{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {- | The core @easytensor@ types. -} module Numeric.DataFrame.Type ( -- * Data types SomeDataFrame (..), DataFrame' #if defined(__HADDOCK__) || defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__) , DataFrame (SingleFrame, MultiFrame, XFrame) , pattern Z, pattern (:*:) , pattern S, pattern DF2, pattern DF3, pattern DF4, pattern DF5 , pattern DF6, pattern DF7, pattern DF8, pattern DF9 #else , DataFrame ( SingleFrame, MultiFrame, XFrame, (:*:), Z , S, DF2, DF3, DF4, DF5, DF6, DF7, DF8, DF9) #endif -- * Flexible assembling and disassembling , PackDF, packDF, unpackDF , appendDF, consDF, snocDF , fromFlatList, fromListWithDefault, fromList , constrainDF -- * Infer type class instances , KnownBackend (), DFBackend, KnownBackends , InferKnownBackend (..), inferPrimElem -- * Re-exports , Dim (..), Idx (), XNat (..), N, XN, Dims, Idxs, TypedList (..) , PrimBytes (), bSizeOf, bAlignOf, bFieldOffsetOf , PrimArray (), ixOff ) where import Data.Data import Data.Proxy (Proxy) import Data.Semigroup hiding (All) import Data.Type.Lits import Data.Void import Foreign.Storable (Storable (..)) import GHC.Base import GHC.Exts (TYPE) import qualified GHC.Generics as G import GHC.Ptr (Ptr (..)) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as Read import qualified Text.Read as Read import qualified Text.Read.Lex as Read import Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.PrimArray import Numeric.Dimensions import Numeric.PrimBytes import Numeric.ProductOrd import qualified Numeric.ProductOrd.NonTransitive as NonTransitive import qualified Numeric.ProductOrd.Partial as Partial import Numeric.TypedList (typeables) import {-# SOURCE #-} Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Backend (DFBackend, KnownBackend) import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Backend as Backend import Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.BackendI () -- | Keep data in a primitive data frame -- and maintain information about Dimensions in the type system data family DataFrame (t :: l) (xs :: [k]) -- | Single frame newtype instance DataFrame (t :: Type) (ns :: [Nat]) = SingleFrame { getSingleFrame :: DFBackend t ns } -- | Multiple "columns" of data frames of the same shape newtype instance DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ns :: [Nat]) = MultiFrame ( TypedList (DataFrame' ns) ts ) -- | Data frame with some dimensions missing at compile time. -- Pattern-match against its constructor to get a Nat-indexed data frame. data instance DataFrame (ts :: l) (xns :: [XNat]) = forall (ns :: [Nat]) . (KnownXNatTypes xns, FixedDims xns ns, Dimensions ns, KnownBackends ts ns) => XFrame (DataFrame ts ns) -- | Data frame that has an unknown dimensionality at compile time. -- Pattern-match against its constructor to get a Nat-indexed data frame data SomeDataFrame (t :: l) = forall (ns :: [Nat]) . (Dimensions ns, KnownBackends t ns) => SomeDataFrame (DataFrame t ns) deriving Typeable -- | DataFrame with its type arguments swapped. newtype DataFrame' (xs :: [k]) (t :: l) = DataFrame' (DataFrame t xs) deriving Typeable {-# COMPLETE Z, (:*:) #-} -- | Constructing a @MultiFrame@ using DataFrame columns pattern (:*:) :: forall (xs :: [Type]) (ns :: [Nat]) . () => forall (y :: Type) (ys :: [Type]) . (xs ~ (y ': ys)) => DataFrame y ns -> DataFrame ys ns -> DataFrame xs ns pattern (:*:) x xs <- (MultiFrame (DataFrame' x :* (MultiFrame -> xs))) where (:*:) x (MultiFrame xs) = MultiFrame (DataFrame' x :* xs) infixr 6 :*: -- | Empty MultiFrame pattern Z :: forall (xs :: [Type]) (ns :: [Nat]) . () => (xs ~ '[]) => DataFrame xs ns pattern Z = MultiFrame U -- | I use this kind-polymorphic constraint to generalize @XFrame@ and @SomeDataFrame@ -- over @SingleFrame@ and @MultiFrame@. type family KnownBackends (ts :: l) (ns :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where KnownBackends ( t :: Type ) ns = KnownBackend t ns KnownBackends ('[] :: [Type]) _ = () KnownBackends (t ': ts :: [Type]) ns = (KnownBackend t ns, KnownBackends ts ns) -- | Allow inferring @KnownBackends@ if you know the dimensions and the element types. class InferKnownBackend (t :: k) ds where -- Infer @KnownBackends@ if you know the dimensions and the element types. inferKnownBackend :: Dict (KnownBackends t ds) instance (PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds) => InferKnownBackend (t :: Type) ds where inferKnownBackend = Backend.inferKnownBackend @t @ds instance (RepresentableList ts, All PrimBytes ts, Dimensions ds) => InferKnownBackend (ts :: [Type]) ds where inferKnownBackend = go (tList @_ @ts) where go :: forall ss . All PrimBytes ss => TypeList ss -> Dict (KnownBackends ss ds) go U = Dict go ((_ :: Proxy t) :* ts) = case Backend.inferKnownBackend @t @ds of Dict -> case go ts of Dict -> Dict -- | All component data frames must satisfy a given constraint. type family AllFrames (f :: Type -> Constraint) (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where AllFrames _ '[] _ = () AllFrames f (t ': ts) ds = (f (DataFrame t ds), AllFrames f ts ds) deriving instance Typeable (DataFrame (t :: l) (xs :: [k])) deriving instance ( Data (DataFrame