-- |
-- Module      :  PathLoader
-- Copyright   :  (c) Hampus Ram 2004, Gabor Greif 2012
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  ggreif+dynamic@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (ghc >= 7.6 only)
-- A module that implements dynamic loading. 
-- Has smart handling of dependencies and
-- is thread safe.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ConstraintKinds #-}

module System.Plugins.PathLoader (LoadedModule,
                                  ModuleType (..),
                                  DL.addDLL) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.List
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HT
import Data.Hashable
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Directory
import Data.Time
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import System.Plugins.Criteria.LoadCriterion
import System.Plugins.Criteria.UnsafeCriterion

import qualified System.Plugins.DynamicLoader as DL

type Loadable c t t' = (LoadCriterion c t, Effective c t ~ IO t')

data LoadedModule = LM FilePath ModuleType

data ModuleType = MT_Module
                | MT_Package
                  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type ModuleWT = (ModuleType, FilePath)

type PathDynamics = Either DL.DynamicModule DL.DynamicPackage

type PathDep = [ModuleWT]

-- PM reference_count type time module
data PathModule = PM { pm_refc   :: !Int,
                        pm_time   :: UTCTime,
                        pm_deps   :: PathDep,
                        pm_module :: PathDynamics }

-- base_path dependency_map modules
type PathEnvData = (Maybe FilePath,
                    HT.BasicHashTable String [ModuleWT],
                    HT.BasicHashTable String PathModule)


   New PathEnv that uses both an IORef and a MVar
   to make it possible to have non blocking functions
   that inspect the state.

type PathEnv = (MVar (), IORef PathEnvData)

withPathEnv :: Loadable c t t' => Criterion c t -> PathEnv -> (PathEnvData -> Effective c t) -> Effective c t
withPathEnv _ (mvar, ioref) f
    = withMVar mvar (\_ -> readIORef ioref >>= f)

withPathEnvNB :: PathEnv -> (PathEnvData -> IO b) -> IO b
withPathEnvNB (_, ioref) f = readIORef ioref >>= f

modifyPathEnv_ :: PathEnv -> (PathEnvData -> IO PathEnvData) -> IO ()
modifyPathEnv_ (mvar, ioref) f
    = withMVar mvar (\_ -> readIORef ioref >>= f >>= writeIORef ioref)

{-# NOINLINE env #-}
env :: PathEnv
env = unsafePerformIO (do modh <- HT.new
                          deph <- HT.new
                          mvar <- newMVar ()
                          ioref <- newIORef (Nothing, deph, modh)
                          return (mvar, ioref))


Set the base path used in figuring out module names. If not set the default
(i.e. currentDirectory) will be used.

setBasePath :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
setBasePath mpath
    =  modifyPathEnv_ env (\(_, deph, modh) -> return (mpath, deph, modh))


Add a module dependency. Any dependencies must be added /before/ any
calls to loadModule\/loadPackage or symbols will not be resolved with a
crash as result.

addDependency :: FilePath -> (ModuleType, FilePath) -> IO ()
addDependency from to = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (addDependency' from to)

addDependency' :: FilePath -> (ModuleType, FilePath) -> PathEnvData -> IO ()
addDependency' from to (_, deph, _)
    = insertHT_C union deph from [to]


Set all dependencies. All previous dependencies are removed.


setDependencies :: FilePath -> [(ModuleType, FilePath)] -> IO ()
setDependencies from to = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (setDependencies' from to)

setDependencies' :: FilePath -> [(ModuleType, FilePath)] -> 
                    PathEnvData -> IO ()
setDependencies' from to (_, deph, _)
    = insertHT deph from to


Delete a module dependency.

delDependency :: FilePath -> (ModuleType, FilePath) -> IO ()
delDependency from to = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (delDependency' from to)

delDependency' :: FilePath -> (ModuleType, FilePath) -> PathEnvData -> IO ()
delDependency' from to (_, deph, _)
    = modifyHT (\\[to]) deph from


Delete all dependencies for a module. Same behaviour as
@setDependencies path []@.


delAllDeps :: FilePath -> IO ()
delAllDeps from = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (delAllDeps' from)

delAllDeps' :: FilePath -> PathEnvData -> IO ()
delAllDeps' from (_, deph, _)
    = deleteHT deph from


Do something with the current dependencies of a module. You can't use
(blocking) functions from this module in the function given to
withDependencies. If you do so, a deadlock will occur.

withDependencies :: Loadable c t t' => Criterion c t -> FilePath
                 -> (Maybe [(ModuleType, FilePath)] -> Effective c t) -> Effective c t
withDependencies crit from f
    = withPathEnv crit env (\(_,deph,_) -> lookupHT deph from >>= f)


Load a module (or package) and modules (or packages) it depends on. It
is possible to load a module many times without any error
occuring. However to unload a module one needs to call @unloadModule@
the same number of times.

Before loading any modules you should add wich dependencies it has
with addDependency (and which dependencies the modules upon which it
depends have).

If the module already has been loaded nothing will be done except
updating the reference count. I.e. if dependencies have been updated
they will be ignored until the module has been completely unloaded and
loaded again.

