{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module IntegrationTests ( integrationTests ) where import GHC.Generics ( Generic, Generic1 ) import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) ) import Data.Vector ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import qualified Numeric.GSL.ODE as ODE import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data as D import qualified Test.HUnit.Base as HUnit import Test.Framework ( Test, testGroup ) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit ( testCase ) import Linear ( Additive ) import Dyno.Vectorize ( Vectorize(..), None(..), devectorize, fill ) import Dyno.View.View ( View(..), J ) import Dyno.View.JV ( splitJV ) import Dyno.TypeVecs ( Dim ) import Dyno.Solvers import Dyno.Nlp ( NlpOut(..) ) import Dyno.NlpUtils import Dyno.Ocp import Dyno.DirectCollocation.Formulate import Dyno.DirectCollocation.Types ( CollTraj(..) ) import Dyno.DirectCollocation.Quadratures ( QuadratureRoots(..) ) data PendX a = PendX a a deriving (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show) data PendP a = PendP a deriving (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show) instance Vectorize PendX instance Vectorize PendP over :: Vectorize f => (a -> a -> a) -> f a -> f a -> f a over f x y = devectorize $ V.zipWith f (vectorize x) (vectorize y) minus :: (Vectorize f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> f a minus = over (-) --divv :: (Vectorize f, Fractional a) => f a -> f a -> f a --divv = over (/) data IntegrationOcp x p type instance X (IntegrationOcp x p) = x type instance Z (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance U (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance P (IntegrationOcp x p) = p type instance R (IntegrationOcp x p) = x type instance O (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance C (IntegrationOcp x p) = x type instance H (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance Q (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance QO (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance FP (IntegrationOcp x p) = None type instance PO (IntegrationOcp x p) = None runIntegration :: forall x p deg n . ( Vectorize x, Vectorize p, Additive x, Dim deg, Dim n ) => Proxy n -> Proxy deg -> QuadratureRoots -> (forall a . Floating a => x a -> p a -> a -> x a) -> x Double -> p Double -> Double -> IO (Either String (x Double)) runIntegration _ _ roots ode x0 p tf = do let ocp :: OcpPhase' (IntegrationOcp x p) ocp = OcpPhase { ocpMayer = \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> 0 , ocpLagrange = \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> 0 , ocpDae = \x' x _ _ pp _ t -> ((ode x pp t) `minus` x', None) , ocpQuadratures = \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> None , ocpQuadratureOutputs = \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> None , ocpBc = \x0' _ _ _ _ _ -> x0' , ocpPathC = \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> None , ocpPlotOutputs = \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> None , ocpObjScale = Nothing , ocpTScale = Nothing , ocpXScale = Nothing , ocpZScale = Nothing , ocpUScale = Nothing , ocpPScale = Nothing , ocpResidualScale = Nothing , ocpBcScale = Nothing , ocpPathCScale = Nothing } ocpInputs :: OcpPhaseInputs' (IntegrationOcp x p) ocpInputs = OcpPhaseInputs { ocpPathCBnds = None , ocpBcBnds = fmap (\x -> (Just x, Just x)) x0 , ocpXbnd = fill (Nothing, Nothing) , ocpUbnd = None , ocpZbnd = None , ocpPbnd = fmap (\x -> (Just x, Just x)) p , ocpTbnd = (Just tf, Just tf) , ocpFixedP = None } let guess :: J (CollTraj x None None p n deg) (Vector Double) guess = cat $ makeGuessSim roots tf x0 (\_ x _ -> ode x p 0) (\_ _ -> None) p cp <- makeCollProblem roots ocp ocpInputs guess :: IO (CollProblem x None None p x None x None None None None None n deg) (msg, opt') <- solveNlp solver (cpNlp cp) Nothing return $ case msg of Left m -> Left m Right _ -> Right (toXf (xOpt opt')) pendOde :: Floating a => PendX a -> PendP a -> a -> PendX a pendOde (PendX theta omega) (PendP mass) t = PendX omega ((9.8 * sin theta + force) / mass) where force = 0.3 * sin t solver :: Solver solver = ipoptSolver { options = [ ("expand", Opt True) --, ("linear_solver", Opt "ma86") --, ("ma86_order", Opt "metis") , ("tol", Opt (1e-11 :: Double)) ] } pendX0 :: PendX Double pendX0 = PendX 0 0.2 pendP :: PendP Double pendP = PendP 2.3 rk45 :: (Vectorize x, Vectorize p) => (x Double -> p Double -> Double -> x Double) -> Double -> p Double -> x Double -> x Double rk45 f h p x0 = devectorize $ sv $ last sol where vs :: V.Vector Double -> SV.Vector Double vs = SV.fromList . V.toList sv :: SV.Vector Double -> V.Vector Double sv = V.fromList . SV.toList sol = D.toRows $ ODE.odeSolveV ODE.RKf45 h 1e-10 1e-8 f' (vs (vectorize x0)) (SV.fromList [0.0, h]) f' :: Double -> SV.Vector Double -> SV.Vector Double f' t x = vs $ vectorize $ f (devectorize (sv x)) p t toXf :: ( Vectorize x, Vectorize z, Vectorize u, Vectorize p , Dim n, Dim deg ) => J (CollTraj x z u p n deg) (Vector Double)-> x Double toXf traj = splitJV xf where CollTraj _ _ _ xf = split traj integrationTests :: Test integrationTests = testGroup "integration tests" [ testCase "pendulum" $ compareIntegration (Proxy :: Proxy 80) (Proxy :: Proxy 3) pendOde pendX0 pendP tf ] where tf = 3.0 compareIntegration :: forall x p n deg . (Vectorize x, Vectorize p, Additive x, Dim n, Dim deg) => Proxy n -> Proxy deg -> (forall a . Floating a => x a -> p a -> a -> x a) -> x Double -> p Double -> Double -> HUnit.Assertion compareIntegration pn pdeg ode x0 p tf = HUnit.assert $ do xL' <- runIntegration pn pdeg Legendre ode x0 p tf xR' <- runIntegration pn pdeg Radau ode x0 p tf let xGsl = rk45 ode tf p x0 worstErr :: x Double -> x Double -> Double worstErr x y = V.maximum $ V.map abs $ vectorize $ x `minus` y ret :: HUnit.Assertion ret = case (xL', xR') of (Left ml, Left mr) -> HUnit.assertString $ "legendre and radau solve failed with: " ++ show ml ++ ", " ++ show mr (Left ml, _) -> HUnit.assertString $ "legendre solve failed with: " ++ show ml (_, Left mr) -> HUnit.assertString $ "legendre solve failed with: " ++ show mr (Right xL, Right xR) -> case ( 1e-6 >= worstErr xL xGsl , 1e-6 >= worstErr xR xGsl ) of ( True, True) -> HUnit.assert True (False, False) -> HUnit.assertString $ "legendre and radau have insufficient accuracy: " ++ show (worstErr xL xGsl, worstErr xR xGsl) (False, True) -> HUnit.assertString $ "legendre has insufficient accuracy: " ++ show (worstErr xL xGsl) ( True, False) -> HUnit.assertString $ "radau has insufficient accuracy failed: " ++ show (worstErr xR xGsl) return ret :: IO HUnit.Assertion