-- |
-- Module      : CAS.Dumb.Symbols
-- Copyright   : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2017
-- License     : GPL v3
-- Maintainer  : (@) jsagemue $ uni-koeln.de
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax             #-}

module CAS.Dumb.Symbols where

import CAS.Dumb.Tree

import Data.Monoid
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as Hs

import Control.Arrow

import Data.String (IsString)

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator)
import Numeric.Literals.Decimal

data SymbolD σ c = NatSymbol !Integer
                 | PrimitiveSymbol Char
                 | StringSymbol c

data Infix s = Infix {
    symbolFixity :: !Hs.Fixity
  , infixSymbox :: !s

instance Eq s => Eq (Infix s) where
  Infix _ o == Infix _ p = o==p

data Encapsulation s = Encapsulation {
      needInnerParens, haveOuterparens :: !Bool
    , leftEncaps, rightEncaps :: !s

instance Eq (Encapsulation String) where
  Encapsulation _ _ l r == Encapsulation _ _ l' r'
         = dropParens (reverse l) r == dropParens (reverse l') r'
   where dropParens ('(':lr) (')':rr) = dropParens lr rr
         dropParens (' ':lr) rr = dropParens lr rr
         dropParens lr (' ':rr) = dropParens lr rr
         dropParens lr rr = (lr,rr)

type AlgebraExpr σ l = CAS (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)
type AlgebraExpr' γ σ l = CAS' γ (Infix l) (Encapsulation l) (SymbolD σ l)
type AlgebraPattern σ l = AlgebraExpr' GapId σ l

don'tParenthesise :: Monoid 
                  => CAS' γ (Infix ) (Encapsulation ) s⁰
                  -> CAS' γ (Infix ) (Encapsulation ) s⁰
don'tParenthesise (Symbol s) = Symbol s
don'tParenthesise (Gap γ) = Gap γ
don'tParenthesise (Function (Encapsulation nin _ l r) x)
        = Function (Encapsulation nin True l r) x
don'tParenthesise x = Function (Encapsulation False True mempty mempty) x
symbolInfix ::  -- ^ The operator we want to describe
  -> CAS' γ   s⁰ -> CAS' γ   s⁰ -> CAS' γ   s⁰
symbolInfix = Operator

symbolFunction :: Monoid  => 
  -> CAS' γ (Infix ) (Encapsulation ) s⁰
  -> CAS' γ (Infix ) (Encapsulation ) s⁰
symbolFunction f a = Function (Encapsulation True False f mempty) a

instance  σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ String)
          => Num (AlgebraExpr' γ σ String) where
  fromInteger n
   | n<0        = negate . fromInteger $ -n
   | otherwise  = Symbol $ NatSymbol n
  (+) = chainableInfixL (==plusOp) plusOp
   where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ])
         plusOp = Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '+'
  (*) = chainableInfixL (==mulOp) mulOp
   where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ])
         mulOp = Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '*'
  (-) = symbolInfix (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '-')
   where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ])
  abs = symbolFunction "abs "
  signum = symbolFunction "signum "
  negate = Operator (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '-')
             . Symbol $ StringSymbol " "
   where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ])

instance  σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ String)
          => Fractional (AlgebraExpr' γ σ String) where
  fromRational n = case fromRational n of
     n:%d -> fromIntegral n / fromIntegral d
     nSci -> Symbol (StringSymbol $ show nSci)
  (/) = symbolInfix (Infix (Hs.Fixity 7 Hs.InfixL) $ fcs '/')
   where fcs = fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ])

