{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
#include "fusion-phases.h"

-- | Operations on Distributed Segment Descriptors
module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Data.USegd.Split
        ( splitSegdOnSegsD
        , splitSegdOnElemsD
        , splitSD
        , joinSegdD
        , glueSegdD)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Data.USegd.Base
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Arrays
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Combinators
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Primitive
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USegd                    (USegd)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Vector                   (Vector, Unbox)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Base
import Data.Bits                                                        (shiftR)
import Control.Monad                                                    (when)
import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USegd          as USegd
import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Vector         as Seq
import Debug.Trace

here :: String -> String
here s = "Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.USegd." ++ s

-- | Split a segment descriptor across the gang, segment wise.
--   Whole segments are placed on each thread, and we try to balance out
--   the segments so each thread has the same number of array elements.
--   We don't split segments across threads, as this would limit our ability
--   to perform intra-thread fusion of lifted operations. The down side
--   of this is that if we have few segments with an un-even size distribution
--   then large segments can cause the gang to become unbalanced.
--   In the following example the segment with size 100 dominates and
--   unbalances the gang. There is no reason to put any segments on the
--   the last thread because we need to wait for the first to finish anyway.
--   @ > pprp $ splitSegdOnSegsD theGang
--            $ lengthsToUSegd $ fromList [100, 10, 20, 40, 50  :: Int]
--     DUSegd lengths:   DVector lengths:  [ 1,    3,         1,  0]
--                                chunks:  [[100],[10,20,40],[50],[]]
--            indices:   DVector lengths:  [1,3,1,0]
--                                chunks:  [[0],  [0,10,30], [0], []]
--            elements:  DInt [100,70,50,0]
--   @
--  NOTE: This splitSegdOnSegsD function isn't currently used.
splitSegdOnSegsD :: Gang -> USegd -> Dist USegd
splitSegdOnSegsD g !segd 
  = traceEvent ("dph-prim-par: USegd.splitSegdOnSegsD")
  $ mapD (What "USegd.splitSegdOnSegds/fromLengths") g USegd.fromLengths
  $ splitAsD g d lens
    !d   = snd
         . mapAccumLD g chunks 0
         . splitLenD g
         $ USegd.takeElements segd

    n    = USegd.length segd
    lens = USegd.takeLengths segd

    chunks !i !k 
      = let !j = go i k
        in  (j,j-i)

    go !i !k | i >= n    = i
             | m == 0    = go (i+1) k
             | k <= 0    = i
             | otherwise = go (i+1) (k-m)
        m = Seq.index (here "splitSegdOnSegsD") lens i
{-# NOINLINE splitSegdOnSegsD #-}
--  NOINLINE because it won't fuse with anything.

-- | Split a segment descriptor across the gang, element wise.
--   We try to put the same number of elements on each thread, which means
--   that segments are sometimes split across threads.
--   Each thread gets a slice of segment descriptor, the segid of the first 
--   slice, and the offset of the first slice in its segment.
--   Example:
--    In this picture each X represents 5 elements, and we have 5 segements in total.
-- @  segs:    ----------------------- --- ------- --------------- -------------------
--    elems:  |X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|
--            |     thread1     |     thread2     |     thread3     |     thread4     |
--    segid:  0                 0                 3                 4
--    offset: 0                 45                0                 5
--    pprp $ splitSegdOnElemsD theGang4
--          $ lengthsToUSegd $ fromList [60, 10, 20, 40, 50 :: Int]
--     segd:    DUSegd lengths:  DVector lengths: [1,3,2,1]
--                                        chunks:  [[45],[15,10,20],[40,5],[45]]
--                     indices:  DVector lengths: [1,3,2,1]
--                                        chunks:  [[0], [0,15,25], [0,40],[0]]
--                    elements:  DInt [45,45,45,45]
--     segids: DInt [0,0,3,4]     (segment id of first slice on thread)
--    offsets: DInt [0,45,0,5]    (offset of that slice in its segment)
-- @
splitSegdOnElemsD :: Gang -> USegd -> Dist ((USegd,Int),Int)
splitSegdOnElemsD g !segd 
  = {-# SCC "splitSegdOnElemsD" #-} 
    traceEvent ("dph-prim-par: USegd.splitSegdOnElemsD")
  $ imapD      (What "USegd.splitSegdOnElemsD/splitLenIdx") 
        g mk (splitLenIdxD g (USegd.takeElements segd))
        -- Number of threads in gang.
        !nThreads = gangSize g

