad GetCallLinkageDataResponse" pure s atomically $ writeTChan eventChan $ TelephonyEvent ev s case webHook as of Just connData -> sendWH connData aid $ TelephonyEvent ev updSnapshot' _ -> pure () -- All other telephony events Rs.EventResponse _ ev -> do (updSnapshot, report) <- atomically $ do -- Return True if the event must be reported to agent event chan report <- case ev of Rs.OriginatedEvent{..} -> -- Should have already been handled in a branch above pure True -- New call Rs.DeliveredEvent{..} -> do s <- readTVar snapshot if Map.member callId $ _calls s then pure False else -- DeliveredEvent arrives after OriginatedEvent for -- outgoing calls too, but we keep the original call -- information. True <$ modifyTVar' snapshot (calls %~ Map.insert callId call) where call = Call dir ucid now [interloc] Nothing False False (dir, interloc) = if callingDevice == device then (Out, calledDevice) else (In distributingVdn, callingDevice) Rs.DivertedEvent{..} -> do modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ at callId .~ Nothing pure True Rs.EstablishedEvent{..} -> do callOperation callId (\call -> Map.insert callId call{answered = Just now}) "Established connection to an undelivered call" pure True Rs.FailedEvent{..} -> do callOperation callId (\call -> Map.insert callId call{failed = True}) "Failed an unknown call" pure True -- ConnectionCleared event arrives when line is put on HOLD too. -- A real call-ending ConnectionCleared is distinguished by its -- releasingDevice value. Rs.ConnectionClearedEvent{..} -> do let really = releasingDevice == device when really $ modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ at callId .~ Nothing pure really Rs.HeldEvent{..} -> do callOperation callId (\call -> Map.insert callId call{held = True}) "Held an undelivered call" pure True Rs.RetrievedEvent{..} -> do callOperation callId (\call -> Map.insert callId call{held = False}) "Retrieved an undelivered call" pure True -- Conferencing call A to call B yields ConferencedEvent with -- primaryCall=B and secondaryCall=A, while call A dies. Rs.ConferencedEvent prim sec -> do s <- readTVar snapshot case (Map.lookup prim $ _calls s, Map.lookup sec $ _calls s) of (Just oldCall, Just newCall) -> do modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ at prim .~ Nothing let callHandler call = Map.insert sec call{interlocutors = interlocutors oldCall <> interlocutors newCall} callOperation sec callHandler "Conferenced an undelivered call" pure True -- ConferencedEvent may also be produced after a new -- established call but not caused by an actual conference -- user request (recorder single-stepping in). _ -> pure False Rs.TransferedEvent prim sec -> do modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ at prim .~ Nothing modifyTVar' snapshot $ calls %~ at sec .~ Nothing pure True Rs.UnknownEvent -> pure False s <- readTVar snapshot when report $ writeTChan eventChan $ TelephonyEvent ev s pure (s, report) -- Call webhook if necessary case (webHook as, report) of (Just connData, True) -> sendWH connData aid $ TelephonyEvent ev updSnapshot _ -> pure () -- All other responses cannot arrive to an agent _ -> pure () where -- | Atomically modify one of the calls. callOperation :: CallId -- ^ CallId to find in calls map -> (Call -> Map.Map CallId Call -> Map.Map CallId Call) -- ^ How to modify calls map if the call has been found -> String -- ^ Error message if no such call found -> STM () callOperation callId callMod err = do s <- readTVar snapshot case Map.lookup callId $ _calls s of Just call -> modifyTVar' snapshot $ \m -> m & calls %~ callMod call Nothing -> writeTChan eventChan $ TelephonyEventError err -- | Send agent event data to a web hook endpoint, ignoring possible -- exceptions. sendWH :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadCatch m) => (HTTP.Request, HTTP.Manager) -> AgentId -> AgentEvent -> m () sendWH (req, mgr) aid payload = handle errHandler $ void $ liftIO $ httpNoBody req{requestBody = rqBody, method = "POST"} mgr where rqBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS $ A.encode $ WHEvent aid payload errHandler (e :: HTTP.HttpException) = logErrorN $ pack $ "Webhook error for agent " <> show aid <> ", event " <> show payload <> ": " <> show e -- | Forget about an agent, releasing his device and monitors. releaseAgent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m) => AgentHandle -> m () releaseAgent ah@(AgentHandle (aid, as)) = do prev <- atomically $ do locks <- readTVar $ agentLocks as if Set.member aid locks then retry else do ags <- readTVar $ agents as case Map.lookup aid ags of Just ag -> placeAgentLock ah >> pure (Just ag) Nothing -> pure Nothing case prev of Nothing -> throwIO $ UnknownAgent aid Just ag -> handle (\e -> releaseAgentLock ah >> throwIO (e :: IOException)) $ do killThread (actionThread ag) killThread (rspThread ag) killThread (stateThread ag) _ <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) Rq.MonitorStop { acceptedProtocol = protocolVersion as , monitorCrossRefID = monitorId ag } _ <- sendRequestSync (dmccHandle as) (Just aid) Rq.ReleaseDeviceId{device = deviceId ag} atomically $ modifyTVar' (agents as) (Map.delete aid) releaseAgentLock ah pure () -- | Attach an event handler to an agent. Exceptions are not handled. handleEvents :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadThrow m) => AgentHandle -> (AgentEvent -> m ()) -> m ThreadId handleEvents (AgentHandle (aid, as)) handler = do ags <- atomically $ readTVar $ agents as case Map.lookup aid ags of Nothing -> throwIO $ UnknownAgent aid Just Agent{..} -> do sub <- atomically $ dupTChan eventChan forever $ handler =<< atomically (readTChan sub) getAgentSnapshot :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadThrow m) => AgentHandle -> m AgentSnapshot getAgentSnapshot (AgentHandle (aid, as)) = do ags <- readTVarIO $ agents as case Map.lookup aid ags of Nothing -> throwIO $ UnknownAgent aid Just Agent{..} -> readTVarIO snapshot