dynamic-graph- Draw and update graphs in real time with OpenGL

Safe HaskellNone



Draw and update filled in line graphs with OpenGL.

Example usage:

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Concurrent
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import System.Random
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL

import Graphics.DynamicGraph.FillLine

randomVect :: Producer [GLfloat] IO ()
randomVect =  P.repeatM $ do
    res <- replicateM 1000 randomIO
    threadDelay 10000
    return res

main = eitherT putStrLn return $ do
    lineGraph <- filledLineWindow 1024 480 1000 jet_mod

    lift $ runEffect $ randomVect >-> lineGraph



filledLineWindow :: IsPixelData a => Int -> Int -> Int -> [GLfloat] -> EitherT String IO (Consumer a IO ()) Source

(filledLineWindow windowWidth windowHeight samples colorMap) creates a window of width windowWidth and height windowHeight for displaying a line graph.

A function is returned for dynamically updating the line graph. It takes an instance of IsPixelData of length samples as the y values.

The fill is drawn with a vertical gradient defined by colorMap.

renderFilledLine :: IsPixelData a => Int -> [GLfloat] -> IO (a -> IO ()) Source

(renderFilledLine samples colorMap) returns a function that renders a filled in line graph into the current OpenGL context. The function takes an instance of IsPixelData of length samples.

The fill is drawn with a vertical gradient defined by colorMap.

All OpenGL based initialization of the rendering function (loading of shaders, etc) is performed before the function is returned.

setupGLFW :: EitherT String IO () Source

Utility function to setup GLFW for graph drawing