# DynamoDB layer for Haskell [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ondrap/dynamodb-simple.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ondrap/dynamodb-simple) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/dynamodb-simple.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dynamodb-simple) This library intends to simplify working with DynamoDB AWS database. It uses Generics code ([generics-sop](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generics-sop)) on top of your structures and just by adding a few instances allows you to easily generate AWS commands. ````haskell data Test = Test { category :: T.Text , user :: T.Text , subject :: T.Text , replies :: Int } deriving (Show) -- Generate instances and category', user' etc. variables for queries/updates mkTableDefs "migrate" (tableConfig (''Test, WithRange) [] []) test :: IO () test = do lgr <- newLogger Info stdout setEnv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" setEnv "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXfdjdsfjdsfjdskldfs+kl" env <- newEnv Discover let dynamo = setEndpoint False "localhost" 8000 dynamoDB let newenv = env & configure dynamo & set envLogger lgr runResourceT $ runAWS newenv $ do migrate mempty Nothing -- Create tables, indices etc. -- putItem (Test "news" "john" "test" 20) -- item <- getItem Eventually tTest ("news", "john") liftIO $ print item -- items <- scanCond tTest (replies' >. 15) 10 liftIO $ print items ```` ### Features - Global secondary indexes. - Local secondary indexes. - Tables with only hash keys as well as tables with combined hash and sort key. - Sparse indexes (define the column as `Maybe` in a table, omit the `Maybe` in index definition). - Automatically generate polymorphic lenses to access fields in main table and index records. - Standard datatypes including `Tagged` and basic default instances for data types supporting `Show/Read`. - New types can be added easily. - High-level, easy-to-use API - hides intricacies of both DynamoDB and amazonka library. - Type-safe conditions, including nested structures. - Type-safe update actions. - Template-haskell macro to easily create all relevant instances. - 'Schema migration' - upon startup checks if the database schema matches the definition and, if possible, adjusts the database. If it is impossible, it fails. - Automatic handling of invalid values (empty strings, empty sets). Automatic rewriting of queries when searching for these empty values. - Compatible with GHC8 `DuplicateRecordFields` - Customizable table and index names. Custom translation of field names to attribute names. - AWS Dynamo streaming settings. - Utilities to help with simulated joins or retriving original data from index. - Both conduit and page-based API. ### What is planned - Support for automatic versioning of fields. ### Limitations - Projections are not supported. Using some generic programming on tuples it should be possible. - You cannot compare attributes between themselves (i.e. `currentAccount' >=. averageAccount'`). I'm not sure this would be currently technically possible. Does anybody need it? ### Handling of NULLs DynamoDB does not accept empty strings/sets. It accepts `NULL`, but that is not acceptable in fields that are used for sparse indexing. Empty string and empty set are represented by omitting the value. * `Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe a)` will become `Nothing` on retrieval. * `[Just 1, Nothing, Just 3]` will become `[Just 1, Just 3]` on retrieval. * `HashMap Text (Maybe a)` is not a good idea; missing values will disappear. * `Maybe (Set a)` will become `Nothing` on empty set * Don't try to use inequality comparisons (`>.`, `<.`) on empty strings. * If you use `maybeCol' == Nothing`, it gets internally replaced by `attr_missing(maybeCol)`, so it will behave as expected. The same with empty `String` or `Set`. Keep that in mind when traversing nested structures. * In case of schema change, `Maybe` columns are considered `Nothing`. * In case of schema change, `String` columns are decoded as empty strings, `Set` columns as empty sets, `[a]` columns as empty lists. * Condition for `== ""`, `== []` etc. is automatically enhanced to account for non-existent attributes (i.e. after schema change). * Empty list/empty hashmap is represented as empty list/hashmap; however it is allowed to be decoded even when the attribute is missing in order to allow better schema migrations.