{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
module Numeric.Matrix.Class
  ( MatrixCalculus (..)
  , SquareMatrixCalculus (..)
  , MatrixInverse (..)
  , Matrix
  , HomTransform4 (..)
  , Mat22f, Mat23f, Mat24f
  , Mat32f, Mat33f, Mat34f
  , Mat42f, Mat43f, Mat44f
  , Mat22d, Mat23d, Mat24d
  , Mat32d, Mat33d, Mat34d
  , Mat42d, Mat43d, Mat44d
  ) where

import           Numeric.Commons
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Type
import           Numeric.Dimensions     (Nat)
import           Numeric.Scalar
import           Numeric.Vector

-- | Alias for DataFrames of rank 2
type Matrix t (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) = DataFrame t '[n,m]

class MatrixCalculus t (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) where
    -- | Transpose Mat
    transpose :: (MatrixCalculus t m n, PrimBytes (Matrix t m n)) => Matrix t n m -> Matrix t m n

class SquareMatrixCalculus t (n :: Nat) where
    -- | Mat with 1 on diagonal and 0 elsewhere
    eye :: Matrix t n n
    -- | Put the same value on the Mat diagonal, 0 otherwise
    diag :: Scalar t -> Matrix t n n
    -- | Determinant of  Mat
    det :: Matrix t n n -> Scalar t
    -- | Sum of diagonal elements
    trace :: Matrix t n n -> Scalar t

class MatrixInverse t (n :: Nat) where
    -- | Matrix inverse
    inverse :: DataFrame t '[n,n] -> DataFrame t '[n,n]

-- | Operations on 4x4 transformation matrices and vectors in homogeneous coordinates.
--   All angles are specified in radians.
class HomTransform4 t where
    -- | Create a translation matrix from a vector
    translate4  :: Vector t 4 -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Create a translation matrix from a vector
    translate3  :: Vector t 3 -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Rotation matrix for a rotation around the X axis, angle is given in radians.
    rotateX     :: t -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Rotation matrix for a rotation around the Y axis, angle is given in radians.
    rotateY     :: t -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Rotation matrix for a rotation around the Z axis, angle is given in radians.
    rotateZ     :: t -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Rotation matrix for a rotation around an arbitrary normalized vector
    rotate      :: Vector t 3 -> t -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Rotation matrix from the Euler angles yaw pitch and roll
    rotateEuler :: t -> t -> t -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Create a transform matrix using up direction, camera position and a point to look at.
    --   Just the same as GluLookAt.
    lookAt      :: Vector t 3 -- ^ The up direction, not necessary unit length or perpendicular to the view vector
                -> Vector t 3 -- ^ The viewers position
                -> Vector t 3 -- ^ The point to look at
                -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | A perspective symmetric projection matrix. Right-handed coordinate system. (@x@ - right, @y@ - top)
    --   http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLSL_Programming/Vertex_Transformations
    perspective :: t -- ^ Near plane clipping distance (always positive)
                -> t -- ^ Far plane clipping distance (always positive)
                -> t -- ^ Field of view of the y axis, in radians
                -> t -- ^ Aspect ratio, i.e. screen's width\/height
                -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | An orthogonal symmetric projection matrix. Right-handed coordinate system. (@x@ - right, @y@ - top)
    --   http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLSL_Programming/Vertex_Transformations
    orthogonal  :: t -- ^ Near plane clipping distance
                -> t -- ^ Far plane clipping distance
                -> t -- ^ width
                -> t -- ^ height
                -> Matrix t 4 4
    -- | Add one more dimension and set it to 1.
    toHomPoint  :: Vector t 3 -> Vector t 4
    -- | Add one more dimension and set it to 0.
    toHomVector :: Vector t 3 -> Vector t 4
    -- | Transform a homogenous vector or point into a normal 3D vector.
    --   If the last coordinate is not zero, divide the rest by it.
    fromHom     :: Vector t 4 -> Vector t 3

-- Type abbreviations

type Mat22f = Matrix Float 2 2
type Mat32f = Matrix Float 3 2
type Mat42f = Matrix Float 4 2
type Mat23f = Matrix Float 2 3
type Mat33f = Matrix Float 3 3
type Mat43f = Matrix Float 4 3
type Mat24f = Matrix Float 2 4
type Mat34f = Matrix Float 3 4
type Mat44f = Matrix Float 4 4

type Mat22d = Matrix Double 2 2
type Mat32d = Matrix Double 3 2
type Mat42d = Matrix Double 4 2
type Mat23d = Matrix Double 2 3
type Mat33d = Matrix Double 3 3
type Mat43d = Matrix Double 4 3
type Mat24d = Matrix Double 2 4
type Mat34d = Matrix Double 3 4
type Mat44d = Matrix Double 4 4