import Test.HUnit import Debian.Dpkg.DB import Debian.Dpkg.Enums import Debian.Dpkg.PkgSpec import Debian.Dpkg.Types import Debian.Dpkg.DpkgVersion import Foreign.C.String (peekCString) import Foreign.Storable (peek) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack) test1 = TestCase (do p <- pkgSpecParsePkg "testpkg" let want = fromIntegral $ c'pkginfo'want p let eflag = fromIntegral $ c'pkginfo'eflag p let status = fromIntegral $ c'pkginfo'status p let priority = fromIntegral $ c'pkginfo'priority p sec <- peekCString $ c'pkginfo'section p cv <- getConfigVersion p assertEqual "want" (fromEnum Want_install) want assertEqual "eflag" (fromEnum Eflag_ok) eflag assertEqual "status" (fromEnum Stat_installed) status assertEqual "priority" (fromEnum Pri_optional) priority assertEqual "section" "games" sec assertEqual "configversion" "0.1.2-3" cv ) test2 = TestCase (do pp <- pkgList let p = pp !! 2 let want = fromIntegral $ c'pkginfo'want p set <- peek $ c'pkginfo'set p name <- peekCString $ c'pkgset'name set cv <- getConfigVersion p assertEqual "numpkgs" 4 (length pp) assertEqual "name" "testpkg2" name assertEqual "want" (fromEnum Want_deinstall) want assertEqual "configversion" "1.2.3-4" cv ) test3 = TestCase (do cvr <- parseVersion (pack "9:8.7.6-5") case cvr of Left msg -> assertString msg Right v -> do vr <- peekDpkgVersion v assertEqual "epoch" 9 (vr_epoch vr) assertEqual "version" (pack "8.7.6") (vr_version vr) assertEqual "revision" (pack "5") (vr_revision vr) ) test4 = TestCase (do cvr <- parseVersion (BS.empty) case cvr of Left msg -> return () Right v -> assertString "unexpected success" ) test5 = TestCase (do cvr1 <- parseVersion (pack "9:8.7.6-5") cvr2 <- parseVersion (pack "1:2.3.4-5") case (cvr1,cvr2) of (Right x, Right y) -> assertEqual "comparison" True (cvr1 > cvr2) otherwise -> assertFailure"Failed to parse one of the versions" ) test6 = TestCase (do cvr1 <- parseVersion (pack "1~1") cvr2 <- parseVersion (pack "1") case (cvr1,cvr2) of (Right x, Right y) -> assertEqual "comparison" True (cvr1 < cvr2) otherwise -> assertFailure"Failed to parse one of the versions" ) tests = TestList [TestLabel "pkgSpecParsePkg" test1 , TestLabel "pkgList" test2 , TestLabel "parseVersion good" test3 , TestLabel "parseVersion bad" test4 , TestLabel "parseVersion Ord" test5 , TestLabel "parseVersion Ord tilde" test6 ] main = setDbDir "./testdb" >> msdbInit >> runTestTT tests