module Main (main) where import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import Control.DeepSeq (rnf) import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack, unpack) import Data.Char (chr) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sort) import Data.Monoid (Sum(..)) import Docvim.AST import Docvim.Util (compileUnit, p, pm, pv) import Docvim.Visitor.Symbol (getSymbols) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import System.FilePath ((<.>), replaceExtension, takeBaseName, takeFileName) import System.IO (hFlush, readFile) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import System.Process ( StdStream(CreatePipe) , createProcess , proc , std_out , waitForProcess ) import Test.Tasty (testGroup, TestName, TestTree, defaultMain) import Test.Tasty.Golden (findByExtension) import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest) import Test.Tasty.HUnit -- | Crude check to see if parse worked. parseSuccess :: Either a b -> Bool parseSuccess (Left _) = False parseSuccess _ = True parseFailure :: Either a b -> Bool parseFailure = not . parseSuccess unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [ testCase "Compile empty unit" $ assert $ parseSuccess (compileUnit "") , testCase "Compile whitespace-only unit" $ assert $ parseSuccess (compileUnit " \n ") , testCase "Counting all nodes" $ 7 @=? let tree = Unit [ FunctionDeclaration True "name" (ArgumentList []) [] [UnletStatement True "foo"] , DocBlock [ HeadingAnnotation "foo" , SubheadingAnnotation "bar" , SubheadingAnnotation "baz" ] ] counter _ = 1 nodeCount = getSum $ walk counter (Sum 0) tree in nodeCount , testCase "Gathering specific nodes" $ [SubheadingAnnotation "bar", SubheadingAnnotation "baz"] @=? let tree = DocBlock [ HeadingAnnotation "foo" , SubheadingAnnotation "bar" , SubheadingAnnotation "baz" ] accumulateSubheadings node@(SubheadingAnnotation _) = [node] accumulateSubheadings _ = [] -- skip everything else selection = walk accumulateSubheadings [] tree in selection , testCase "Extracting symbols" $ sort ["foo", "bar", "baz"] @=? let tree = DocBlock [ LinkTargets ["foo"] , LinkTargets ["bar", "baz"] ] symbols = sort $ getSymbols tree in symbols , testCase "Synthesizing symbols from the @plugin annotation" $ sort ["foo", "foo.txt", "bar"] @=? let tree = DocBlock [ PluginAnnotation "foo" "some plugin" , LinkTargets ["bar"] ] symbols = sort $ getSymbols tree in symbols , testCase "Synthesizing symbols from the headings" $ -- will need to pass in plugin name (prefix) to make this work sort ["foo", "foo.txt", "foo-history", "foo-troubleshooting-tips", "bar"] @=? let tree = DocBlock [ PluginAnnotation "foo" "some plugin" , HeadingAnnotation "History" , HeadingAnnotation "Troubleshooting tips" , LinkTargets ["bar"] ] symbols = sort $ getSymbols tree in symbols ] goldenTests :: String -> [FilePath] -> (String -> String) -> TestTree goldenTests description sources transform = testGroup groupName $ do file <- sources -- list monad let run = do input <- readFile file let output = normalize $ transform input return $ pack output -- pack because tasty-golden wants a ByteString name = takeBaseName file golden = replaceExtension file ".golden" diff ref new = [ "git" , "diff" , "--color" , "--diff-algorithm=histogram" , ref , new ] return $ goldenVsStringDiff' name diff golden run where groupName = "Golden " ++ description ++ " tests" -- | Normalize a string to always end with a newline, unless zero-length, to -- match standard text editor behavior. normalize :: String -> String normalize s | s == "" = "" | otherwise = if last s == '\n' then s else s ++ "\n" -- | This is based on `goldenVsStringDiff` function defined in: -- -- -- Differences: -- -- - Omission of the verbose/ugly failure output message (this is the -- motivating change here). -- - Strip diff headers up to first "@@" (again, for brevity). -- - Some revised names to make things a little clearer. -- - Removed an `error` call which I am not worried about needing. -- goldenVsStringDiff' :: TestName -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]) -> FilePath -> IO LazyByteString.ByteString -> TestTree goldenVsStringDiff' name diff golden run = goldenTest name (ByteString.readFile golden) (LazyByteString.toStrict <$> run) compare update where template = takeFileName golden <.> "actual" hunkHeader = map chr [0x1b, 0x5b, 0x33, 0x36, 0x6d] ++ "@@ " strip out = unlines $ dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf hunkHeader) (lines $ unpack out) compare _ actBS = withSystemTempFile template $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do ByteString.hPut tmpHandle actBS >> hFlush tmpHandle let cmd = diff golden tmpFile (_, Just sout, _, pid) <- createProcess (proc (head cmd) (tail cmd)) { std_out = CreatePipe } out <- LazyByteString.hGetContents sout evaluate . rnf $ out r <- waitForProcess pid return $ case r of ExitSuccess -> Nothing _ -> Just (strip out) update = ByteString.writeFile golden getFixtures :: String -> IO [FilePath] getFixtures = findByExtension [".vim"] main :: IO () main = do parserSources <- getFixtures "tests/fixtures/parser" markdownSources <- getFixtures "tests/fixtures/markdown" vimHelpSources <- getFixtures "tests/fixtures/vim" defaultMain $ testGroup "Test suite" [ unitTests , goldenTests "parser" parserSources p , goldenTests "Markdown printer" markdownSources pm , goldenTests "Vim help printer" vimHelpSources pv ]