instance  σ γ . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ String)
          => Floating (AlgebraExpr' γ σ String) where
  pi = Symbol $ StringSymbol "pi"
  (**) = symbolInfix (Infix (Hs.Fixity 6 Hs.InfixL) "**")
  logBase = symbolInfix (Infix (Hs.Fixity 10 Hs.InfixL) "`logBase`")
  exp = symbolFunction $ "exp "
  log = symbolFunction $ "log "
  sin = symbolFunction $ "sin "
  cos = symbolFunction $ "cos "
  tan = symbolFunction $ "tan "
  asin = symbolFunction $ "asin "
  acos = symbolFunction $ "acos "
  atan = symbolFunction $ "atan "
  sinh = symbolFunction $ "sinh "
  cosh = symbolFunction $ "cosh "
  tanh = symbolFunction $ "tanh "
  asinh = symbolFunction $ "asinh "
  acosh = symbolFunction $ "acosh "
  atanh = symbolFunction $ "atanh "

class ASCIISymbols c where
  fromASCIISymbol :: Char -> c
  toASCIISymbols :: c -> String

instance ASCIISymbols String where
  fromASCIISymbol = pure
  toASCIISymbols = id

type RenderingCombinator σ c r
        = Bool        -- ^ Should the result be parenthesised?
       -> Maybe r     -- ^ Left context
       -> SymbolD σ c -- ^ Central expression/function/infix to render
       -> Maybe r     -- ^ Right context
       -> r           -- ^ Rendering result

data ContextFixity = AtLHS Hs.Fixity
                   | AtRHS Hs.Fixity
                   | AtFunctionArgument
                   deriving (Eq)

expressionFixity :: AlgebraExpr σ c -> Maybe Hs.Fixity
expressionFixity (Symbol _) = Nothing
expressionFixity (Function _ _) = Nothing
expressionFixity (Operator (Infix fxty _) _ _) = Just fxty
expressionFixity (OperatorChain _ ((Infix fxty _,_):_)) = Just fxty
expressionFixity (OperatorChain x₀ []) = expressionFixity x₀
expressionFixity (Gap _) = Nothing

renderSymbolExpression ::  σ c r . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c)
         => ContextFixity -> RenderingCombinator σ c r
                    -> AlgebraExpr σ c -> r
renderSymbolExpression _ ρ (Symbol s) = ρ False Nothing s Nothing
renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ (Function (Encapsulation needInnerP atomical l r) x)
   = ρ (not atomical && ctxt==AtFunctionArgument) Nothing (StringSymbol l) . Just
      $ ρ False (Just $ renderSymbolExpression
                          (if needInnerP then AtFunctionArgument
                                         else AtLHS (Hs.Fixity (-1) Hs.InfixN))
                          ρ x)
                (StringSymbol r) Nothing
renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ (Operator o x y)
    = renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ $ OperatorChain x [(o,y)]
renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ (OperatorChain x []) = renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ x
renderSymbolExpression ctxt ρ (OperatorChain x ys@(_:_)) = go parens x ys
 where fxty = foldr1 ( \f f' -> if f==f'
                  then f
                  else error "All infixes in an OperatorChain must have the same fixity"
                     ) $ symbolFixity . fst <$> ys
       go parens x [(Infix _ o,y)]
             = ρ parens (Just $ renderSymbolExpression (AtLHS fxty) ρ x)
                        (StringSymbol o)
                        (Just $ renderSymbolExpression (AtRHS fxty) ρ y)
       go parens x ((Infix _ o,y):zs)
             = ρ parens (Just $ go False x zs)
                        (StringSymbol o)
                        (Just $ renderSymbolExpression (AtRHS fxty) ρ y)
       parens = case ctxt of
         AtFunctionArgument -> True
         AtLHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty _)         | Hs.Fixity lfxty _ <- fxty
                                           , lfxty < pfxty                      -> True
         AtLHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty Hs.InfixL) | Hs.Fixity lfxty Hs.InfixL <- fxty
                                           , lfxty==pfxty                       -> False
         AtLHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty _)         | Hs.Fixity lfxty _ <- fxty
                                           , lfxty==pfxty                       -> True
         AtLHS _                                                                -> False
         AtRHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty _)         | Hs.Fixity lfxty _ <- fxty
                                           , lfxty < pfxty                      -> True
         AtRHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty Hs.InfixR) | Hs.Fixity lfxty Hs.InfixR <- fxty
                                           , lfxty==pfxty                       -> False
         AtRHS (Hs.Fixity pfxty _)         | Hs.Fixity lfxty _ <- fxty
                                           , lfxty==pfxty                       -> True
         AtRHS _                                                                -> False

