{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax
           , NoImplicitPrelude
           , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
           , DeriveDataTypeable

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.DString
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009-2010 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Difference strings: a data structure for O(1) append on strings. Note that a
-- 'DString' is just a newtype wrapper around a 'DList' 'Char'. The reason we
-- need a new type instead of just a type synonym is that we can have an
-- @instance 'IsString' 'DString'@ without using language extensions
-- (@TypeSynonymInstances@ or @FlexibleInstances@) so we can write overloaded
-- string literals of type 'DString'.

module Data.DString
    ( DString

    -- * Conversion
    , toString
    , fromDList
    , toDList
    , fromShowS
    , toShowS

    -- * Basic functions
    , singleton
    , cons
    , snoc
    , concat
    , list
    , head
    , tail
    , unfoldr
    , foldr
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude       ( fromInteger, (>=), error )
import Data.Char     ( Char, String )
import Data.Function ( ($), const, flip )
import Data.List     ( map )
import Data.Maybe    ( Maybe )
import Data.Monoid   ( Monoid )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Data.String   ( IsString, fromString )
import Text.Show     ( Show, showsPrec, ShowS, showParen, showString, shows )

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode ( () )

-- from dlist:
import           Data.DList      ( DList(DL), unDL, toList, fromList )
import qualified Data.DList as D ( cons, snoc
                                 , foldr, unfoldr
                                 , singleton
                                 , concat

-- DString

-- | A difference string is a function that given a string, returns the original
-- contents of the difference string prepended at the given string.
-- This structure supports O(1) @mappend@ en @snoc@ operations on strings making
-- it very usefull for append-heavy uses such as logging and pretty printing.
-- You can use it to efficiently show a tree for example: (Note that we use some
-- handy functions from the @string-combinators@ package)
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Data.DString (toShowS, fromShowS)
-- > import Data.String.Combinators ((<+>), parens, thenParens)
-- >
-- > data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
-- >
-- > instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
-- >     showsPrec prec t = toShowS $ (prec >= funAppPrec) `thenParens` go t
-- >         where
-- >           go (Leaf x)     = "Leaf" <+> fromShowS (showsPrec funAppPrec x)
-- >           go (Branch l r) = "Branch" <+> parens (go l) <+> parens (go r)
-- >
-- >           funAppPrec = 10
newtype DString = DS (DList Char) deriving (Monoid, Typeable)

instance Show DString where
    showsPrec p ds = showParen (p >= 10) $
                     showString "Data.String.fromString " 
                     shows (toString ds)

-- Conversions

instance IsString DString where
    fromString = fromDList  fromList

-- | O(n) Convert a difference string to a normal string.
toString  DString  String
toString = toList  toDList

-- | O(1) Convert a difference list of @Char@s to a difference string.
fromDList  DList Char  DString
fromDList = DS

-- | O(1) Convert a difference string to a difference list.
toDList  DString  DList Char
toDList (DS dl) = dl

-- | O(1) Convert a @ShowS@ to a difference string.
fromShowS  ShowS  DString
fromShowS = fromDList  DL

-- | O(1) Convert a difference string to a @ShowS@.
toShowS  DString  ShowS
toShowS = unDL  toDList

-- Basic functions

-- | O(1) Build a difference string from a single @Char@.
singleton  Char  DString
singleton = fromDList  D.singleton

-- | /O(1)/, Prepend a Char to a difference string.
cons  Char  DString  DString
cons c ds = fromDList $ D.cons c (toDList ds)

-- | /O(1)/, Append a @Char@ to a difference string.
snoc  DString  Char  DString
snoc ds c = fromDList $ D.snoc (toDList ds) c

-- | /O(spine)/, Concatenate difference strings.
concat  [DString]  DString
concat = fromDList  D.concat  map toDList

-- | /O(length ds)/, difference list elimination, head, tail.
list  α  (Char  DString  α)  DString  α
list nill consit ds =
  case toString ds of
    []      nill
    x : xs  consit x $ fromString xs

-- | Return the head of the difference string.
head  DString  Char
head = list (error "Data.DString.head: empty list") const

-- | Return the tail of the difference string.
tail  DString  DString
tail = list (error "Data.DString.tail: empty list") (flip const)

-- | Unfoldr for difference strings.
unfoldr  (α  Maybe (Char, α))  α  DString
unfoldr pf b = fromDList $ D.unfoldr pf b

-- | Foldr over difference strings.
foldr   (Char  α  α)  α  DString  α
foldr f b = D.foldr f b  toDList

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------