# Dovin A proof assistant for [Possibility Storm](http://www.possibilitystorm.com/)-style Magic: The Gathering puzzles. > He has an innate talent, heightened by magic, that allows him to clearly see > the flaws in any system or machine. After mere moments of scrutiny, Dovin can > provide a complete analysis, noting a particular machine's weaknesses, > highlighting its shortcomings, and predicting with startling accuracy exactly > how and when it will fail. --- [Dovin Baan, Planeswalker](https://magic.wizards.com/en/story/planeswalkers/dovin-baan) It provides a haskell DSL for expressing Magic actions, with tracking of life and other counters and validation of pre- and post- conditions. For example, if you try to tap a permanent that is already tapped, it will error. Or if you try to target a creature with hexproof. It can also track state-based effects, such as "all creatures get +1/+1" or "other creatures gain hexproof". It does not try to provide a full ruleset implementation, instead it's more akin to letting you lay out cards and counters in front of you and manipulate them as you would in a real game of paper magic. I've only added actions "as needed" to solve problems, so the built-in functions are rather incomplete right now. It is straightforward to add more though. See `src/Dovin/V2.hs` in conjuction with `src/Dovin/Actions.hs` for supported and tested actions, and `src/Dovin/Dump.hs` for untested experimental ones. ## Example ``` haskell module Solutions.Example where import Dovin.V2 main = run formatter solution solution :: GameMonad () solution = do step "Initial state" $ do setLife Opponent 3 withLocation Hand $ addInstant "Plummet" withLocation Play $ do addLands 2 "Forest" as Opponent $ do withLocation Play $ do withAttributes [flying, token] $ addCreature (4, 4) "Angel" withAttributes [flying] $ withEffect matchInPlay (matchOtherCreatures <> (const $ matchAttribute creature)) (pure . setAttribute hexproof) $ addCreature (3, 4) "Shalai, Voice of Plenty" step "Plummet to destroy Shalai" $ do tapForMana "G" (numbered 1 "Forest") tapForMana "G" (numbered 2 "Forest") cast "1G" "Plummet" resolve "Plummet" with "Shalai, Voice of Plenty" $ \enemy -> do target enemy validate (matchAttribute flying) enemy destroy enemy formatter :: Int -> Formatter formatter 2 = manaFormatter <> cardFormatter "opponent creatures" (matchLocation (Opponent, Play)) formatter _ = boardFormatter manaFormatter = attributeFormatter $ do attribute "availble mana" $ countCards (matchAttribute land <> missingAttribute tapped) ``` `run` uses the supplied formatter to print out the board state at each step: 1. Initial state (Active,Hand): Plummet (instant) (Active,Play): Forest 1 (land) Forest 2 (land) (Opponent,Play): Angel (creature,flying,hexproof,token) (4/4, 0) Shalai, Voice of Plenty (creature,flying) (3/4, 0) 2. Plummet to destroy Shalai availble mana: 0 opponent creatures: Angel (creature,flying,token) (4/4, 0) ## Solutions Index See `src/Solutions` for more extensive usage (spoiler alert: these are solutions for published Possibility Storm puzzles!) * `Dominaria5` uses a planeswalker. * `RivalsOfIxalan7` uses `withEffect` to model `exert` effects, and shows how to verify multiple blocking scenarios. * `Core19_9` has a fancy formatter to correctly track how much mana is available when working with `Powerstone Shard`, as well as spell tracking for `Aetherflux Reservoir`. * `GuildsOfRavnicaPre2` uses `forCards` to model undergrowth for a `Rhizome Lurcher`. * `GuildsOfRavnica1` uses `mentor`. * `GuildsOfRavnica3` uses a sacrifice wrapper to repeatedly create treasure tokens. * `GuildsOfRavnica8` shows using counters to correctly track `Muldrotha, the Gravetide` usage. * `GuildsOfRavnica9` handles `storm`. * `ExplorersOfIxalanContest` handles some pretty weird damage interactions. * `UltimateMasters` shows how to track opponent actions. * `ChannelFireball` automatically calculates High Tide mana. ## Development bin/dev # Launch an interactive REPL bin/test # Runs all tests and lints bin/run # Runs all solutions `src/Dovin/Dump.hs` is currently a dumping ground for prototype code. Actions are in the process of being moved to `Dovin.Actions`. To be moved they must: * Be unit tested. * Be documented. * The primary target card of an action should be the final parameter.