# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][changelog], and this project adheres to the [Haskell Package Versioning Policy][pvp]. ## [] - Unreleased ## [] - 2022-07-16 - Update to `ki-unlifted` 1.0.0 - Add `MonadUnliftIO` instance for `Actor` monad ## [] - 2021-05-19 - Remove low-level `Process` API in favor of high-level `Server` API - Rename "process" to "actor" everywhere - Consolidate everything under `Drama` and `Drama.Internal` modules - Remove `Drama.Loop` module - Rename `run{,_}` to `runActor{,_}` - Rename `here` to `getSelf` - Make `tryReceive` indicate whether a message was received by returning a `Bool` - Add `Actor_` convenience type synonym - Allow using `call` with response type of `()` So that you can send synchronous/blocking messages that don't have a meaningful response. Useful if you need to wait until a message is handled before proceeding. - Send `MVar` instead of `Unagi.Chan` in `Envelope` - Loosened dependency version bounds ## [] - 2021-02-23 ### Added - Added `cast`, `call`, and `handle` functions, and `Envelope` message wrapper type, which enforce you get the response you expect from certain messages - Added convenient `Server` type alias for processes using `Envelope`s - Added `examples/use.hs` to experiment with "use pattern" - Moved things to separate modules (everything still re-exported from top-level `Drama` module) - Added `NoMsg`, to be used instead of `Void` ### Changed - Renamed "actor" to "process" - Renamed `Message` to `HasMsg` - Renamed `exit` to `stop` - Generalized `loop`, `continue`, and `stop` to any monad - Updated examples to use `cast` and `call` where possible - Improved error message for unreachable `msg ~ Void` state ## Fixed - Fixed incorrect use of `-XCPP` with `deriving newtype MonadFail` ## [] - 2021-02-20 ### Added - Added more efficient `spawn_` and `run_` functions for spawning actors that don't receive messages - Re-exported common functions and types, such as `MonadIO` and `forever`, via `Drama.Reexports` module ### Changed - Added `Message` constraint to functions dealing with an actor's `Address` and `Mailbox` (`send`, `receive`, `spawn`, etc.) ## [] - 2021-02-20 ### Added - Examples now have their own executable components, separate from the library ### Removed - Removed `SharedResource` and `Workers` modules from library ## [] - 2021-02-20 ### Added - Added examples (only compiled when `examples` flag is enabled) - Added `CHANGELOG.md`, `LICENSE`, and `README.md` to `extra-source-files` ### Changed - Applied suggestions from HLint ### Removed - Removed `Drama.Demo` module ## [] - 2021-02-19 ### Fixed - Fixed build failing on GHC 8.6.5 due to missing `MonadFail` type class ### Changed - Relaxed upper bound on `transformers` library ## [] - 2021-02-19 Initial release []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/compare/v0.5.0.0...HEAD []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.5.0.0 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.4.0.0 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.3.0.0 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.2.0.0 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.1.0.3 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.1.0.2 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.1.0.1 []: https://github.com/evanrelf/drama/releases/tag/v0.1.0.0 [changelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ [pvp]: https://pvp.haskell.org/