        -- Determine what elements go on a thread
        mk :: Int                  -- Thread index.
           -> (Int, Int)           -- Number of elements on this thread,
                                   --   and starting offset into the flat array.
           -> ((USegd, Int), Int)  -- Segd for this thread, segid of first slice,
                                   --   and offset of first slice.

        mk i (nElems, ixStart) 
         = case getChunk segd ixStart nElems (i == nThreads - 1) of
            (# lens, l, o #) -> ((USegd.fromLengths lens, l), o)

{-# NOINLINE splitSegdOnElemsD #-}
--  NOINLINE because it won't fuse with anything.

-- | Determine what elements go on a thread.
--   The 'chunk' refers to the a chunk of the flat array, and is defined
--   by a set of segment slices. 
--   Example:
--    In this picture each X represents 5 elements, and we have 5 segements in total.
-- @
--    segs:    ----------------------- --- ------- --------------- -------------------
--    elems:  |X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|X X X X X X X X X|
--            |     thread1     |     thread2     |     thread3     |     thread4     |
--    segid:  0                 0                 3                 4
--    offset: 0                 45                0                 5
--    k:               0                 1                 3                 5
--    k':              1                 3                 5                 5
--    left:            0                 15                0                 45
--    right:           45                20                5                 0
--    left_len:        0                 1                 0                 1
--    left_off:        0                 45                0                 5
--    n':              1                 3                 2                 1
-- @
        :: USegd          -- ^ Segment descriptor of entire array.
        -> Int            -- ^ Starting offset into the flat array for the first
                          --   slice on this thread.
        -> Int            -- ^ Number of elements in this thread.
        -> Bool           -- ^ Whether this is the last thread in the gang.
        -> (# Vector Int  --   Lengths of segment slices, 
            , Int         --     segid of first slice,
            , Int #)      --     offset of first slice.

getChunk !segd !nStart !nElems is_last
  = (# lens'', k-left_len, left_off #)
    -- Lengths of all segments.
    -- eg: [60, 10, 20, 40, 50]
    !lens = USegd.takeLengths segd

    -- Indices indices of all segments.
    -- eg: [0, 60, 70, 90, 130]
    !idxs = USegd.takeIndices segd
    -- Total number of segments defined by segment descriptor.
    -- eg: 5
    !n    = Seq.length lens

    -- Segid of the first seg that starts after the left of this chunk.
    !k    = search nStart idxs

    -- Segid of the first seg that starts after the right of this chunk.
    !k'       | is_last     = n
              | otherwise   = search (nStart + nElems) idxs

    -- The length of the left-most slice of this chunk.
    !left     | k == n      = nElems
              | otherwise   = min ((Seq.index (here "getChunk") idxs k) - nStart) nElems

    -- The length of the right-most slice of this chunk.
    !right    | k' == k     = 0
              | otherwise   = nStart + nElems - (Seq.index (here "getChunk") idxs (k'-1))

    -- Whether the first element in this chunk is an internal element of
    -- of a segment. Alternatively, indicates that the first element of 
    -- the chunk is not the first element of a segment.            
    !left_len | left == 0   = 0
              | otherwise   = 1

    -- If the first element of the chunk starts within a segment, 
    -- then gives the index within that segment, otherwise 0.
    !left_off | left == 0   = 0
              | otherwise   = nStart - (Seq.index (here "getChunk") idxs (k-1))

    -- How many segments this chunk straddles.
    !n' = left_len + (k'-k)

    -- Create the lengths for this chunk by first copying out the lengths
    -- from the original segment descriptor. If the slices on the left
    -- and right cover partial segments, then we update the corresponding
    -- lengths.
     = runST (do
            -- Create a new array big enough to hold all the lengths for this chunk.
            !mlens' <- Seq.newM n'

            -- If the first element is inside a segment, 
            --   then update the length to be the length of the slice.
            when (left /= 0) 
             $ Seq.write mlens' 0 left

            -- Copy out array lengths for this chunk.
            Seq.copy (Seq.mdrop left_len mlens')
                     (Seq.slice "getChunk" lens k (k'-k))

