module Move where import TestPrelude test_Move = testGroup "move/moveTo" [ prove "moves card from one location to another" $ do withLocation (Active, Hand) $ addLand "Forest" move (Active, Hand) (Active, Exile) "Forest" validate "Forest" $ matchLocation (Active, Exile) , prove "exiles jumpstart'ed cards" $ do withLocation (Active, Stack) $ addInstant "Chemister's Insight" gainAttribute exileWhenLeaveStack "Chemister's Insight" move (Active, Stack) (Active, Graveyard) "Chemister's Insight" validate "Chemister's Insight" $ matchLocation (Active, Exile) <> missingAttribute exileWhenLeaveStack , prove "adds summoned attribute when moving to play" $ do withLocation (Active, Hand) $ addLand "Forest" move (Active, Hand) (Active, Play) "Forest" validate "Forest" $ matchAttribute summoned , prove "removes gained attribute when leaving play" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addLand "Forest" gainAttribute "bogus" "Forest" move (Active, Play) (Active, Hand) "Forest" validate "Forest" $ missingAttribute "bogus" , prove "adds +1/+1 to when undying" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ withAttribute undying $ addCreature (1, 1) "Zombie" moveTo Graveyard "Zombie" validate "Zombie" $ matchLocation (Active, Play) <> matchPlusOneCounters 1 , prove "moves to graveyard when undying and has +1/+1 counters" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ withAttribute undying $ withPlusOneCounters 3 $ addCreature (1, 1) "Zombie" moveTo Graveyard "Zombie" validate "Zombie" $ matchLocation (Active, Graveyard) <> matchPlusOneCounters 0 , prove "removes damage when leaving play" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ addCreature (1, 1) "Zombie" modifyCard "Zombie" cardDamage (const 1) moveTo Graveyard "Zombie" validate "Zombie" $ matchDamage 0 , prove "moves card to graveyard of same owner" $ do withLocation (Opponent, Hand) $ addLand "Forest" moveTo Graveyard "Forest" validate "Forest" $ matchLocation (Opponent, Graveyard) , prove "can change controller of token" $ do withLocation (Active, Play) $ withAttribute token $ addArtifact "Treasure" move (Active, Play) (Opponent, Play) "Treasure" validate "Treasure" $ matchLocation (Opponent, Play) , refute "cannot move to stack" "cannot move directly to stack" $ do withLocation (Active, Hand) $ addInstant "Shock" move (Active, Hand) (Active, Stack) "Shock" , refute "requires card exists" "Card does not exist: Forest" $ do move (Active, Hand) (Active, Exile) "Forest" , refute "cannot move to same location" "cannot move to same location" $ do withLocation (Active, Hand) $ addInstant "Shock" move (Active, Hand) (Active, Hand) "Shock" , refute "cannot move token from non-play location" "cannot move token from non-play location" $ do withLocation (Active, Graveyard) $ withAttribute token $ addArtifact "Treasure" move (Active, Graveyard) (Active, Play) "Treasure" , refute "cannot move copy from non-stack location" "cannot move copy from non-stack location" $ do withLocation (Active, Hand) $ addInstant "Shock" cast "" "Shock" copySpell "Shock" "Shock 1" >> resolveTop move (Active, Graveyard) (Active, Play) "Shock 1" ]