If any error occurs an exception is thrown.

loadModule :: FilePath -> ModuleType -> IO LoadedModule
loadModule m mt
    = do withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (\env -> do loadModuleWithDep (mt, m) env
                                                     return (LM m mt))

loadModuleWithDep :: (ModuleType, FilePath) -> PathEnvData -> IO ()
loadModuleWithDep nwt@(_, name) env@(_, _, modh)
    = do mpm <- lookupHT modh name
         (pm, depmods) <- midLoadModule mpm nwt env

         insertHT modh name pm

         mapM_ (\modwt -> loadModuleWithDep modwt env) depmods

midLoadModule :: Maybe PathModule -> (ModuleType, FilePath) -> 
                 PathEnvData -> IO (PathModule, PathDep)
midLoadModule (Just pm) _ _ = return $ (pm { pm_refc = pm_refc pm + 1 },
                                        pm_deps pm)
midLoadModule Nothing nwt@(_, name) env@(_, deph, _)
    = do (sd, time) <- lowLoadModule nwt env
         depmods <- lookupDefHT deph [] name
         return (PM 1 time depmods sd, depmods)

lowLoadModule :: ModuleWT -> PathEnvData -> IO (PathDynamics, UTCTime)
lowLoadModule (MT_Package, name) (_, _, _)
    = do lp <- DL.loadPackageFromPath name
         time <- getModificationTime (DL.dp_path lp)
         return (Right lp, time)
lowLoadModule (MT_Module, name) (mpath, _, _)
    = do lm <- DL.loadModuleFromPath name mpath
         time <- getModificationTime (DL.dm_path lm)
         return (Left lm, time)


Unload a module and all modules it depends on. This unloading only
occurs if the module isn't needed by any other libraries or hasn't
been loaded more than once. An exception is thrown in case of error.

unloadModule :: LoadedModule -> IO ()
unloadModule (LM name _) 
    = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (unloadModuleWithDep name)


Same as @unloadModule@ just doesn't trow any exceptions on error.

unloadModuleQuiet :: LoadedModule -> IO ()
unloadModuleQuiet (LM name _)
    = withPathEnv UnsafeCriterion env (\env -> catch (unloadModuleWithDep name env)
                                       (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ()))

unloadModuleWithDep :: FilePath -> PathEnvData -> IO ()
unloadModuleWithDep name env@(_, _, modh)
    = do mpm <- lookupHT modh name
         pm <- maybe (fail $ "Module " ++ name ++ " not loaded")
                     return mpm
         if pm_refc pm > 1
            then do insertHT modh name (pm { pm_refc = pm_refc pm - 1 })
            else do lowUnloadModule (pm_module pm)
                    deleteHT modh name
         mapM_ (\(_, m) -> unloadModuleWithDep m env) (pm_deps pm)

lowUnloadModule :: PathDynamics -> IO ()
lowUnloadModule (Left lm)  = DL.unloadModule lm
lowUnloadModule (Right lp) = DL.unloadPackage lp


Load a function from a module. It cannot load functions from packages
and will throw an exception if one tries to do so. Also throws if an
error occurs.

It seems (but I'm unsure) like any functions loaded will continue to
be valid even after the module it resides in is unloaded. It will also
still be valid if a new version of that module is loaded (it will thus
still call the old function).

loadFunction :: Loadable c t t' => Criterion c t -> LoadedModule -> String -> Effective c t
loadFunction crit (LM m MT_Module) name
    = withPathEnv crit env (loadFunction' m name)
  where loadFunction' mname fname (_, _, modh)
            = do mpm <- HT.lookup modh mname
                 pm <- maybe (fail $ "Module " ++ mname ++ " isn't loaded") 
                             return mpm
                 let Left dm = pm_module pm
                 DL.loadFunction dm fname

loadFunction _ _ _ = fail "You cannot load functions from a package."


Load a qualified function from a module or package. It will throw an
exception if an error occurs. Same restriction as for
DynamicLinker.loadQualifiedFunction applies here too.

loadQualifiedFunction :: Loadable c t t' => Criterion c t -> String -> Effective c t
loadQualifiedFunction crit name
    = withPathEnv crit env (loadQualifiedFunction' name)
  where loadQualifiedFunction' qname _ = DL.loadQualifiedFunction qname


Give the modification time for a loded module. Will throw an exception
if the module isn't loaded.

moduleLoadedAt :: LoadedModule -> IO UTCTime
moduleLoadedAt (LM m _)
    = withPathEnvNB env (moduleLoadedAt' m)

moduleLoadedAt' :: FilePath -> PathEnvData -> IO UTCTime
moduleLoadedAt' name (_, _, modh)
    = do mpm <- HT.lookup modh name 
         pm <- maybe (fail $ "Module " ++ name ++ " not loaded")
                     return mpm
         return (pm_time pm)

loadedModules :: IO [String]
loadedModules = withPathEnvNB env loadedModules' 

loadedModules' :: PathEnvData -> IO [String]
loadedModules' (_, _, modh) = HT.toList modh >>= (\lst -> return (map fst lst))

-- functions to handle HashTables in a better way

-- it seems like it doesn't replace the old value on insert
insertHT :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => HT.BasicHashTable key val -> key -> val -> IO ()
insertHT ht key val 
    = do HT.delete ht key
         HT.insert ht key val

insertHT_C :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => (val -> val -> val) -> HT.BasicHashTable key val -> key -> val -> IO ()
insertHT_C func ht key val
    = do mval <- HT.lookup ht key
         case mval of
                   Just val' -> insertHT ht key (func val val')
                   Nothing   -> insertHT ht key val

modifyHT :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => (val -> val) -> HT.BasicHashTable key val -> key -> IO ()
modifyHT func ht key
    = do mval <- HT.lookup ht key
         case mval of
                   Just val -> insertHT ht key (func val)
                   Nothing  -> return ()

lookupHT :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => HT.BasicHashTable key val -> key -> IO (Maybe val)
lookupHT ht key = HT.lookup ht key

deleteHT :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => HT.BasicHashTable key val -> key -> IO ()
deleteHT ht key = HT.delete ht key

lookupDefHT :: (Eq key, Hashable key) => HT.BasicHashTable key b -> b -> key -> IO b
lookupDefHT ht val key
    = do mval <- HT.lookup ht key
         case mval of
                   Just val -> return val
                   Nothing  -> return val