import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM, unless, when) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import Vision.Image (Grey, GreyPixel, InterpolMethod(..), convert, load, manifestVector, resize, shape) import Vision.Primitive ((:.)(..), ix2, Z(..)) import System.Console.Terminal.Size (size, height, width, Window(..)) import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..), getOpt, OptDescr(..), usageInfo) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith, exitSuccess) import System.IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn, stderr) import qualified System.Drawille as D data Options = Options { optRatio :: Maybe Double , optThreshold :: Int , optInvert :: Bool , optHelp :: Bool } deriving(Eq) defaultOpts :: Options defaultOpts = Options { optRatio = Nothing , optThreshold = 128 , optInvert = False , optHelp = False } options :: [ OptDescr (Options -> Options) ] options = [ Option "r" ["ratio"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> opt { optRatio = Just $ read arg }) "ratio") "Image resize ratio" , Option "t" ["threshold"] (ReqArg (\arg opt -> opt { optThreshold = read arg }) "threshold") "Pixel printing threshold" , Option "i" ["invert"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optInvert = True})) "Invert colors" , Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg (\opt -> opt { optHelp = True })) "Display this message" ] main :: IO () main = do (genOpts, files, errs) <- liftM (getOpt Permute options) getArgs let opts = foldr ($) defaultOpts genOpts when (not (null errs) || null files) $ hPutStr stderr "\n" >> mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errs >> printUsage >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) when (optHelp opts) $ hPutStr stderr "\n" >> printUsage >> exitSuccess maybeWindow <- size unless (isJust maybeWindow || isJust (optRatio opts)) $ hPutStrLn stderr "Couldn't get window size and no ratio was provided" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) forM_ files $ \fp -> do errOrImage <- load Nothing fp case errOrImage of Left err -> hPutStr stderr (show err) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 3) Right image -> let grey = convert image :: Grey nwindow = getNWindow grey (optRatio opts) maybeWindow in putStr $ D.frame $ fromImage nwindow grey (optThreshold opts) (optInvert opts) printUsage :: IO () printUsage = do name <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ name ++ " [options] files...") options -- | -- Gets a normalized Window given an image, a Maybe ratio and a Maybe -- window. getNWindow :: Grey -> Maybe Double -> Maybe (Window Int) -> Window Int -- This is the base case. We'll want to resize the window to fit the -- terminal's width and have its height scaled relative to that. getNWindow image Nothing (Just window) = window { width = wwid , height = round whei } where Z :. h :. w = shape image wwid = 2 * width window whei = fromIntegral h * (fromIntegral wwid / fromIntegral w) :: Double -- This is the ratio case, in which a factor to scale the image by is -- given. getNWindow image (Just ratio) _ = Window { height = round $ ratio * fromIntegral h , width = round $ ratio * fromIntegral w } where Z :. h :. w = shape image -- Because we check this is main, this pattern shouldn't ever run. It's -- expected that one value or the other is provided - I think it'd be more -- idiomatic to do this in two separate functions. getNWindow _ Nothing Nothing = error "This shouldn't have happened" -- | -- Creates a canvas from a greyscale image. fromImage :: Window Int -> Grey -> Int -> Bool -> D.Canvas fromImage window greyImage threshold invert = VS.ifoldr accCanvas' D.empty imageVector where resizedImage = resizeToFitWindow window greyImage imageVector = manifestVector resizedImage {-# INLINEABLE accCanvas' #-} accCanvas' = accCanvas threshold (width window) invert -- | -- Gets a canvas coordinate given a canvas' width and a index to the flat -- vector representation of an image's pixel matrix. {-# INLINEABLE coord #-} coord :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) coord w i = (i `rem` w, w - i `div` w) -- | -- Accumulates pixels into a canvas. {-# INLINEABLE accCanvas #-} accCanvas :: Int -> Int -> Bool -> Int -> GreyPixel -> D.Canvas -> D.Canvas accCanvas threshold winW invert idx pix m = let withinThreshold = pix < fromIntegral threshold shouldSet = if invert then not withinThreshold else withinThreshold in if shouldSet then D.set m (coord winW idx) else m -- | -- Resizes an image to fit a window. resizeToFitWindow :: Window Int -> Grey -> Grey resizeToFitWindow win = resize TruncateInteger (ix2 h w) where h = height win w = width win