{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Configuration.Dotenv.ParseSpec (main, spec) where import Configuration.Dotenv.Parse (configParser) import Test.Hspec (it, describe, Spec, hspec) import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (shouldParse, shouldFailOn) import Text.Megaparsec (ParseError, Dec, parse) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "parse" $ do it "parses unquoted values" $ parseConfig "FOO=bar" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "parses values with spaces around equal signs" $ do parseConfig "FOO =bar" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] parseConfig "FOO= bar" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] parseConfig "FOO =\t bar" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "parses double-quoted values" $ parseConfig "FOO=\"bar\"" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "parses single-quoted values" $ parseConfig "FOO='bar'" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "parses escaped double quotes" $ parseConfig "FOO=\"escaped\\\"bar\"" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "escaped\"bar")] it "supports CRLF line breaks" $ parseConfig "FOO=bar\r\nbaz=fbb" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar"), ("baz", "fbb")] it "parses empty values" $ parseConfig "FOO=" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "")] it "does not parse if line format is incorrect" $ do parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "lol$wut" parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "KEY=\nVALUE" parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "KEY\n=VALUE" it "expands newlines in quoted strings" $ parseConfig "FOO=\"bar\nbaz\"" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar\nbaz")] it "does not parse variables with hyphens in the name" $ parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "FOO-BAR=foobar" it "parses variables with \"_\" in the name" $ parseConfig "FOO_BAR=foobar" `shouldParse` [("FOO_BAR", "foobar")] it "parses variables with digits after the first character" $ parseConfig "FOO_BAR_12=foobar" `shouldParse` [("FOO_BAR_12", "foobar")] it "allows vertical spaces after a quoted variable" $ parseConfig "foo='bar' " `shouldParse` [("foo", "bar")] it "does not parse variable names beginning with a digit" $ parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "45FOO_BAR=foobar" it "strips unquoted values" $ parseConfig "foo=bar " `shouldParse` [("foo", "bar")] it "ignores empty lines" $ parseConfig "\n \t \nfoo=bar\n \nfizz=buzz" `shouldParse` [("foo", "bar"), ("fizz", "buzz")] it "ignores inline comments after unquoted arguments" $ parseConfig "FOO=bar # this is foo" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "ignores inline comments after quoted arguments" $ parseConfig "FOO=\"bar\" # this is foo" `shouldParse` [("FOO", "bar")] it "allows \"#\" in quoted values" $ parseConfig "foo=\"bar#baz\" # comment" `shouldParse` [("foo", "bar#baz")] it "ignores comment lines" $ parseConfig "\n\t \n\n # HERE GOES FOO \nfoo=bar" `shouldParse` [("foo", "bar")] it "doesn't allow more configuration options after a quoted value" $ parseConfig `shouldFailOn` "foo='bar'baz='buz'" parseConfig :: String -> Either (ParseError Char Dec) [(String, String)] parseConfig = parse configParser ""