/* * Legal Notice * * This document and associated source code (the "Work") is a part of a * benchmark specification maintained by the TPC. * * The TPC reserves all right, title, and interest to the Work as provided * under U.S. and international laws, including without limitation all patent * and trademark rights therein. * * No Warranty * * 1.1 TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE INFORMATION * CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND THE * AUTHORS AND DEVELOPERS OF THE WORK HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER * WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY (IF ANY) IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * DUTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OF ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES, OF RESULTS, OF * WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, OF LACK OF VIRUSES, AND OF LACK OF NEGLIGENCE. * ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, * QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT * WITH REGARD TO THE WORK. * 1.2 IN NO EVENT WILL ANY AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER OF THE WORK BE LIABLE TO * ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS * OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, * OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR ANY OTHER AGREEMENT * RELATING TO THE WORK, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER HAD * ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * Contributors * - Sergey Vasilevskiy * - Doug Johnson */ /* * Class representing the News Item and News XRef tables. */ #ifndef NEWS_ITEM_AND_XREG_TABLE_H #define NEWS_ITEM_AND_XREG_TABLE_H #include "EGenTables_common.h" #include "CompanyTable.h" #include "input/DataFileManager.h" namespace TPCE { const int iNewsItemsPerCompany = 2; const int iNewsItemMaxDaysAgo = 50; // how many days ago can a news item be dated const int iRNGSkipOneRowNews = 4 + cNI_ITEM_len; // number of RNG calls for one row typedef struct NEWS_ITEM_AND_XREF_ROW { NEWS_ITEM_ROW news_item; NEWS_XREF_ROW news_xref; } * PNEWS_ITEM_AND_XREF_ROW; class CNewsItemAndXRefTable : public TableTemplate { CCompanyTable m_CompanyTable; const NewsDataFile_t &m_News; const LastNameDataFile_t &m_LastNames; CDateTime m_NewsBaseDate; int m_iNewsItemsGeneratedForCompany; TIdent m_iNewsCountForOneLoadUnit; void GenerateNewsItemHeadlineAndSummary(NEWS_ITEM_ROW &news_item) { int iThreshold; unsigned int iLen = 0; const char *szWord; while (iLen < sizeof(news_item.NI_ITEM) - 1) { iThreshold = m_rnd.RndIntRange(0, m_News.size() - 1); szWord = m_News[iThreshold].WORD_CSTR(); while (szWord && *szWord && (iLen < sizeof(news_item.NI_ITEM) - 1)) { news_item.NI_ITEM[iLen++] = *szWord++; // copy one letter at a time } if (iLen < sizeof(news_item.NI_ITEM) - 1) { news_item.NI_ITEM[iLen++] = ' '; // add space at the end of a word } } news_item.NI_ITEM[iLen] = '\0'; // NULL terminate in case if the last // word was copied only partially // Now copy the headline and summary from the generated item. memcpy(news_item.NI_HEADLINE, news_item.NI_ITEM, sizeof(news_item.NI_HEADLINE) - 1); // news_item.NI_HEADLINE will be zero-terminated because it is // initialized to all 0s in TableTemplate constructor and the last // character is not overwritten. // Now copy the headline and summary from the generated item. memcpy(news_item.NI_SUMMARY, news_item.NI_ITEM, sizeof(news_item.NI_SUMMARY) - 1); // news_item.NI_SUMMARY will be zero-terminated because it is // initialized to all 0s in TableTemplate constructor and the last // character is not overwritten. } /* * Reset the state for the next load unit. * * PARAMETERS: * none. * * RETURNS: * none. */ void InitNextLoadUnit() { m_rnd.SetSeed(m_rnd.RndNthElement(RNGSeedTableDefault, (RNGSEED)m_iLastRowNumber * iRNGSkipOneRowNews)); ClearRecord(); // this is needed for EGenTest to work } public: CNewsItemAndXRefTable(const DataFileManager &dfm, TIdent iCustomerCount, TIdent iStartFromCustomer, INT32 iHoursOfInitialTrades) : m_CompanyTable(dfm, iCustomerCount, iStartFromCustomer), m_News(dfm.NewsDataFile()), m_LastNames(dfm.LastNameDataFile()), m_iNewsItemsGeneratedForCompany(0) { m_iLastRowNumber = iNewsItemsPerCompany * dfm.CompanyFile().CalculateStartFromCompany(iStartFromCustomer); // Go to the last day of initial trades. // News items will be dated up to iNewsItemMaxDaysAgo days back from // that day. // m_NewsBaseDate.Set(InitialTradePopulationBaseYear, InitialTradePopulationBaseMonth, InitialTradePopulationBaseDay, InitialTradePopulationBaseHour, InitialTradePopulationBaseMinute, InitialTradePopulationBaseSecond, InitialTradePopulationBaseFraction); m_NewsBaseDate.Add(iHoursOfInitialTrades / HoursPerWorkDay, 0, true); m_iNewsCountForOneLoadUnit = dfm.CompanyFile().CalculateCompanyCount(iDefaultLoadUnitSize) * iNewsItemsPerCompany; }; /* * Generates all column values for the next row. */ bool GenerateNextRecord() { int iAddDayNo, iAddMSec, iThreshold; // Reset RNG at Load Unit boundary, so that all data is repeatable. // if (m_iLastRowNumber % m_iNewsCountForOneLoadUnit == 0) { InitNextLoadUnit(); } // Generate NEWS_ITEM row m_row.news_item.NI_ID = m_iLastRowNumber + 1; // row number starts from 0 GenerateNewsItemHeadlineAndSummary(m_row.news_item); iAddDayNo = m_rnd.RndIntRange(0, iNewsItemMaxDaysAgo); iAddMSec = m_rnd.RndIntRange(0, MsPerDay); m_row.news_item.NI_DTS = m_NewsBaseDate; // substruct from the base date m_row.news_item.NI_DTS.Add((-1) * iAddDayNo, (-1) * iAddMSec); iThreshold = m_rnd.RndIntRange(0, m_LastNames.size() - 1); strncpy(m_row.news_item.NI_AUTHOR, m_LastNames[iThreshold].NAME_CSTR(), sizeof(m_row.news_item.NI_AUTHOR)); iThreshold = m_rnd.RndIntRange(0, m_LastNames.size() - 1); strncpy(m_row.news_item.NI_SOURCE, m_LastNames[iThreshold].NAME_CSTR(), sizeof(m_row.news_item.NI_SOURCE)); // Generate NEWS_XREF row m_row.news_xref.NX_NI_ID = m_row.news_item.NI_ID; m_row.news_xref.NX_CO_ID = m_CompanyTable.GetCurrentCO_ID(); ++m_iNewsItemsGeneratedForCompany; ++m_iLastRowNumber; if (m_iNewsItemsGeneratedForCompany >= iNewsItemsPerCompany) { m_bMoreRecords = m_CompanyTable.GenerateNextCO_ID(); m_iNewsItemsGeneratedForCompany = 0; } else { m_bMoreRecords = true; // need to generate more rows for at least // the current company } return (MoreRecords()); // return (m_iLastRowNumber < 10); }; const NEWS_ITEM_ROW &GetNewsItemRow() { return m_row.news_item; } const NEWS_XREF_ROW &GetNewsXRefRow() { return m_row.news_xref; } }; } // namespace TPCE #endif // NEWS_ITEM_AND_XREG_TABLE_H