module Language.Dove.Optimize
  ( optimize
  ) where

import Data.List
import Text.Printf

import Language.Dove.Syntax

optimize :: Expr -> Expr
optimize = optRemoveNullEffect . optConstantProp . optInline . optRemoveNullEffect . optConstantProp

optInline :: Expr -> Expr
optInline = optInline' []

optInline' :: [(String, Expr)] -> Expr -> Expr
optInline' env a = case a of
  Var a -> case lookup a env of
    Nothing -> Var a
    Just a  -> a

  -- Inline when a let var is bound to another var.
  Let a (Var b) c -> opt' ((a, Var b) : env) c

  -- Inline when introduced variable is referenced only once.
  Let a b c -> Let a (opt b) (if inline then opt' ((a, opt b) : env) c else opt' env c)
    inline = length (elemIndices a $ vars c) <= 1

  ForAll a b -> ForAll a $ opt' [ (a', b) | (a', b) <- env, a' /= a ] b
  If a b c -> If (opt a) (opt b) (opt c)
  Unit -> Unit
  Bool a -> Bool a
  Integer a -> Integer a
  Record a -> Record [ (a, opt b) | (a, b) <- a ]
  RecordOverlay a b -> RecordOverlay (opt a) (opt b)
  RecordProject a b -> RecordProject (opt a) b
  Array a -> Array $ map opt a
  ArrayUpdate a b c -> ArrayUpdate (opt a) (opt b) (opt c)
  ArrayAppend a b -> ArrayAppend (opt a) (opt b)
  ArrayProject a b -> ArrayProject (opt a) (opt b)
  UniOp a b -> UniOp a (opt b)
  BinOp a b c -> BinOp a (opt b) (opt c)
  Comment _ b -> opt b
  opt  = optInline' env
  opt' = optInline'

optRemoveNullEffect :: Expr -> Expr
optRemoveNullEffect a = case a of
  Let a b c
    | elem a $ vars $ opt c -> Let a (opt b) (opt c)
    | otherwise -> opt c
  ForAll a b
    | elem a $ vars $ opt b -> ForAll a $ opt b
    | otherwise -> opt b
  Var a -> Var a
  If a b c -> If (opt a) (opt b) (opt c)
  UniOp a b -> UniOp a (opt b)
  BinOp a b c -> BinOp a (opt b) (opt c)
  Unit      -> Unit
  Bool    a -> Bool a
  Integer a -> Integer a
  Record        a     -> Record [ (a, opt b) | (a, b) <- a ]
  RecordOverlay a b   -> RecordOverlay (opt a) (opt b)
  RecordProject a b   -> RecordProject (opt a) b
  Array         a     -> Array        (map opt a)
  ArrayAppend   a b   -> ArrayAppend  (opt a) (opt b)
  ArrayUpdate   a b c -> ArrayUpdate  (opt a) (opt b) (opt c)
  ArrayProject  a b   -> ArrayProject (opt a) (opt b)
  Comment       _ b   -> opt b
  opt = optRemoveNullEffect

-- Variables referenced in an expression.
vars :: Expr -> [String]
vars a = case a of
  Var    a     -> [a]
  Let    a b c -> vars b ++ [ v | v <- vars c, v /= a ]
  ForAll a b   -> [ v | v <- vars b, v /= a ]
  If a b c -> vars a ++ vars b ++ vars c
  UniOp _ a -> vars a
  BinOp _ a b -> vars a ++ vars b
  Unit      -> []
  Bool    _ -> []
  Integer _ -> []
  Record        a     -> concatMap vars $ snd $ unzip a
  RecordOverlay a b   -> vars a ++ vars b
  RecordProject a _   -> vars a
  Array         a     -> concatMap vars a
  ArrayAppend   a b   -> vars a ++ vars b
  ArrayProject  a b   -> vars a ++ vars b
  ArrayUpdate   a b c -> vars a ++ vars b ++ vars c
  Comment       _ b   -> vars b

optConstantProp :: Expr -> Expr
optConstantProp = optConstantProp' []

optConstantProp' :: [(String, Expr)] -> Expr -> Expr
optConstantProp' env a = case a of
  Unit      -> Unit
  Bool    a -> Bool a
  Integer a -> Integer a

  UniOp Not a -> case opt a of
    UniOp Not a -> a
    Bool a -> Bool $ not a
    a      -> UniOp Not a

  UniOp Negate a -> case opt a of
    Integer a -> Integer $ negate a
    a -> UniOp Negate a

  UniOp Abs a -> case opt a of
    Integer a -> Integer $ abs a
    a -> UniOp Abs a

  UniOp Signum a -> case opt a of
    Integer a -> Integer $ signum a
    a -> UniOp Signum a

  UniOp Length a -> case opt a of
    Array a -> Integer $ fromIntegral $ length a
    a -> UniOp Length a

