import Downhill.BVar(bvarValue) import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup, TestTree) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCase, (@?=)) import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty import Downhill.BVar.Num (NumBVar(..), backpropNum, constant, var, numbvarValue, AsNum) import DownhillTest.Traversable(recordTest) import DownhillTest.TH (thTest) basicTests = testGroup "Basic tests" [ testCase "Derivative of constant == 0" testConstant , testCase "Derivative of identity == 1" testIdentity , testCase "Derivative of simple polynomial" testPoly ] where testConstant = backpropNum (constant 3 :: NumBVar Integer) @?= 0 testIdentity = backpropNum (var 3 :: NumBVar Integer) @?= 1 testPoly = let x = var 5 :: NumBVar Integer y = 3*x :: NumBVar Integer in backpropNum ((2+3*x) * (5+7*x)) @?= 29 + 42 * numbvarValue x tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [basicTests, recordTest, thTest] main = defaultMain tests