# doctemplates ## 0.4 * Split into three modules. Main module only exports an opaque version of the Template type. Import Internal if you need to manipulate a Template. * Add Context type, parameterized on the underlying content's type. * Add Val type. * Add valueToContext for converting an Aeson Value to a Context. * Make renderTemplate and applyTemplate polymorphic in both context and target. Context parameter is now any instance of ToContext (instead of ToJSON). Result is now any instance of TemplateTarget. * Change type of getPartial in TemplateMonad so it runs in the TemplateMonad instance, not the Parser. Return a simple value rather than an Either; error handling can vary with the monad. * Remove TemplatePart. Template is now an algebraci data type, not a list of TemplateParts. * Add an Indented type to indicate indentation for interpolated variables. * Improve architecture, doing more at compile time. * Depend on doclayout. Context can be parameterized on a doclayout Doc type, allowing intelligent reflowing of content. * Remove single final newline in interpolated variable. * Remove final newline from partial. * Don't iterate when the variable evaluates to NullVal. * Only indented interpolated variables if by themselves on line. * Add Indented parameter to Interpolate constructor. * Update documentation and haddocks. * Add benchmark. ## * Bump lower bound on base to 4.9, drop support for ghc 7.10. * Add needed import for older base versions. * Add test.hs to repository. ## 0.3 * Note that all of the changes to template syntax described below are backwards compatible, and all old pandoc templates should continue to work as before. * Allow `${...}` style delimiters around variables and directives, in addition to `$...$`. Allow space around the delimiters. * Support `$it$` as a variable for the current value in an iteration. (The old method, where the containing variable name is used, still works.) * Support partials (subtemplates defined in different files). * Interpolated array variables now have all elements rendered, concatenated, with an optional separator that can be specified using a new bracketed syntax. * Remove `TemplateTarget` class. It was pointless; the calling program can just do these trivial transformations. Avoids dependencies on bytestring, blaze-html, blaze-markup. * Change type of `renderTemplate` and `applyTemplate` to produce a `Text`, instead of being polymorphic. * Changed type of `compileTemplate`: it now takes a template path and the template contents, and returns either a template or an error. It runs in an instance of `TemplateMonad`, which is an abstraction around different ways of getting partials. (For example, in IO we can get partials by reading them from a file system, but in a web application one might want to obtain them from the database or have a set of them baked in.) * Remove `varListToJSON`. * Changed the architecture: `Template` is no longer just a newtype around a function, but a list of `TemplatePart`s. * Added a newtype for `Variable`. * Improved documentation in README.md. * Added a new test framework and much more extensive tests.