{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Dovin.Types where import Control.Lens (Lens', Prism', makeLenses, over, view, _1, _Just, at, non) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT) import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT) import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity) import Control.Monad.State (StateT) import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import qualified Data.Set as S import GHC.Generics type CardName = String type CardAttribute = String data Player = Active | Opponent deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord) -- This is pretty dodgy - one char per mana - but works for now. type ManaPool = String type ManaString = String -- TODO: Stack shouldn't be in here because there is only one of them data Location = Hand | Graveyard | Play | Stack | Exile deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data CardEffect = CardEffect { _effectEnabled :: CardMatcher , _effectFilter :: Card -> CardMatcher , _effectAction :: Card -> GameMonad Card } mkEffect enabled filter action = CardEffect -- For an effect to be enabled, it's host card must currently match this -- matcher. { _effectEnabled = enabled -- If the effect is enabled, this filter determines wheter any particular -- card is affected by it. , _effectFilter = filter -- The action to apply to affected cards. , _effectAction = action } -- A target for a spell or ability. data Target = TargetPlayer Player -- ^ Target a player, use 'targetPlayer' to construct. | TargetCard CardName -- ^ Target a card, use 'targetCard' to construct. targetPlayer = TargetPlayer targetCard = TargetCard type CardLocation = (Player, Location) type CardAttributes = S.Set CardAttribute data CardStrength = CardStrength Int Int deriving (Eq) instance Show CardStrength where show (CardStrength p t) = show p <> "/" <> show t -- | A phase or step in a turn. Phases and steps are not distinguished between -- because haven't seen a need to. data Phase = Untap | Upkeep | DrawStep | FirstMain | BeginCombat | DeclareAttackers | DeclareBlockers | FirstStrikeDamage | CombatDamage | EndCombat | SecondMain | EndStep deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Card = Card { _cardName :: CardName , _location :: (Player, Location) , _cardDefaultAttributes :: CardAttributes , _cardAttributes :: CardAttributes , _cardStrength :: CardStrength , _cardDamage :: Int , _cardLoyalty :: Int , _cardEffects :: [CardEffect] -- Can probably generalize this more at some point. , _cardPlusOneCounters :: Int } instance Hashable Player instance Show Card where show = _cardName instance Eq Card where a == b = _cardName a == _cardName b newtype BaseCard = BaseCard Card deriving (Show, Eq) data CardMatcher = CardMatcher String (Card -> Bool) type EffectName = String data Board = Board { _cards :: M.HashMap CardName BaseCard -- The stack is currently the only location where we care about order, so -- store that information alongside the main _cards map. This won't scale - -- deck and graveyard need to be ordered also - but works for now. Need to -- think more about "hiding" this data structure. , _stack :: [CardName] , _counters :: M.HashMap String Int -- In theory, life could be just another counter. Need to think more about -- making that happen. , _life :: M.HashMap Player Int , _manaPool :: M.HashMap Player ManaPool , _phase :: Phase } data Env = Env { _envTemplate :: Card , _envSBAEnabled :: Bool , _envActor :: Player } type GameMonad a = (ExceptT String (ReaderT Env (StateT Board (WriterT [(String, Board)] Identity)))) a type Formatter = Board -> String makeLenses ''Board makeLenses ''Card makeLenses ''CardEffect makeLenses ''Env cardLocation :: Control.Lens.Lens' Card (Player, Location) cardLocation = location cardOwner :: Control.Lens.Lens' Card Player cardOwner = cardLocation . _1 -- TODO: How to define these lenses using built-in Lens primitives -- (Control.Lens.Wrapped?) cardPower :: Control.Lens.Lens' Card Int cardPower f parent = fmap (\x -> over cardStrength (setPower x) parent) (f . power . view cardStrength $ parent) where setPower p (CardStrength _ t) = CardStrength p t power (CardStrength p _) = p cardToughness :: Control.Lens.Lens' Card Int cardToughness f parent = fmap (\x -> over cardStrength (setToughness x) parent) (f . toughness . view cardStrength $ parent) where setToughness t (CardStrength p _) = CardStrength p t toughness (CardStrength _ t) = t manaPoolFor p = manaPool . at p . non mempty -- I can't figure out the right type signature for manaPoolFor, so instead -- providing this function to make it inferrable. _manaPoolForTyping :: Board -> ManaPool _manaPoolForTyping = view (manaPoolFor Active) instance Show CardMatcher where show _ = "" instance Semigroup CardMatcher where (CardMatcher d1 f) <> (CardMatcher d2 g) = CardMatcher (d1 <> " and " <> d2) $ \c -> f c && g c instance Monoid CardMatcher where mempty = CardMatcher "" $ const True instance Semigroup CardStrength where CardStrength p1 t1 <> CardStrength p2 t2 = CardStrength (p1 + p2) (t1 + t2) instance Monoid CardStrength where mempty = CardStrength 0 0 emptyEnv = Env { _envTemplate = emptyCard , _envSBAEnabled = True , _envActor = Active } mkStrength (p, t) = CardStrength p t emptyCard = mkCard "" (Active, Hand) mkCard name location = Card { _cardName = name , _location = location , _cardDefaultAttributes = mempty , _cardAttributes = mempty , _cardStrength = mempty , _cardDamage = 0 , _cardLoyalty = 0 , _cardEffects = mempty , _cardPlusOneCounters = 0 } opposing :: Player -> Player opposing Active = Opponent opposing Opponent = Active emptyBoard = Board { _cards = mempty , _counters = mempty , _stack = mempty , _life = mempty , _manaPool = mempty , _phase = FirstMain }