-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
-- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Duckling.Engine
  ( parseAndResolve
  , lookupRegexAnywhere
  , runDuckling
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as PCRE

import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Regex.Types
import Duckling.Resolve
import Duckling.Types
import Duckling.Types.Document (Document)
import Duckling.Types.Stash (Stash)
import qualified Duckling.Engine.Regex as Regex
import qualified Duckling.Types.Document as Document
import qualified Duckling.Types.Stash as Stash

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Engine

type Duckling a = Identity a

runDuckling :: Duckling a -> a
runDuckling ma = runIdentity ma

parseAndResolve :: [Rule] -> Text -> Context -> [ResolvedToken]
parseAndResolve rules input context = mapMaybe (resolveNode context) .
  force $ Stash.toPosOrderedList $ runDuckling $
  parseString rules (Document.fromText input)

produce :: Match -> Maybe Node
produce (_, _, []) = Nothing
produce (Rule name _ production, _, etuor@(Node {nodeRange = Range _ e}:_)) = do
  let route = reverse etuor
  token <- force $ production $ map token route
  case route of
    (Node {nodeRange = Range p _}:_) -> Just Node
      { nodeRange = Range p e
      , token = token
      , children = route
      , rule = Just name
    [] -> Nothing

-- | Handle a regex match at a given position
lookupRegex :: Document -> PCRE.Regex -> Int -> Duckling [Node]
lookupRegex doc _regex position | position >= Document.length doc = return []
lookupRegex doc regex position =
  lookupRegexCommon doc regex position Regex.matchOnce

-- | Handle a regex match anywhere in the text
lookupRegexAnywhere :: Document -> PCRE.Regex -> Duckling [Node]
lookupRegexAnywhere doc regex = lookupRegexCommon doc regex 0 Regex.matchAll

{-# INLINE lookupRegexCommon #-}
-- INLINE bloats the code a bit, but the code is better
  :: Foldable t
  => Document
  -> PCRE.Regex
  -> Int
  -> (PCRE.Regex -> ByteString -> t PCRE.MatchArray)
  -> Duckling [Node]
lookupRegexCommon doc regex position matchFun = return nodes
  -- See Note [Regular expressions and Text] to understand what's going
  -- on here
  (substring, rangeToText, translateRange) =
    Document.byteStringFromPos doc position
  nodes = mapMaybe (f . Array.elems) $ Foldable.toList $
    matchFun regex substring
  f :: [(Int, Int)] -> Maybe Node
  f [] = Nothing
  f ((0,0):_) = Nothing
  f ((bsStart, bsLen):groups) =
    if Document.isRangeValid doc start end
      then Just node
      else Nothing
    textGroups = map rangeToText groups
    (start, end) = translateRange bsStart bsLen
    node = Node
      { nodeRange = Range start end
      , token = Token RegexMatch (GroupMatch textGroups)
      , children = []
      , rule = Nothing

-- | Handle one PatternItem at a given position
lookupItem :: Document -> PatternItem -> Stash -> Int -> Duckling [Node]
lookupItem doc (Regex re) _ position =
  filter (isPositionValid position doc) <$>
  lookupRegex doc re position
lookupItem doc (Predicate p) stash position =
  return $
  filter (p . token) $
  takeWhile (isPositionValid position doc) $
  Stash.toPosOrderedListFrom stash position

-- | Handle one PatternItem anywhere in the text
lookupItemAnywhere :: Document -> PatternItem -> Stash -> Duckling [Node]
lookupItemAnywhere doc (Regex re) _ = lookupRegexAnywhere doc re
lookupItemAnywhere _doc (Predicate p) stash =
  return $ filter (p . token) $ Stash.toPosOrderedList stash

isPositionValid :: Int -> Document -> Node -> Bool
isPositionValid position sentence (Node {nodeRange = Range start _}) =
  Document.isAdjacent sentence position start

