{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module YumRepoFile ( Mode(..), SpecificChange(..), readRepos, RepoState, selectRepo, changeRepo, saveRepo, updateState, expiring, deleting ) where import Data.List.Extra (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, stripInfix, trim) import SimpleCmd (error') type RepoState = (String,(Bool,FilePath)) data Mode = AddCopr String | AddKoji String | EnableRepo String | DisableRepo String | ExpireRepo String | DeleteRepo String | Specific SpecificChange deriving (Eq, Ord) data SpecificChange = EnableModular | DisableModular | EnableTesting | DisableTesting | EnableDebuginfo | DisableDebuginfo | EnableSource | DisableSource deriving (Eq, Ord) repoSubstr :: SpecificChange -> String repoSubstr EnableModular = "-modular" repoSubstr DisableModular = "-modular" repoSubstr EnableTesting = "-testing" repoSubstr DisableTesting = "-testing" repoSubstr EnableDebuginfo = "-debuginfo" repoSubstr DisableDebuginfo = "-debuginfo" repoSubstr EnableSource = "-source" repoSubstr DisableSource = "-source" data ChangeEnable = Disable String | Enable String | Expire String | Delete FilePath deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) changeRepo :: ChangeEnable -> [String] changeRepo (Disable r) = ["--disablerepo", r] changeRepo (Enable r) = ["--enablerepo", r] changeRepo _ = [] saveRepo :: ChangeEnable -> [String] saveRepo (Disable r) = ["--disable", r] saveRepo (Enable r) = ["--enable", r] saveRepo _ = [] expiring :: ChangeEnable -> Maybe String expiring (Expire r) = Just r expiring _ = Nothing deleting :: ChangeEnable -> Maybe String deleting (Delete r) = Just r deleting _ = Nothing updateState :: [ChangeEnable] -> RepoState -> RepoState updateState [] rs = rs updateState (ce:ces) re@(repo,(enabled,file)) = case ce of Disable r | r == repo && enabled -> (repo,(False,file)) Enable r | r == repo && not enabled -> (repo,(True,file)) _ -> updateState ces re selectRepo :: Bool -> [RepoState] -> [Mode] -> [ChangeEnable] selectRepo exact repostates modes = foldr selectRepo' [] (sort modes) where selectRepo' :: Mode -> [ChangeEnable] -> [ChangeEnable] selectRepo' mode acc = acc ++ concatMap (selectRepoMode mode acc) repostates selectRepoMode :: Mode -> [ChangeEnable] -> RepoState -> [ChangeEnable] selectRepoMode mode acc (name,(enabled,file)) = case mode of AddCopr repo -> [Enable name | repo `isSuffixOf` name, not enabled] AddKoji repo -> [Enable name | repo `isSuffixOf` name, not enabled] EnableRepo pat -> [Enable name | pat `matchesRepo` name, not enabled] DisableRepo pat -> [Disable name | pat `matchesRepo` name, enabled] ExpireRepo pat -> [Expire name | pat `matchesRepo` name] DeleteRepo pat -> if pat `matchesRepo` name then if enabled then error' $ "disable repo before deleting: " ++ name else [Delete file] else [] Specific change -> let substr = repoSubstr change in if change `elem` [EnableModular,EnableTesting,EnableDebuginfo,EnableSource] then [Enable name | substr `isInfixOf` name, not enabled, repoStatus acc (removeInfix substr name) True] else [Disable name | substr `isInfixOf` name, enabled] repoStatus :: [ChangeEnable] -> String -> Bool -> Bool repoStatus acc repo state = case lookup repo repostates of Just (enabled,_) -> enabled == state || Enable repo `elem` acc Nothing -> False matchesRepo :: String -> String -> Bool matchesRepo "" = error' "empty repo pattern" matchesRepo pat = if exact then (pat ==) else case ('^' == head pat,'$' == last pat) of (True,True) -> (init (tail pat) ==) (True,False) -> (tail pat `isPrefixOf`) (False,True) -> (init pat `isSuffixOf`) _ -> (pat `isInfixOf`) readRepos :: FilePath -> IO [RepoState] readRepos file = parseRepos file . lines <$> readFile file -- parse ini parseRepos :: FilePath -> [String] -> [RepoState] parseRepos file ls = case nextSection ls of Nothing -> [] Just (section,rest) -> let (enabled,more) = case dropWhile (not . ("enabled=" `isPrefixOf`)) rest of [] -> error' $ "no enabled field for " ++ section (e:more') -> case trim e of "enabled=1" -> (True,more') "enabled=0" -> (False,more') _ -> error' $ "unknown enabled state " ++ e ++ " for " ++ section in (section,(enabled,file)) : parseRepos file more where nextSection :: [String] -> Maybe (String,[String]) nextSection [] = Nothing nextSection (l:ls') = case l of ('[' : rest) -> if last rest == ']' then Just (init rest, ls') else error' $ "bad section " ++ l ++ " in " ++ file _ -> nextSection ls' -- adapted from simple-cmd removeInfix :: String -> String-> String removeInfix inf orig = maybe orig (uncurry (++)) $ stripInfix inf orig