-- |
-- Module      :  Configuration.Dotenv
-- Copyright   :  © 2015–2016 Stack Builders Inc.
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Stack Builders <hackage@stackbuilders.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains common functions to load and read dotenv files.

module Configuration.Dotenv (load, loadFile, parseFile) where

import System.Environment.Compat (lookupEnv, setEnv)

import Configuration.Dotenv.Parse (configParser)

import Text.Megaparsec (parse)

import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Loads the given list of options into the environment. Optionally
-- override existing variables with values from Dotenv files.
load ::
  Bool -- ^ Override existing settings?
  -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -- ^ List of values to be set in environment
  -> IO ()
load override = mapM_ (applySetting override)

-- | Loads the options in the given file to the environment. Optionally
-- override existing variables with values from Dotenv files.
loadFile ::
  Bool        -- ^ Override existing settings?
  -> FilePath -- ^ A file containing options to load into the environment
  -> IO ()
loadFile override f = load override =<< parseFile f

-- | Parses the given dotenv file and returns values /without/ adding them to
-- the environment.
parseFile ::
  FilePath -- ^ A file containing options to read
  -> IO [(T.Text, T.Text)] -- ^ Variables contained in the file
parseFile f = do
  contents <- readFile f

  case parse configParser f (T.pack contents) of
    Left e        -> error $ "Failed to read file" ++ show e
    Right options -> return options

applySetting :: Bool -> (T.Text, T.Text) -> IO ()
applySetting override (key, value) =
  if override then
    setEnv key' value'

  else do
    res <- lookupEnv key'

    case res of
      Nothing -> setEnv key' value'
      Just _  -> return ()

    where key'   = T.unpack key
          value' = T.unpack value