-- | The encryption scheme used for DTB files found on game discs. module Data.DTA.Crypt ( oldCrypt, newCrypt , decrypt, encrypt , decryptFile, encryptFile , decryptHandle, encryptHandle , Key, Crypt ) where import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM2, liftM3) import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy (ST, runST) import Data.Array.ST (STArray, newArray, readArray, writeArray) import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.), (.|.), xor) import Data.STRef.Lazy (STRef, newSTRef, readSTRef, writeSTRef) import Data.Word (Word8, Word32) import System.IO (Handle) import Data.Binary.Get (runGet, getWord32le, getRemainingLazyByteString) import Data.Binary.Put (runPut, putWord32le, putLazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL -- | An encryption/decryption key. type Key = Word32 -- | Using a key to generate an infinite stream of crypt bytes. type Crypt = Key -> [Word8] {- | The way both the new and old DTB encryption algorithms work is by using the key to generate a stream of bytes. Each of these bytes is then XOR'd with the corresponding bytes in the source file. The same algorithm is both the decryption and encryption; this is because @(A xor B) xor B == A@. -} crypt :: Crypt -> Key -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString crypt cry key = BL.pack . zipWith xor (cry key) . BL.unpack -- | Take the first four bytes of the string as the key, and decrypt the rest of -- the file. decrypt :: Crypt -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString decrypt cry = runGet $ liftM2 (crypt cry) getWord32le getRemainingLazyByteString -- | Encrypt a string with a key, and append the key to the encrypted string. encrypt :: Crypt -> Key -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString encrypt cry key input = runPut $ putWord32le key >> putLazyByteString (crypt cry key input) -- | Decrypt an encrypted DTB file using the given crypt method. decryptFile :: Crypt -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () decryptFile cry fi fo = BL.readFile fi >>= BL.writeFile fo . decrypt cry -- | Encrypt an unencrypted DTB file using the given crypt method and key. encryptFile :: Crypt -> Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () encryptFile cry key fi fo = BL.readFile fi >>= BL.writeFile fo . encrypt cry key -- | Decrypt an encrypted DTB file across two handles. decryptHandle :: Crypt -> Handle -> Handle -> IO () decryptHandle cry hi ho = BL.hGetContents hi >>= BL.hPutStr ho . decrypt cry -- | Encrypt an unencrypted DTB files across two handles. encryptHandle :: Crypt -> Key -> Handle -> Handle -> IO () encryptHandle cry key hi ho = BL.hGetContents hi >>= BL.hPutStr ho . encrypt cry key -- New (Rock Band) encryption {- From xorloser's dtbcrypt: unsigned int dtb_xor_x360(unsigned int data) { int val1 = (data / 0x1F31D) * 0xB14; int val2 = (data - ((data / 0x1F31D) * 0x1F31D)) * 0x41A7; val2 = val2 - val1; if(val2 <= 0) val2 += 0x7FFFFFFF; return val2; } -} -- | The key iteration function for new DTB encryption/decryption. dtbXor360 :: Word32 -> Word32 dtbXor360 d = let q = quot d 0x1F31D v = (d - (q * 0x1F31D)) * 0x41A7 - q * 0xB14 in if v > 0x7FFFFFFF then v + 0x7FFFFFFF else v -- | The lazy infinite list of crypt bytes for new-style encryption. newCrypt :: Crypt newCrypt key = fmap fromIntegral $ tail $ iterate dtbXor360 key -- Old (PS2 Guitar Hero) encryption -- This algorithm uses a large table to produce the XOR bytes, which is -- implemented using an STArray in the lazy ST monad. data CryptTable s = CryptTable { idx1 :: STRef s Word8 , idx2 :: STRef s Word8 , table :: STArray s Word8 Word32 } cryptTable :: Key -> ST s (CryptTable s) cryptTable key = do v1ref <- newSTRef key tbl <- newArray (0, 0xF8) 0 forM_ [0..0xF8] $ \i -> do v1 <- readSTRef v1ref let v2 = (v1 * 0x41C64E6D) + 0x3039 let v1' = (v2 * 0x41C64E6D) + 0x3039 writeSTRef v1ref v1' writeArray tbl i $ (v1' .&. 0x7FFF0000) .|. (v2 `shiftR` 16) liftM3 CryptTable (newSTRef 0) (newSTRef 0x67) (return tbl) oldNext :: CryptTable s -> ST s Word8 oldNext (CryptTable { idx1 = i1ref, idx2 = i2ref, table = tbl }) = do i1 <- readSTRef i1ref i2 <- readSTRef i2ref next <- liftM2 xor (readArray tbl i1) (readArray tbl i2) writeArray tbl i1 next writeSTRef i1ref $ if i1 == 0xF8 then 0 else i1 + 1 writeSTRef i2ref $ if i2 == 0xF8 then 0 else i2 + 1 return $ fromIntegral next -- The fromIntegral chops each Word32 down to the least significant byte. -- | The lazy infinite list of crypt bytes for old-style encryption. oldCrypt :: Crypt oldCrypt key = runST $ cryptTable key >>= sequence . repeat . oldNext