showsPrecASCIISymbol :: (ASCIISymbols c, SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c)
       => Int -> AlgebraExpr σ c -> ShowS
showsPrecASCIISymbol ctxt
      = renderSymbolExpression (AtLHS (Hs.Fixity ctxt Hs.InfixN)) ρ
 where ρ dop lctxt (StringSymbol sym) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . (toASCIISymbols sym++) . maybe id id rctxt
       ρ dop lctxt (NatSymbol n) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . shows n . maybe id id rctxt
       ρ dop lctxt (PrimitiveSymbol c) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . (c:) . maybe id id rctxt

class UnicodeSymbols c where
  fromUnicodeSymbol :: Char -> c
  toUnicodeSymbols :: c -> String

instance UnicodeSymbols String where
  fromUnicodeSymbol = pure
  toUnicodeSymbols = id

showsPrecUnicodeSymbol :: (UnicodeSymbols c, SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c)
       => Int -> AlgebraExpr σ c -> ShowS
showsPrecUnicodeSymbol ctxt
      = renderSymbolExpression (AtLHS (Hs.Fixity ctxt Hs.InfixN)) ρ
 where ρ dop lctxt (StringSymbol sym) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . (toUnicodeSymbols sym++) . maybe id id rctxt
       ρ dop lctxt (NatSymbol n) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . shows n . maybe id id rctxt
       ρ dop lctxt (PrimitiveSymbol c) rctxt
           = showParen dop $ maybe id id lctxt . (c:) . maybe id id rctxt

class SymbolClass σ where
  type SCConstraint σ :: * -> Constraint
  fromCharSymbol :: (Functor p, SCConstraint σ c) => p σ -> Char -> c

normaliseSymbols ::  σ c γ   . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c)
                      => CAS' γ   (SymbolD σ c) -> CAS' γ   (SymbolD σ c)
normaliseSymbols = fmap nmlzSym
 where nmlzSym (PrimitiveSymbol c) = case fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) of
           fcs -> StringSymbol $ fcs c
       nmlzSym s = s

instance  σ c . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c, Eq c) => Eq (SymbolD σ c) where
  NatSymbol i == NatSymbol j  = i==j
  StringSymbol x == StringSymbol y  = x==y
  PrimitiveSymbol x == PrimitiveSymbol y  = x==y
  x@(PrimitiveSymbol c) == y  = case fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) of
            fcs -> StringSymbol (fcs c)==y
  x == y@(PrimitiveSymbol c)  = case fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) of
            fcs -> x==StringSymbol (fcs c)
  _ == _ = False

infixl 4 %$>
-- | Transform the symbols of an expression, in their underlying representation.
-- @
-- (map succ%$> 𝑎+𝑝) * 𝑥  ≡  (𝑏+𝑞) * 𝑥
-- @
(%$>) ::  σ c c' γ   . (SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ c)
         => (c -> c') -> CAS' γ   (SymbolD σ c) -> CAS' γ   (SymbolD σ c')
f %$> Symbol (PrimitiveSymbol c) = case fromCharSymbol ([]::[σ]) of
         fcs -> Symbol . StringSymbol . f $ fcs c
f %$> Symbol (StringSymbol s) = Symbol . StringSymbol $ f s
f %$> Function g q = Function g $ f %$> q
f %$> Operator o p q = Operator o (f%$>p) (f%$>q)
f %$> OperatorChain p qs = OperatorChain (f%$>p) (second (f%$>)<$>qs)
f %$> Gap γ = Gap γ