t xs) , Typeable t, Typeable xs, Typeable k, Typeable l) => Data (DataFrame' (xs :: [k]) (t :: l)) deriving instance Eq (DFBackend t ds) => Eq (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Ord (DFBackend t ds) => Ord (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance ProductOrder (DFBackend t ds) => ProductOrder (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Bounded (DFBackend t ds) => Bounded (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Enum (DFBackend t ds) => Enum (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Integral (DFBackend t ds) => Integral (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Num (DFBackend t ds) => Num (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Fractional (DFBackend t ds) => Fractional (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Floating (DFBackend t ds) => Floating (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance Real (DFBackend t ds) => Real (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance RealFrac (DFBackend t ds) => RealFrac (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance RealFloat (DFBackend t ds) => RealFloat (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance PrimBytes (DFBackend t ds) => PrimBytes (DataFrame t ds) deriving instance (PrimArray t (DFBackend t ds), PrimBytes t) => PrimArray t (DataFrame t ds) instance Ord (NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds)) => Ord (NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DataFrame t ds)) where (>) = coerce ((>) @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (<) = coerce ((<) @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (>=) = coerce ((>=) @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (<=) = coerce ((<=) @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) compare = coerce (compare @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) min = coerce (min @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) max = coerce (max @(NonTransitive.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) instance (Ord (Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds)), Eq (DFBackend t ds)) => Ord (Partial.ProductOrd (DataFrame t ds)) where (>) = coerce ((>) @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (<) = coerce ((<) @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (>=) = coerce ((>=) @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) (<=) = coerce ((<=) @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) compare = coerce (compare @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) min = coerce (min @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) max = coerce (max @(Partial.ProductOrd (DFBackend t ds))) instance PrimBytes (DataFrame t ds) => Storable (DataFrame t ds) where sizeOf x = I# (byteSize x) alignment x = I# (byteAlign x) peek (Ptr addr) = IO (readAddr addr) poke (Ptr addr) a = IO (\s -> (# writeAddr a addr s, () #)) instance AllFrames Eq ts ds => Eq (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) ds) where Z == Z = True (a :*: as) == (b :*: bs) = a == b && as == bs instance Eq t => Eq (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [XNat])) where XFrame dfa == XFrame dfb | Just Dict <- sameDims' dfa dfb = dfa == dfb | otherwise = False instance All Eq ts => Eq (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [XNat])) where XFrame dfa == XFrame dfb | Just Dict <- sameDims' dfa dfb = eqFrames dfa dfb | otherwise = False instance Eq t => Eq (SomeDataFrame (t :: Type)) where SomeDataFrame dfa == SomeDataFrame dfb | Just Dict <- sameDims' dfa dfb = dfa == dfb | otherwise = False instance All Eq ts => Eq (SomeDataFrame (ts :: [Type])) where SomeDataFrame dfa == SomeDataFrame dfb | Just Dict <- sameDims' dfa dfb = eqFrames dfa dfb | otherwise = False eqFrames :: forall (xs :: [Type]) (ns :: [Nat]) . (KnownBackends xs ns, All Eq xs) => DataFrame xs ns -> DataFrame xs ns -> Bool eqFrames Z Z = True eqFrames (a :*: as) (b :*: bs) = a == b && eqFrames as bs instance ( Show t , PrimBytes t , Dimensions ds ) => Show (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat])) where showsPrec p x = case dims @ds of U -> showParen (p >= 10) $ showString "S " . showsPrec 10 (unsafeCoerce# x :: t) D0 :* _ -> showString "DF0" d :* _ -> showParen (p >= 10) $ unpackDF' ( \Dict f -> let g :: Endo (Int -> ShowS) g = Endo $ \k -> f (\o e -> k o . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 e) n = dimVal d in appEndo (stimes n g) (const $ showString "DF" . shows n) ) x instance ( All Show ts , All PrimBytes ts , Dimensions ds ) => Show (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat])) where showsPrec _ Z = showChar 'Z' showsPrec p (x :*: xs) = showParen (p >= 7) $ showsPrec 7 x . showString " :*: " . showsPrec 6 xs instance (Show t, PrimBytes t) => Show (DataFrame (t :: Type) (xns :: [XNat])) where showsPrec p (XFrame x) = showParen (p >= 10) $ showString "XFrame " . showsPrec 11 x instance (All Show ts, All PrimBytes ts) => Show (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (xns :: [XNat])) where showsPrec p (XFrame x) = showParen (p >= 10) $ showString "XFrame " . showsPrec 11 x instance (Show t, PrimBytes