/* * Legal Notice * * This document and associated source code (the "Work") is a part of a * benchmark specification maintained by the TPC. * * The TPC reserves all right, title, and interest to the Work as provided * under U.S. and international laws, including without limitation all patent * and trademark rights therein. * * No Warranty * * 1.1 TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE INFORMATION * CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND THE * AUTHORS AND DEVELOPERS OF THE WORK HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER * WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY (IF ANY) IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * DUTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OF ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES, OF RESULTS, OF * WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, OF LACK OF VIRUSES, AND OF LACK OF NEGLIGENCE. * ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, * QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT * WITH REGARD TO THE WORK. * 1.2 IN NO EVENT WILL ANY AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER OF THE WORK BE LIABLE TO * ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS * OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, * OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR ANY OTHER AGREEMENT * RELATING TO THE WORK, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER HAD * ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * Contributors * - Sergey Vasilevskiy */ /* * Table column length constants used by the loader and * transactions. */ #ifndef TABLE_CONSTS_H #define TABLE_CONSTS_H #include "EGenStandardTypes.h" namespace TPCE { // ADDRESS / ZIP_CODE tables const int cTOWN_len = 80; const int cDIV_len = 80; const int cCODE_len = 12; // ACCOUNT_PERMISSION table const int cACL_len = 4; // ADDRESS table const int cAD_NAME_len = 80; const int cAD_LINE_len = 80; const int cAD_TOWN_len = cTOWN_len; const int cAD_DIV_len = cDIV_len; // state/provice abreviation const int cAD_ZIP_len = cCODE_len; const int cAD_CTRY_len = 80; // CASH_TRANSACTION table const int cCT_NAME_len = 100; // CUSTOMER table const int cL_NAME_len = 25; const int cF_NAME_len = 20; const int cM_NAME_len = 1; const int cDOB_len = 30; const int cTAX_ID_len = 20; const int cGNDR_len = 1; const int cCTRY_len = 3; const int cAREA_len = 3; const int cLOCAL_len = 10; const int cEXT_len = 5; const int cEMAIL_len = 50; // BROKER table const int cB_NAME_len = cF_NAME_len + cM_NAME_len + cL_NAME_len + 3; // two spaces and one period // COMPANY table const int cCO_NAME_len = 60; const int cSP_RATE_len = 4; const int cCEO_NAME_len = cF_NAME_len + cL_NAME_len + 1; // one space const int cCO_DESC_len = 150; const int cCO_SP_RATE_len = 4; // CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT table const int cCA_NAME_len = 50; // EXCHANGE table const int cEX_ID_len = 6; const int cEX_NAME_len = 100; const int cEX_DESC_len = 150; // const int cEX_OPEN_len = 8; // const int cEX_CLOSE_len = 8; // HOLDING table const int cH_BUY_DTS_len = 30; // date of purchase // INDUSTRY table const int cIN_ID_len = 2; const int cIN_NAME_len = 50; // NEWS_ITEM table const int cNI_HEADLINE_len = 80; const int cNI_SUMMARY_len = 255; const int cNI_ITEM_len = 100 * 1000; const int cNI_SOURCE_len = 30; const int cNI_AUTHOR_len = 30; // SECURITY table const int cS_NAME_len = 70; const int cSYMBOL_len = 7 + 1 + 7; // base + separator + extended const int cS_ISSUE_len = 6; // SETTLEMENT table const int cSE_CASH_TYPE_len = 40; // SECTOR table const int cSC_NAME_len = 30; const int cSC_ID_len = 2; // STATUS_TYPE table const int cST_ID_len = 4; const int cST_NAME_len = 10; // TAX RATE table const int cTX_ID_len = 4; const int cTX_NAME_len = 50; // TRADE table const int cEXEC_NAME_len = cF_NAME_len + cM_NAME_len + cL_NAME_len + 3; // two spaces and one extra // TRADE_HISTORY table const int cTH_ST_ID_len = cST_ID_len; // TRADE TYPE table const int cTT_ID_len = 3; const int cTT_NAME_len = 12; // ZIP_CODE table const int cZC_TOWN_len = cTOWN_len; const int cZC_DIV_len = cDIV_len; const int cZC_CODE_len = cCODE_len; } // namespace TPCE #endif // TABLE_CONSTS_H