dns-1.4.3: DNS library in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




A thread-safe DNS library for both clients and servers written in pure Haskell. The Network.DNS module re-exports all other exposed modules for convenience. Applications will most likely use the high-level interface, while library/daemon authors may need to use the lower-level one. EDNS0 and TCP fallback are not supported yet.


High level

The Network.DNS.Lookup module contains simple functions to perform various DNS lookups. If you simply want to resolve a hostname (lookupA), or find a domain's MX record (lookupMX), this is the easiest way to do it.

The Network.DNS.Resolver module is slightly more low-level than Network.DNS.Lookup. If you need to do something unusual, you may need to use the lookup, lookupAuth, or lookupRaw functions.

The Network.DNS.Utils module contains utility functions used for processing DNS data.

All of the types that the other modules use.

Low level

Decoding a response.

Encoding a query.