-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant -- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Duckling.Duration.RU.Corpus ( corpus ) where import Data.String import Prelude import Duckling.Duration.Types import Duckling.Locale import Duckling.Resolve import Duckling.Testing.Types import Duckling.TimeGrain.Types (Grain(..)) corpus :: Corpus corpus = (testContext {locale = makeLocale RU Nothing}, allExamples) allExamples :: [Example] allExamples = concat [ examples (DurationData 1 Second) [ "1 сек" , "1 секунда" , "секунда" , "1\"" ] , examples (DurationData 15 Minute) [ "15 мин" , "пятнадцать минут" , "15'" ] , examples (DurationData 30 Minute) [ "30 минут" , "пол часа" , "полчаса" , "тридцать минут" ] , examples (DurationData 5400 Second) [ "полтора часа" , "1.5 часа" , "5400 секунд" ] , examples (DurationData 8 Hour) [ "8 часов" , "8 ч" , "восемь часов" ] , examples (DurationData 15 Day) [ "15 дней" , "пятнадцать дней" , "полмесяца" ] , examples (DurationData 7 Week) [ "7 недель" , "семь недель" ] , examples (DurationData 1 Month) [ "1 месяц" , "месяц" , "ровно месяц" ] , examples (DurationData 6 Month) [ "6 месяцев" , "шесть месяцев" , "полгода" , "пол года" ] , examples (DurationData 9072000 Second) [ "3.5 месяца" , "три с половиной месяца" , "приблизительно 3.5 месяца" ] , examples (DurationData 3 Quarter) [ "3 квартала" ] , examples (DurationData 2 Year) [ "2 года" , "два года" , "где-то два года" ] , examples (DurationData 12 Hour) [ "12 часов" , "двенадцать часов" , "полдня" , "примерно полдня" , "пол дня" ] ]