  UniOp IsArray a -> case opt a of
    Array _ -> Bool True
    ArrayAppend _ _ -> Bool True
    ArrayUpdate _ _ _ -> Bool True
    a -> UniOp IsArray a

  UniOp IsInt a -> case opt a of
    Integer _ -> Bool True
    Unit      -> Bool False
    Bool    _ -> Bool False
    Record        _     -> Bool False
    RecordOverlay _ _   -> Bool False
    Array         _     -> Bool False
    ArrayAppend   _ _   -> Bool False
    ArrayUpdate   _ _ _ -> Bool False
    a -> UniOp IsInt a

  BinOp And a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Bool a, Bool b) -> Bool $ a && b
    (Bool False, _)  -> false
    (_, Bool False)  -> false
    (Bool True, b)   -> b
    (a, Bool True)   -> a
    (a, UniOp Not b) | a == b -> false
    (UniOp Not a, b) | a == b -> false
    (a, b)
      | a == b       -> a
      | otherwise    -> BinOp And a b

  BinOp Or a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Bool a, Bool b) -> Bool $ a || b
    (Bool True, _)   -> true
    (_, Bool True)   -> true
    (Bool False, b)  -> b
    (a, Bool False)  -> a
    (a, UniOp Not b) | a == b -> true
    (UniOp Not a, b) | a == b -> true
    (a, b)
      | a == b       -> a
      | otherwise    -> BinOp Or a b

  BinOp Implies a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Bool a, Bool b) -> Bool $ not a || b
    (Bool False, _)  -> true
    (_, Bool True)   -> true
    (Bool True, b)   -> b
    (a, b)
      | a == b       -> true
      | otherwise    -> BinOp Implies a b

  BinOp Eq a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Bool a, Bool b)       -> Bool $ a == b
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Bool $ a == b
    (a, b)
      | a == b -> true
      | otherwise -> BinOp Eq a b

  BinOp Lt a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Bool $ a < b
    (a, b)
      | a == b -> false
      | otherwise -> BinOp Lt a b

  BinOp Le a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Bool $ a <= b
    (a, b)
      | a == b -> false
      | otherwise -> BinOp Le a b

  BinOp Gt a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Bool $ a > b
    (a, b)
      | a == b -> false
      | otherwise -> BinOp Gt a b

  BinOp Ge a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Bool $ a >= b
    (a, b)
      | a == b -> false
      | otherwise -> BinOp Ge a b

  BinOp Add a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Integer $ a + b
    (a, b) -> BinOp Add a b

  BinOp Sub a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Integer $ a - b
    (a, b) -> BinOp Sub a b

  BinOp Mul a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Integer $ a * b
    (a, b) -> BinOp Mul a b

  BinOp Mod a b -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Integer a, Integer b) -> Integer $ mod a b
    (a, b) -> BinOp Mod a b

  Var    a     -> case lookup a env of
    Nothing -> Var a
    Just a  -> a

  Let    a b c -> case opt b of
    Unit      -> opt' ((a, Unit     ) : env) c
    Bool    b -> opt' ((a, Bool    b) : env) c
    Integer b -> opt' ((a, Integer b) : env) c
    Record  b -> opt' ((a, Record  b) : env) c
    Array   b -> opt' ((a, Array   b) : env) c
    b -> Let a b (opt c)

  ForAll a b   -> ForAll a $ opt' [ (a', b) | (a', b) <- env, a' /= a ]  b

  If a b c -> case (opt a, opt b, opt c) of
    (Bool a, b, c) -> if a then b else c
    (a, b, c)
      | b == c -> b
      | otherwise -> If a b c

  Record        a     -> Record [ (a, opt b) | (a, b) <- a ]
  RecordOverlay a b   -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Record a, Record b) -> Record $ a ++ [ b | b <- b, notElem (fst b) $ fst $ unzip a ]
    (a, b)               -> RecordOverlay a b
  RecordProject a b   -> case opt a of
    Record a -> case lookup b a of
      Nothing -> error $ printf "Record %s doesn't have field '%s'." (show (Record a)) b
      Just b  -> b
    a -> RecordProject a b

  Array       a     -> Array $ map opt a
  ArrayAppend a b   -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Array a, Array b) -> Array $ a ++ b
    (a, b)             -> ArrayAppend a b

  ArrayProject a b   -> case (opt a, opt b) of
    (Array a, Integer b')
      | b < length a -> a !! b
      | otherwise -> error "Index exceeds bounds of array."
      b = fromInteger b'
    (a, b) -> ArrayProject a b

  ArrayUpdate  a b c -> case (opt a, opt b, opt c) of
    (Integer a', b, Array c)
      | a < length c -> Array $ take a c ++ [b] ++ drop (a + 1) c
      | otherwise -> error "Index exceeds bounds of array."
      a = fromInteger a'
    (a, b, c) -> ArrayUpdate a b c

  Comment _ b -> opt b

  opt  = optConstantProp' env
  opt' = optConstantProp'