-- | A match is full if its rule pattern is empty.
-- (rule, endPosition, reversedRoute)
type Match = (Rule, Int, [Node])

-- | Recursively augments `matches`.
-- Discards partial matches stuck by a regex.
matchAll :: Document -> Stash -> [Match] -> Duckling [Match]
matchAll sentence stash matches = concatMapM mkNextMatches matches
    mkNextMatches :: Match -> Duckling [Match]
    mkNextMatches match@(Rule {pattern = []}, _, _) = return [ match ]
    mkNextMatches match@(Rule {pattern = p:_}, _, _) = do
      nextMatches <- matchAll sentence stash =<< matchFirst sentence stash match
      return $ case p of
        Regex _ -> nextMatches
        Predicate _ -> match:nextMatches

-- | Returns all matches matching the first pattern item of `match`,
-- resuming from a Match position
matchFirst :: Document -> Stash -> Match -> Duckling [Match]
matchFirst _ _ (Rule {pattern = []}, _, _) = return []
matchFirst sentence stash (rule@(Rule {pattern = p:ps}), position, route) =
  map (mkMatch route newRule) <$> lookupItem sentence p stash position
  newRule = rule { pattern = ps }

-- | Returns all matches matching the first pattern item of `match`,
-- starting anywhere
matchFirstAnywhere :: Document -> Stash -> Rule -> Duckling [Match]
matchFirstAnywhere _sentence _stash Rule {pattern = []} = return []
matchFirstAnywhere sentence stash rule@(Rule {pattern = p:ps}) =
  map (mkMatch [] newRule) <$> lookupItemAnywhere sentence p stash
  newRule = rule { pattern = ps }

{-# INLINE mkMatch #-}
mkMatch :: [Node] -> Rule -> Node -> Match
mkMatch route newRule (node@Node {nodeRange = Range _ pos'}) =
  newRoute `seq` (newRule, pos', newRoute)
  where newRoute = node:route

-- | Finds new matches resulting from newly added tokens.
-- Produces new tokens from full matches.
  :: [Rule] -> Document -> Stash -> Stash -> [Match]
  -> Duckling (Stash, [Match])
parseString1 rules sentence stash new matches = do
  -- Recursively match patterns.
  -- Find which `matches` can advance because of `new`.
  newPartial <- concatMapM (matchFirst sentence new) matches

  -- Find new matches resulting from newly added tokens (`new`)
  newMatches <- concatMapM (matchFirstAnywhere sentence new) rules

  (full, partial) <- L.partition (\(Rule {pattern}, _, _) -> null pattern)
    <$> matchAll sentence stash (newPartial ++ newMatches)

  -- Produce full matches as new tokens
  return ( Stash.fromList $ mapMaybe produce full
         , partial ++ matches

-- | Produces all tokens recursively.
  :: [Rule] -> Document -> Stash -> Stash -> [Match] -> Duckling Stash
saturateParseString rules sentence stash new matches = do
  (new', matches') <- parseString1 rules sentence stash new matches
  let stash' = Stash.union stash new'
  if Stash.null new'
    then return stash
    else saturateParseString rules sentence stash' new' matches'

parseString :: [Rule] -> Document -> Duckling Stash
parseString rules sentence = do
  (new, partialMatches) <-
    -- One the first pass we try all the rules
    parseString1 rules sentence Stash.empty Stash.empty []
  if Stash.null new
    then return Stash.empty
    -- For subsequent passes, we only try rules starting with a predicate.
    saturateParseString headPredicateRules sentence new new partialMatches
  headPredicateRules =
    [ rule | rule@(Rule {pattern = (Predicate _:_)}) <- rules ]

resolveNode :: Context -> Node -> Maybe ResolvedToken
resolveNode context n@Node{token = (Token _ dd), nodeRange = nodeRange} = do
  val <- resolve context dd
  Just Resolved
    { range = nodeRange
    , node = n
    , jsonValue = toJSON val