continueExpr :: (Eq l, Monoid l)
     => ( AlgebraExpr' γ σ l -> AlgebraExpr' γ σ l -> AlgebraExpr' γ σ l )
       -- ^ Combinator to use for chaining the new expression to the old ones
     -> ( AlgebraExpr' γ σ l -> AlgebraExpr' γ σ l )
       -- ^ Transformation to apply to the rightmost expression in the previous chain
     -> ( AlgebraExpr' γ σ l -> AlgebraExpr' γ σ l )
       -- ^ Transformation which appends the result.
continueExpr op f = go
 where go (OperatorChain e₀ ((eo@(Infix (Hs.Fixity fte _) _), ):es))
         | fte <= chainingFxty
                    = associativeOperator eo (OperatorChain e₀ es) (go )
       go e
         | Just (co, fxtyDir) <- chainingOp
              = OperatorChain e [(Infix (Hs.Fixity chainingFxty fxtyDir) co, f e)]
         | otherwise
              = op e $ f e
       (chainingFxty, chainingOp)
                      = case op (Symbol $ StringSymbol mempty)
                                (Symbol $ StringSymbol mempty) of
          OperatorChain _ ((Infix (Hs.Fixity fxty fxtyDir) op, _):_)
            -> (fxty, Just (op, fxtyDir))
          _ -> (-1, Nothing)

infixl 1 &~~!, &~~:

-- | Apply a sequence of pattern-transformations and yield the result
--   concatenated to the original via the corresponding chain-operator.
--   Because only the rightmost expression in a chain is processed,
--   this can be iterated, giving a chain of intermediate results.
--   If one of the patterns does not match, this manipulator will raise
--   an error.
(&~~!) :: ( Eq l, Eq (Encapsulation l), SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ l
         , Show (AlgebraExpr σ l), Show (AlgebraPattern σ l) )
    => AlgebraExpr σ l -> [AlgebraPattern σ l] -> AlgebraExpr σ l
e &~~! [] = e
OperatorChain e₀ ((eo@(Infix (Hs.Fixity fte _) _), ):es)
     &~~! tfms@(OperatorChain p₀ [(to@(Infix (Hs.Fixity ftp _) _),p₁)] : _)
   | fte<=ftp   = associativeOperator eo (OperatorChain e₀ es) (&~~!tfms)
e &~~! tfms@(OperatorChain _ [(tfmOp, _)] : _)
  = OperatorChain e [(tfmOp, go e tfms)]
 where go e' (OperatorChain p₀ [(tfmOp', p₁)] : tfms') = go (e' &~! (p₀:=:p₁)) tfms'
       go e' [] = e'

-- | Apply a sequence of pattern-transformations, each in every spot possible,
--   and yield the result
--   concatenated to the original via the corresponding chain-operator.
--   Because only the rightmost expression in a chain is processed,
--   this can be iterated, giving a chain of intermediate results.
(&~~:) :: ( Eq l, Eq (Encapsulation l), SymbolClass σ, SCConstraint σ l
         , Show (AlgebraExpr σ l), Show (AlgebraPattern σ l) )
    => AlgebraExpr σ l -> [AlgebraPattern σ l] -> AlgebraExpr σ l
e &~~: [] = e
OperatorChain e₀ ((eo@(Infix (Hs.Fixity fte _) _), ):es)
     &~~: tfms@(OperatorChain p₀ [(to@(Infix (Hs.Fixity ftp _) _),p₁)] : _)
   | fte<=ftp   = associativeOperator eo (OperatorChain e₀ es) (&~~:tfms)
e &~~: tfms@(OperatorChain _ [(tfmOp, _)] : _)
  = OperatorChain e [(tfmOp, go e tfms)]
 where go e' (OperatorChain p₀ [(tfmOp', p₁)] : tfms')
          = case e' &~: (p₀:=:p₁) of
              alt -> go alt tfms'
       go e' [] = e'