            -- If the last element is inside a segment, 
            --   then update the length to be the length of the slice.
            when (right /= 0)
             $ Seq.write mlens' (n' - 1) right

            Seq.unsafeFreeze mlens')

    !lens'' = lens'
{-      = trace 
        (render $ vcat
                [ text "CHUNK"
                , pprp segd
                , text "nStart:  " <+> int nStart
                , text "nElems:  " <+> int nElems
                , text "k:       " <+> int k
                , text "k':      " <+> int k'
                , text "left:    " <+> int left
                , text "right:   " <+> int right
                , text "left_len:" <+> int left_len
                , text "left_off:" <+> int left_off
                , text "n':      " <+> int n'
                , text ""]) lens'

{-# INLINE_DIST getChunk #-}
--  INLINE_DIST because we want this inlined into splitSegdOnElemsD
--              above, which is the only use.

-- O(log n). Given a monotonically increasing vector of `Int`s,
-- find the first element that is larger than the given value.
-- eg  search 75 [0, 60, 70, 90, 130] = 90
--     search 43 [0, 60, 70, 90, 130] = 60
search :: Int -> Vector Int -> Int
search !x ys = go 0 (Seq.length ys)
    go i n | n <= 0        = i

           | Seq.index (here "search") ys mid < x  
           = go (mid + 1) (n - half - 1)

           | otherwise     = go i half
        half = n `shiftR` 1
        mid  = i + half
{-# INLINE_DIST search #-}
--  INLINE_DIST because we want this inlined into both uses in getChunk.

-- | time O(segs)
--   Join a distributed segment descriptor into a global one.
--   This simply joins the distributed lengths and indices fields, but does
--   not reconstruct the original segment descriptor as it was before splitting.
-- @ > pprp $ joinSegdD theGang4 
--         $ fstD $ fstD $ splitSegdOnElemsD theGang
--         $ lengthsToUSegd $ fromList [60, 10, 20, 40, 50]
--   USegd lengths:  [45,15,10,20,40,5,45]
--         indices:  [0,45,60,70,90,130,135]
--         elements: 180
-- @
-- TODO: sequential runtime is O(segs) due to application of lengthsToUSegd
joinSegdD :: Gang -> Dist USegd -> USegd
joinSegdD gang
        = USegd.fromLengths
        . joinD gang unbalanced
        . mapD  (What "joinSegdD/takeLengths") gang USegd.takeLengths
{-# INLINE_DIST joinSegdD #-}

-- | Glue a distributed segment descriptor back into the original global one.
--   Prop:  glueSegdD gang $ splitSegdOnElems gang usegd = usegd
--   NOTE: This is runs sequentially and should only be used for testing purposes.
glueSegdD :: Gang -> Dist ((USegd, Int), Int)  -> Dist USegd
glueSegdD gang bundle
 = let  !usegd           = fstD $ fstD $ bundle
        !lengths         = takeLengthsD usegd
        !firstSegOffsets = sndD bundle

        -- | Whether the last segment in this chunk extends into the next chunk.
        segSplits :: Dist Bool
         = generateD_cheap (What "glueSegdD/segd_offsegs") gang $ \ix 
         -> if ix >= sizeD lengths - 1
             then False
             else indexD (here "glueSegdD") firstSegOffsets (ix + 1) /= 0

        !lengths'       = fst $ carryD gang (+)                  0 segSplits lengths
        !dusegd'        = mapD (What "glueSegdD/fromLenghts") gang 
                                USegd.fromLengths lengths'

  in    dusegd'
{-# INLINE_DIST glueSegdD #-}

                                                                        -- TODO: Shift this into a
                                                                        --      separate Fusion.hs module

splitSD :: Unbox a => Gang -> Dist USegd -> Vector a -> Dist (Vector a)
splitSD g dsegd xs
        = splitAsD g (takeElementsD dsegd) xs
{-# INLINE_DIST splitSD #-}


  forall g d f xs
  . splitSD g d (splitJoinD g f xs)
  = f (splitSD g d xs)

  forall g d xs ys
  . splitSD g d (Seq.zip xs ys) 
  = zipWithD WZip g Seq.zip 
        (splitSD g d xs)
        (splitSD g d ys)