t) => Show (SomeDataFrame (t :: Type)) where showsPrec p (SomeDataFrame x) = showParen (p >= 10) $ showString "SomeDataFrame " . showsPrec 11 x instance (All Show ts, All PrimBytes ts) => Show (SomeDataFrame (ts :: [Type])) where showsPrec p (SomeDataFrame x) = showParen (p >= 10) $ showString "SomeDataFrame " . showsPrec 11 x instance (Read t, PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds) => Read (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat])) where readPrec = readPrecFixedDF (dims @ds) readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault instance (All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts, RepresentableList ts, Dimensions ds) => Read (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat])) where readPrec = readFixedMultiDF (tList @Type @ts) (dims @ds) readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault instance (Read t, PrimBytes t, BoundedDims ds, All KnownXNatType ds) => Read (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [XNat])) where readPrec = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "XFrame" Read.step $ readPrecBoundedDF (minDims @XNat @ds) readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault instance ( All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts, RepresentableList ts , BoundedDims ds, All KnownXNatType ds) => Read (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [XNat])) where readPrec = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "XFrame" Read.step $ readBoundedMultiDF (tList @Type @ts) (minDims @XNat @ds) readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault instance (Read t, PrimBytes t) => Read (SomeDataFrame (t :: Type)) where readPrec = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "SomeDataFrame" Read.step readPrecSomeDF readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault instance ( All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts, RepresentableList ts ) => Read (SomeDataFrame (ts :: [Type])) where readPrec = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "SomeDataFrame" Read.step $ readSomeMultiDF (tList @Type @ts) readList = Read.readListDefault readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault readPrecFixedDF :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (Read t, PrimBytes t) => Dims ds -> Read.ReadPrec (DataFrame t ds) readPrecFixedDF U = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "S" S <$> Read.step Read.readPrec readPrecFixedDF (D0 :* Dims) = Read.parens $ do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF0" return (packDF @t @0) readPrecFixedDF (d@D :* ds@Dims) = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF" ++ show (dimVal d) packDF' (<*> Read.step (readPrecFixedDF ds)) pure {- The first argument is, in fact, a @dimsBound@, but covered in the same @[XNat]@ form. That is, XN values are lower bounds rather than actual runtime dimensions. The interesting bit about this function is that it is very particular in specifying what is enforced and what is unknown. At the very least, the call site must know the order of the Dims (unless DF0 is present) -- and specify all dims as @XN 0@. It allows a fine-grained control over the shape of a DataFrame. For example, >>> readPrecBoundedDF (Dx @5 DF5 :* Dn DF4 :* Dn DF4 :* U) reads an array of 4x4 matrices of length at least 5. -} readPrecBoundedDF :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [XNat]) . (Read t, PrimBytes t, KnownXNatTypes ds) => Dims ds -> Read.ReadPrec (DataFrame t ds) -- reading scalar readPrecBoundedDF U = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "S" case inferKnownBackend @t @'[] of Dict -> XFrame . S <$> Read.step Read.readPrec -- DF0 is funny because it will succesfully parse any dimension to the right of it. readPrecBoundedDF (Dn D0 :* XDims (Dims :: Dims ns)) = Read.parens $ do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF0" return $ case inferKnownBackend @t @(0 ': ns) of Dict -> XFrame @Type @t @ds @(0 ': ns) (packDF @t @0 @ns) -- Fixed dimension: -- The number of component frames is exactly n -- the first component frame fixes the shape of the rest n-1 readPrecBoundedDF (Dn d@(D :: Dim n) :* xns) = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF" ++ show (dimVal d) XFrame (x :: DataFrame t ns) <- Read.step $ readPrecBoundedDF @t xns case inferKnownBackend @t @(n ': ns) of Dict -> fmap XFrame . snd . runDelay $ packDF' @t @n @ns (readDelayed $ Read.prec 10 (readPrecFixedDF @t @ns dims)) (followedBy x) -- Bounded dimension: -- The number of component frames is at least m -- the first component frame fixes the shape of the rest n-1 readPrecBoundedDF ((Dx (m :: Dim m) :: Dim xm) :* xns) | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @XNat @('XN m) @xm -- by user contract the argument is dimBound = Read.parens $ lookLex >>= \case Read.Ident ('D':'F':s) | Just (Dx (n :: Dim n)) <- (Read.readMaybe ('D':s) :: Maybe SomeDim) , Just Dict <- indeedLE m n -- check if the DF dim is not less than m -> case n of D0 -> do -- need to repack it under different constraint dims XFrame x <- readPrecBoundedDF @t (Dn D0 :* xns) return (XFrame x) D -> do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF" ++ show (dimVal n) XFrame (x :: DataFrame t ns) <- Read.prec 10 $ readPrecBoundedDF @t xns case inferKnownBackend @t @(n ': ns) of Dict -> fmap XFrame . snd . runDelay $ packDF' @t @n @ns (readDelayed $ Read.prec 10 (readPrecFixedDF @t @ns dims)) (followedBy x) _ -> Read.pfail where indeedLE :: forall (a ::Nat) (b :: Nat) . Dim a -> Dim b -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b)) indeedLE a b = case compareDim a b of SLT -> Just Dict SEQ -> Just Dict SGT -> Nothing {- In this case we know Nothing about the dimensionality of a DataFrame. The logic is similar to readPrecBoundedDF, but a bit simpler: the first dimension is flexible, but fixes the rest dimensions. -} readPrecSomeDF :: forall (t :: Type) . (Read t, PrimBytes t) => Read.ReadPrec (SomeDataFrame t) readPrecSomeDF = Read.parens $ Read.prec 10 (do Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "S" case inferKnownBackend @t @'[] of Dict -> SomeDataFrame . S <$> Read.readPrec ) Read.+++ (lookLex >>= \case Read.Ident ('D':'F':s) | Just (Dx (d :: Dim d)) <- (Read.readMaybe ('D':s) :: Maybe SomeDim) -> case d of D0 | Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @'[0] -> SomeDataFrame <$> readPrecFixedDF @t (D0 :* U) _ -> do Read.lift . Read.expect . Read.Ident $ "DF" ++ show (dimVal d) SomeDataFrame (x :: DataFrame t ds) <- Read.prec 10 $ readPrecSomeDF @t case inferKnownBackend @t @(d ': ds) of Dict -> fmap SomeDataFrame . snd . runDelay $ packDF' @t @d @ds (readDelayed $ Read.prec 10 (readPrecFixedDF @t @ds dims)) (followedBy x) _ -> Read.pfail ) readFixedMultiDF :: forall (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat]) . (All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts) => TypeList ts -> Dims ds -> Read.ReadPrec (DataFrame ts ds) readFixedMultiDF U _ = Read.parens $ Z <$ Read.lift (Read.expect $ Read.Ident "Z") readFixedMultiDF (_ :* ts) ds = Read.parens . Read.prec 6 $ do x <- Read.step $ readPrecFixedDF ds Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Symbol ":*:" xs <- readFixedMultiDF ts ds return (x :*: xs) readBoundedMultiDF :: forall (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [XNat]) . (All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts, KnownXNatTypes ds) => TypeList ts -> Dims ds -> Read.ReadPrec (DataFrame ts ds) readBoundedMultiDF U (XDims (Dims :: Dims ns)) = Read.parens $ XFrame @[Type] @'[] @ds @ns Z <$ Read.lift (Read.expect $ Read.Ident "Z") readBoundedMultiDF ((_ :: Proxy t) :* ts@TypeList) ds = Read.parens . Read.prec 6 $ do XFrame (x :: DataFrame t ns) <- Read.step $ readPrecBoundedDF @t ds Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Symbol ":*:" xs <- readFixedMultiDF ts (dims @ns) case inferKnownBackend @ts @ns of Dict -> return $ XFrame (x :*: xs) readSomeMultiDF :: forall (ts :: [Type]) . (All Read ts, All PrimBytes ts) => TypeList ts -> Read.ReadPrec (SomeDataFrame ts) readSomeMultiDF U = Read.parens $ SomeDataFrame @[Type] @ts @'[] Z <$ Read.lift (Read.expect $ Read.Ident "Z") readSomeMultiDF ((_ :: Proxy t) :* ts@TypeList) = Read.parens . Read.prec 6 $ do SomeDataFrame (x :: DataFrame t ns) <- Read.step $ readPrecSomeDF @t Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Symbol ":*:" xs <- readFixedMultiDF ts (dims @ns) case inferKnownBackend @ts @ns of Dict -> return $ SomeDataFrame (x :*: xs) -- First element is read separately, enforcing the structure of the rest. newtype Delayed t ds c a = Delayed { runDelay :: (c (DataFrame t ds), c a) } followedBy :: Applicative c => DataFrame t ds -> a -> Delayed t ds c a followedBy x = Delayed . (,) (pure x) . pure readDelayed :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (c :: Type -> Type) (r :: Type) . Applicative c => c (DataFrame t ds) -> Delayed t ds c (DataFrame t ds -> r) -> Delayed t ds c r readDelayed readF (Delayed (cprev, cf)) = Delayed (readF, cf <*> cprev) -- | Check the next lexeme without consuming it lookLex :: Read.ReadPrec Read.Lexeme lookLex = Read.look >>= Read.choice . map (pure . fst) . Read.readPrec_to_S Read.lexP 10 -- | Evidence that the elements of the DataFrame are PrimBytes. inferPrimElem :: forall (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) . KnownBackend t (d ': ds) => DataFrame t (d ': ds) -> Dict (PrimBytes t) inferPrimElem = Backend.inferPrimElem . getSingleFrame -- | Construct a DataFrame from a flat list. -- -- The values are filled according to the DataFrame layout: row-by-row and -- further from the last dimension (least significant) to the first dimension -- (most significant). -- -- If the argument list is shorter than @totalDim@, then the rest of the frame -- is padded with a default value (second argument). -- -- If the argument list is longer than @totalDim@, then unused values are dropped. -- If you want, you can pass an infinite list as an argument, i.e. the following -- is a valid use: -- -- >>> fromFlatList (dims :: Dims '[2,5]) 0 [6,8..] -- fromFlatList :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . PrimArray t (DataFrame t ds) => Dims ds -> t -> [t] -> DataFrame t ds fromFlatList = unsafeFromFlatList -- | A scalar DataFrame is just a newtype wrapper on a value. pattern S :: forall (t :: Type) . t -> DataFrame t ('[] :: [Nat]) -- rely on that Scalar is just two times newtype alias to t pattern S x <- (unsafeCoerce# -> x) where S = unsafeCoerce# {-# COMPLETE S #-} pattern DF2 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (2 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (2 ': ds) pattern DF2 a1 a2 <- (unpackDF @t @2 @ds (#,,#) -> (# a1,a2,Dict #)) where DF2 = packDF @t @2 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF2 #-} pattern DF3 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (3 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (3 ': ds) pattern DF3 a1 a2 a3 <- (unpackDF @t @3 @ds (#,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,Dict #)) where DF3 = packDF @t @3 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF3 #-} pattern DF4 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (4 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (4 ': ds) pattern DF4 a1 a2 a3 a4 <- (unpackDF @t @4 @ds (#,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,Dict #)) where DF4 = packDF @t @4 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF4 #-} pattern DF5 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (5 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (5 ': ds) pattern DF5 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 <- (unpackDF @t @5 @ds (#,,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,Dict #)) where DF5 = packDF @t @5 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF5 #-} pattern DF6 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (6 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (6 ': ds) pattern DF6 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 <- (unpackDF @t @6 @ds (#,,,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,Dict #)) where DF6 = packDF @t @6 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF6 #-} pattern DF7 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (7 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (7 ': ds) pattern DF7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 <- (unpackDF @t @7 @ds (#,,,,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,Dict #)) where DF7 = packDF @t @7 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF7 #-} pattern DF8 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (8 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (8 ': ds) pattern DF8 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 <- (unpackDF @t @8 @ds (#,,,,,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,Dict #)) where DF8 = packDF @t @8 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF8 #-} pattern DF9 :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (9 ': ds)) => (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (9 ': ds) pattern DF9 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 <- (unpackDF @t @9 @ds (#,,,,,,,,,#) -> (# a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,Dict #)) where DF9 = packDF @t @9 @ds {-# COMPLETE DF9 #-} -- | Represent smart constructor functions `packDF` and `unpackDF`. type family PackDF (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (d :: Nat) (r :: Type) :: Type where PackDF _ _ 0 r = r PackDF t ds d r = DataFrame t ds -> PackDF t ds (d - 1) r {- | Takes @d@ arguments of type @DataFrame t ds@ and produce a @DataFrame t (d ': ds)@. NB: always use @TypeApplications@ extension with this function to apply all type arguments! Otherwise, a very dumb type family @PackDF@ will not infer the types for you. The following example creates a @Matrix Double 12 3@ filled with twelve 3D vectors (using @fromInteger@ of @Vector Double 3@): >>> packDF @Double @12 @'[3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 `packDF` and `unpackDF` together serve as a generic constructor for a DataFrame of an arbitrary (statically known) size. -} packDF :: forall (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (d ': ds)) => PackDF t ds d (DataFrame t (d ': ds)) packDF | d :* Dims <- dims @(d ': ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(d ': ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds = go d | otherwise = error "Numeric.DataFrame.Type.packDF: impossible args" where go :: (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds, KnownBackend t (d ': ds)) => Dim d -> PackDF t ds d (DataFrame t (d ': ds)) go d = recur d getResult where -- number of elements in the frame as Int# els = case dimVal d of W# w -> word2Int# w -- size of a single element in bytes asize = byteSize @(DataFrame t ds) undefined getResult :: forall rRep (r :: TYPE rRep) . (forall s. Int# -> MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> r) -> r getResult f = runRW# ( \s0 -> case newByteArray# (asize *# els) s0 of (# s1, mba #) -> f 0# mba s1 ) recur :: forall n . Dim n -> (forall rRep (r :: TYPE rRep) . (forall s. Int# -> MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> r ) -> r) -> PackDF t ds n (DataFrame t (d ': ds)) recur n f = case minusDimM n (D :: Dim 1) of Nothing -> case unsafeEqTypes @Nat @n @0 of Dict -> f (\_ mba s -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s of (# _, ba #) -> fromBytes 0# ba ) Just n' -> case unsafeEqTypes @_ @(PackDF t ds n (DataFrame t (d ': ds))) @(DataFrame t ds -> PackDF t ds (n - 1) (DataFrame t (d ': ds))) of Dict -> \x -> recur n' ( \c -> f (\off mba s -> c (off +# asize) mba (writeBytes mba off x s)) ) {- | Takes a function (e.g. a constructor) with @d+1@ argument (df1, df2, .. dfd, Dict) and a @DataFrame t (d ': ds)@. Feeds the dataframe elements into that function. For example, you can pass a tuple to this function, and get all dataframe elements (and some dictionaries -- useful evidence to work with element frames) NB: always use @TypeApplications@ extension with this function to apply all type arguments! Otherwise, a very dumb type family @PackDF@ will not infer the types for you. The following example unpacks a 3D vector (created using @fromInteger@ of @Vector Double 3@) into a 4-tuple with three scalars and one Dict: >>> unpackDF @Double @3 @'[] (,,,) 2 `packDF` and `unpackDF` together serve as a generic constructor for a DataFrame of an arbitrary (statically known) size. -} unpackDF :: forall (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) (rep :: RuntimeRep) (r :: TYPE rep) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (d ': ds)) => PackDF t ds d (Dict (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) -> r) -> DataFrame t (d ': ds) -> r unpackDF c | d :* Dims <- dims @(d ': ds) = unpackDF' (go d) | otherwise = error "Numeric.DataFrame.Type.unpackDF: impossible args" where go :: forall a . (a ~ Dict (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds)) => Dim d -> a -> (forall (zRep :: RuntimeRep) (z :: TYPE zRep) . (Int -> DataFrame t ds -> z) -> Int -> z) -> Int -> r go d a k = recur d (const c) where recur :: forall n . Dim n -> (Int -> PackDF t ds n (a -> r)) -> Int -> r recur n f = case minusDimM n (D :: Dim 1) of Nothing -> case unsafeEqTypes @Nat @n @0 of Dict -> (`f` a) Just n' -> case unsafeEqTypes @_ @(PackDF t ds n (a -> r)) @(DataFrame t ds -> PackDF t ds (n - 1) (a -> r)) of Dict -> recur n' (k f) packDF' :: forall (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) c . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (d ': ds)) => (forall r. c (DataFrame t ds -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> c (DataFrame t (d ': ds)) packDF' k z | d :* _ <- dims @(d ': ds) = go d (z (packDF @t @d @ds)) | otherwise = error "Numeric.DataFrame.Type.packDF': impossible args" where go :: forall n . Dim n -> c (PackDF t ds n (DataFrame t (d ': ds))) -> c (DataFrame t (d ': ds)) go n = case minusDimM n (D :: Dim 1) of Nothing -> case unsafeEqTypes @Nat @n @0 of Dict -> id Just n' -> case unsafeEqTypes @_ @(PackDF t ds n (DataFrame t (d ': ds))) @(DataFrame t ds -> PackDF t ds (n - 1) (DataFrame t (d ': ds))) of Dict -> go n' . k -- Parameter Int# here is an element offset, it should not be used at the call site. unpackDF' :: forall (rep :: RuntimeRep) (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) (r :: TYPE rep) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (d ': ds)) => ( Dict (Dimensions ds, KnownBackend t ds) -> (forall (zRep :: RuntimeRep) (z :: TYPE zRep) . (Int -> DataFrame t ds -> z) -> Int -> z) -> Int -> r) -> DataFrame t (d ': ds) -> r unpackDF' k df | d :* Dims <- dims @(d ': ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(d ': ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds = case arrayContent# df of (# x | #) | e <- broadcast x -> let f :: forall (zr :: RuntimeRep) (z :: TYPE zr) . (Int -> DataFrame t ds -> z) -> Int -> z f consume = (`consume` e) in k Dict f 0 (# | (# cdims, off, arr #) #) | cd <- CumulDims . tail $ unCumulDims cdims , td <- cdTotalDim# cd , n <- case dimVal d of W# w -> word2Int# w -> let f :: forall (zr :: RuntimeRep) (z :: TYPE zr) . (Int -> DataFrame t ds -> z) -> Int -> z f consume (I# o) = consume (I# (o -# td)) (fromElems cd o arr) in k Dict f (I# (off +# td *# (n -# 1#))) | otherwise = error "Numeric.DataFrame.Type.unpackDF: impossible args" -- | Append one DataFrame to another, sum up the first dimension. -- -- If you want to deconstruct a DataFrame, use -- `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.index` -- or `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.slice` instead. appendDF :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) (t :: Type) . ( PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds, KnownDim n, KnownDim m ) => DataFrame t (n :+ ds) -> DataFrame t (m :+ ds) -> DataFrame t ((n + m) :+ ds) appendDF | D <- D @n `plusDim` D @m , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(n :+ ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(m :+ ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @((n + m) :+ ds) = unsafeAppendPB | otherwise = error "Numeri.DataFrame.Type/appendDF: impossible arguments" -- | Append a small DataFrame to a big DataFrame on the left. -- -- If you want to deconstruct a DataFrame, use -- `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.index` -- or `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.slice` instead. consDF :: forall (n :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) (t :: Type) . ( PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds, KnownDim n ) => DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t (n :+ ds) -> DataFrame t ((n + 1) :+ ds) consDF | D <- D @n `plusDim` D1 , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(n :+ ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @((n + 1) :+ ds) = unsafeAppendPB | otherwise = error "Numeri.DataFrame.Type/consDF: impossible arguments" -- | Append a small DataFrame to a big DataFrame on the right. -- -- If you want to deconstruct a DataFrame, use -- `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.index` -- or `Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace.slice` instead. snocDF :: forall (n :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) (t :: Type) . ( PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds, KnownDim n ) => DataFrame t (n :+ ds) -> DataFrame t ds -> DataFrame t ((n + 1) :+ ds) snocDF | D <- D @n `plusDim` D1 , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(n :+ ds) , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @((n + 1) :+ ds) = unsafeAppendPB | otherwise = error "Numeri.DataFrame.Type/snocDF: impossible arguments" -- | Unsafely copy two PrimBytes values into a third one. unsafeAppendPB :: (PrimBytes x, PrimBytes y, PrimBytes z) => x -> y -> z unsafeAppendPB x y | sx <- byteSize x = case runRW# ( \s0 -> case newByteArray# (sx +# byteSize y) s0 of (# s1, mba #) -> unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba ( writeBytes mba sx y ( writeBytes mba 0# x s1)) ) of (# _, r #) -> fromBytes 0# r -- | Construct a DataFrame from a list of smaller DataFrames. -- -- -- If the argument list is shorter than @d@, then the rest of the frame -- is padded with a default value (first argument). -- -- If the argument list is longer than @d@, then unused values are dropped. -- If you want, you can pass an infinite list as an argument. fromListWithDefault :: forall (t :: Type) (d :: Nat) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions (d ': ds)) => DataFrame t ds -> [DataFrame t ds] -> DataFrame t (d ': ds) fromListWithDefault d ds = snd $ packDF' f ((,) ds) where f :: forall r . ([DataFrame t ds], DataFrame t ds -> r) -> ([DataFrame t ds], r) f ([] , k) = ([], k d) f (x:xs, k) = (xs, k x) -- | Construct a dynamic DataFrame from a list of smaller DataFrames. -- Pattern-match against the resulting @XFrame@ to find out its dimensionality. -- -- You must not provide an infinite list as an argument. fromList :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . (PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds) => [DataFrame t ds] -> DataFrame t (XN 0 ': AsXDims ds) fromList xs | Dx (D :: Dim n) <- someDimVal . fromIntegral $ length xs , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @(n ': ds) , ds@(AsXDims (XDims ds')) <- dims @ds , Just Dict <- sameDims ds ds' = XFrame (fromListWithDefault @t @n @ds undefined xs) | otherwise = error "Numeri.DataFrame.Type/fromList: impossible arguments" -- | Try to convert between @XNat@-indexed DataFrames. -- -- This is useful for imposing restrictions on unknown DataFrames, -- e.g. increasing the minimum number of elements. constrainDF :: forall (ds :: [XNat]) (ys :: [XNat]) (l :: Type) (ts :: l) . (BoundedDims ds, All KnownXNatType ds) => DataFrame ts ys -> Maybe (DataFrame ts ds) constrainDF (XFrame (df :: DataFrame ts ns)) | ns <- dims @ns = case constrainDims @XNat @ds ns of Just (XDims (Dims :: Dims ms)) | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @[Nat] @ns @ms -> Just $ XFrame df _ -> Nothing -- Need this for @packDF'@ to make @Int -> c z@ a proper second-order type -- parameterized by the result type. newtype Off c z = Off { runOff :: Int -> c z } -- | Term-level structure of a @SingleFrame t ds@ is fully determined by its -- type dimensionality @Typeable ds@. -- Thus, @gunfold@ does not use its last argument (@Constr@) at all, -- relying on the structure of the type parameter. instance (Data t, PrimBytes t, Typeable ds) => Data (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat])) where gfoldl k z v = case typeableDims @ds of U | S x <- v -> z S `k` x D :* (Dims :: Dims ns) -> case inferTypeableCons @_ @ds of Dict -> -- PLZ don't ask me how does this work unpackDF' (\_ f -> runOff $ packDF' (\g -> Off . f $ k . runOff g) (Off . const . z) ) v gunfold k z _ = case typeableDims @ds of U -> k (z S) D :* (Dims :: Dims ns) -> case inferTypeableCons @_ @ds of Dict -> packDF' k z toConstr _ = case typeableDims @ds of U -> scalarFrameConstr d :* _ -> singleFrameConstr $ dimVal d dataTypeOf _ = case typeableDims @ds of U -> dataFrameDataType [scalarFrameConstr] d :* _ -> dataFrameDataType . (:[]). singleFrameConstr $ dimVal d -- | Term-level structure of a @MultiFrame ts@ is fully determined by its -- type @Typeable ts@. -- Thus, @gunfold@ does not use its last argument (@Constr@) at all, -- relying on the structure of the type parameter. instance (AllFrames Data ts ds, Typeable ts, Typeable ds) => Data (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat])) where gfoldl _ z Z = z Z gfoldl k z (x :*: xs) = case inferTypeableCons @Type @ts of Dict -> z (:*:) `k` x `k` xs gunfold k z _ = case typeables @Type @ts of U -> z Z _ :* _ -> case inferTypeableCons @_ @ts of Dict -> k (k (z (:*:))) toConstr Z = multiFrameZConstr toConstr (_ :*: _) = multiFrameConsConstr dataTypeOf _ = dataFrameDataType [multiFrameZConstr, multiFrameConsConstr] dataFrameDataType :: [Constr] -> DataType dataFrameDataType = mkDataType "Numeric.DataFrame.Type.DataFrame" scalarFrameConstr :: Constr scalarFrameConstr = mkConstr (dataFrameDataType [scalarFrameConstr]) "S" [] Prefix singleFrameConstr :: Word -> Constr singleFrameConstr d = mkConstr (dataFrameDataType [singleFrameConstr d]) ("DF" ++ show d) [] Prefix multiFrameZConstr :: Constr multiFrameZConstr = mkConstr (dataFrameDataType [multiFrameZConstr, multiFrameConsConstr]) "Z" [] Prefix multiFrameConsConstr :: Constr multiFrameConsConstr = mkConstr (dataFrameDataType [multiFrameZConstr, multiFrameConsConstr]) ":*:" [] Infix type DFMetaSel = 'G.MetaSel 'Nothing 'G.NoSourceUnpackedness 'G.NoSourceStrictness 'G.DecidedLazy type family DFTree (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (d :: Nat) where DFTree t ds 0 = G.U1 DFTree t ds 1 = G.S1 DFMetaSel (G.Rec0 (DataFrame t ds)) DFTree t ds n = DFTree t ds (Div n 2) G.:*: DFTree t ds (Div n 2 + Mod n 2) type family SingleFrameRep (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) :: (Type -> Type) where SingleFrameRep t '[] = G.C1 ('G.MetaCons "S" 'G.PrefixI 'False) (G.S1 DFMetaSel (G.Rec0 t)) SingleFrameRep t (d ': ds) = G.C1 ('G.MetaCons (AppendSymbol "DF" (ShowNat d)) 'G.PrefixI 'False) (DFTree t ds d) instance (PrimBytes t, Dimensions ds) => G.Generic (DataFrame (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat])) where type Rep (DataFrame t ds) = G.D1 ('G.MetaData "DataFrame" "Numeric.DataFrame.Type" "easytensor" 'False) ( SingleFrameRep t ds ) from = G.M1 . fromSingleFrame (dims @ds) to (G.M1 rep) = toSingleFrame (dims @ds) rep fromSingleFrame :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (x :: Type) . PrimBytes t => Dims ds -> DataFrame t ds -> SingleFrameRep t ds x fromSingleFrame U (S x) = G.M1 . G.M1 $ G.K1 x fromSingleFrame (dd@D :* (Dims :: Dims ds')) x | Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds' = G.M1 $ case arrayContent# x of (# e | #) -> fillRep @_ @ds' (const $ broadcast e) 0 dd (# | (# cdims, off, arr #) #) | cd <- CumulDims . tail $ unCumulDims cdims , td <- cdTotalDim# cd -> fillRep @_ @ds' (\(W# i) -> fromElems cd (off +# td *# word2Int# i) arr) 0 dd where fillRep :: forall (n :: Nat) (ns :: [Nat]) . (Word -> DataFrame t ns) -> Word -> Dim n -> DFTree t ns n x fillRep _ _ D0 = G.U1 fillRep f i D1 = G.M1 . G.K1 $ f i fillRep f i d | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @(Type -> Type) @(DFTree t ns n) @(DFTree t ns (Div n 2) G.:*: DFTree t ns (Div n 2 + Mod n 2)) = fillRep f i d2 G.:*: fillRep f (i + dimVal d2) d2' where d2 = divDim d D2 d2' = d2 `plusDim` modDim d D2 toSingleFrame :: forall (t :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) (x :: Type) . PrimBytes t => Dims ds -> SingleFrameRep t ds x -> DataFrame t ds toSingleFrame U (G.M1 (G.M1 (G.K1 x))) = S x toSingleFrame (dd@D :* (Dims :: Dims ds')) (G.M1 rep) | Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds , Dict <- inferKnownBackend @t @ds' , els <- case dimVal dd of W# w -> word2Int# w , asize <- byteSize @(DataFrame t ds') undefined = runRW# ( \s0 -> case newByteArray# (asize *# els) s0 of (# s1, mba #) | s2 <- fillDF @_ @ds' (\(W# i) df -> writeBytes mba (asize *# word2Int# i) df) 0 dd rep s1 , (# _, ba #) <- unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s2 -> fromBytes 0# ba ) where fillDF :: forall (n :: Nat) (ns :: [Nat]) s . (Word -> DataFrame t ns -> State# s -> State# s) -> Word -> Dim n -> DFTree t ns n x -> State# s -> State# s fillDF _ _ D0 _ s = s fillDF f i D1 (G.M1 (G.K1 e)) s = f i e s fillDF f i d xy s | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @(Type -> Type) @(DFTree t ns n) @(DFTree t ns (Div n 2) G.:*: DFTree t ns (Div n 2 + Mod n 2)) , x G.:*: y <- xy = fillDF f (i + dimVal d2) d2' y (fillDF f i d2 x s) where d2 = divDim d D2 d2' = d2 `plusDim` modDim d D2 type family MultiFrameRepNil (ts :: [Type]) :: (Type -> Type) where MultiFrameRepNil '[] = G.C1 ('G.MetaCons "Z" 'G.PrefixI 'False) G.U1 MultiFrameRepNil (_ ': _) = G.Rec0 Void type family MultiFrameRepCons (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat]) :: (Type -> Type) where MultiFrameRepCons '[] _ = G.Rec0 Void MultiFrameRepCons (t ': ts) ds = G.C1 ('G.MetaCons ":*:" ('G.InfixI 'G.RightAssociative 6) 'False) ( G.S1 DFMetaSel (G.Rec0 (DataFrame t ds)) G.:*: G.S1 DFMetaSel (G.Rec0 (DataFrame ts ds)) ) instance G.Generic (DataFrame (ts :: [Type]) (ds :: [Nat])) where type Rep (DataFrame ts ds) = G.D1 ('G.MetaData "DataFrame" "Numeric.DataFrame.Type" "easytensor" 'False) ( MultiFrameRepNil ts G.:+: MultiFrameRepCons ts ds ) from Z = G.M1 (G.L1 (G.M1 G.U1)) from (x :*: xs) = G.M1 (G.R1 (G.M1 (G.M1 (G.K1 x) G.:*: G.M1 (G.K1 xs)))) to (G.M1 (G.L1 _)) | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @[Type] @ts @'[] = Z to (G.M1 (G.R1 xxs)) | Dict <- unsafeEqTypes @[Type] @ts @(Head ts ': Tail ts) , G.M1 (G.M1 (G.K1 x) G.:*: G.M1 (G.K1 xs)) <- xxs = x :*: xs unsafeEqTypes :: forall k (a :: k) (b :: k) . Dict (a ~ b) unsafeEqTypes = unsafeCoerce# (Dict :: Dict (a ~ a))