module CommandLine(getOptions) where import Control.Exception(catch) import Control.Lens(ASetter, view, set, elemOf, folded) import Control.Monad(forM_, unless, when) import Data.Char(isAlphaNum, toLower) import Data.Either(isLeft) import Data.String(IsString, fromString) import Data.Time.Clock(UTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.Format(formatTime, defaultTimeLocale) import Network.AWS(Region(..), Credentials(..), Env, runAWS, runResourceT, newEnv, send) import Network.AWS.Data(toText) import Network.AWS.EC2.DescribeAvailabilityZones(describeAvailabilityZones, dazrsAvailabilityZones, dazZoneNames) import Network.AWS.EC2.Types(azZoneName) import Network.AWS.Types(Error(..), serviceCode) import Options import System.Console.GetOpt(ArgDescr(..), OptDescr(..), ArgOrder(..)) import System.Console.GetOpt(getOpt, usageInfo) import System.Directory(doesFileExist) import System.Environment(lookupEnv) import System.Exit(ExitCode(ExitFailure), exitWith) import System.FilePath(takeFileName) type OptOrErr = Either [String] Options addError :: OptOrErr -> String -> OptOrErr addError (Left errs) err = Left (errs ++ [err]) addError (Right _) err = Left [err] addOpt :: OptOrErr -> (Options -> Options) -> OptOrErr addOpt (Left errs) _ = Left errs addOpt (Right o) f = Right (f o) validateAccessKey :: String -> OptOrErr -> OptOrErr validateAccessKey ak opts | length ak /= 20 = addError opts "Access key doesn't look right." | any (not . isAlphaNum) ak = addError opts "Access key has weird characters." | otherwise = addOpt opts (set optAwsAccessKey (fromString ak)) validateSecretKey :: String -> OptOrErr -> OptOrErr validateSecretKey sk opts | length sk /= 40 = addError opts "Secret key doesn't look right." | any (not . isSecKeyCh) sk = addError opts "Secret key has weird characters." | otherwise = addOpt opts (set optAwsSecretKey (fromString sk)) where isSecKeyCh c = isAlphaNum c || (c == '/') validateS3Bucket :: String -> OptOrErr -> OptOrErr validateS3Bucket b opts | any (not . isBuckCh) b = addError opts "S3 bucket has weird characters." | otherwise = addOpt opts (set optS3Bucket (fromString b)) where isBuckCh c = isAlphaNum c || (c == '-') validateZone :: String -> OptOrErr -> OptOrErr validateZone z opts | z `elem` zones = addOpt opts (set optS3Zone (fromString z)) | otherwise = addError opts "Unknown S3 zone." where zones = ["us-west-2a"] validateRegion :: String -> OptOrErr -> OptOrErr validateRegion r opts = case lookup (map toLower r) regions of Nothing -> addError opts "Unknown AWS region." Just v -> addOpt opts (set optAwsRegion v) regions :: [(String, Region)] regions = [ ("ireland", Ireland), ("eu-west-1", Ireland) , ("frankfurt", Frankfurt), ("eu-central-1", Frankfurt) , ("tokyo", Tokyo), ("ap-northeast-1", Tokyo) , ("singapore", Singapore), ("ap-southeast-1", Singapore) , ("sydney", Sydney), ("ap-southeast-2", Sydney) , ("beijing", Beijing), ("cn-north-1", Beijing) , ("northvirginia", NorthVirginia), ("us-east-1", NorthVirginia) , ("northcalifornia", NorthCalifornia), ("us-west-1", NorthCalifornia) , ("oregon", Oregon), ("us-west-2", Oregon) , ("govcloud", GovCloud), ("us-gov-west-1", GovCloud) , ("govcloudfips", GovCloudFIPS), ("fips-us-gov-west-1", GovCloudFIPS) , ("saopaulo", SaoPaulo), ("sa-east-1", SaoPaulo) ] options :: [OptDescr (OptOrErr -> OptOrErr)] options = [ Option ['o'] ["aws-access-key"] (ReqArg validateAccessKey "KEY") "AWS access key to use" , Option ['w'] ["aws-secret-key"] (ReqArg validateSecretKey "VALUE") "AWS secret key to use" , Option ['b'] ["s3-bucket"] (ReqArg validateS3Bucket "BUCKET") "S3 bucket to upload to, temporarily." , Option ['z'] ["zone"] (ReqArg validateZone "ZONE") "S3 zone in which that bucket livees." , Option ['r'] ["region"] (ReqArg validateRegion "REGION") "S3 region to upload to." , Option ['a'] ["kernel-args"] (ReqArg (\a opts -> addOpt opts (set optKernelArgs a)) "STRING") "Kernel arguments to pass to the unikernel." ] maybeSet :: IsString b => ASetter s s a b -> Maybe String -> s -> s maybeSet _ Nothing x = x maybeSet field (Just v) x = set field (fromString v) x getOptions :: [String] -> IO (Options, Env) getOptions argv = do maccess <- lookupEnv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" msecret <- lookupEnv "AWS_SECRET_KEY" let defaultOptions' = maybeSet optAwsAccessKey maccess defaultOptions defaultOptions'' = maybeSet optAwsSecretKey msecret defaultOptions' (res, xs, errs) = getOpt RequireOrder options argv doneOpts = foldl (flip id) (Right defaultOptions'') res optErrors = either id (const []) doneOpts kernelErrs = if null xs then ["No unikernel specified!"] else [] Right baseOpts = doneOpts now <- getCurrentTime let opts = adjustImageName $ adjustTargetName now $ set optKernel (head xs) $ set optRamdisks (tail xs) baseOpts when (isLeft doneOpts || null xs || not (null errs)) $ fail' (optErrors ++ kernelErrs ++ errs) kernelOk <- doesFileExist (view optKernel opts) ramdisksOk <- mapM doesFileExist (view optRamdisks opts) unless kernelOk $ fail' ["Unikernel not found"] unless (and ramdisksOk) $ do let disks = zip (view optRamdisks opts) ramdisksOk disks' = filter (not . snd) disks disks'' = map fst disks' fail' (map (\s -> "Ramdisk "++s++" not found.") disks'') let akey = view optAwsAccessKey opts skey = view optAwsSecretKey opts creds = FromKeys akey skey e <- newEnv (view optAwsRegion opts) creds let region = toText (view optS3Zone opts) zoneRequest = set dazZoneNames [region] describeAvailabilityZones r <- catch ((runResourceT . runAWS e) (send zoneRequest)) (\ (ServiceError se) -> do putStr "ERROR: Failed to connect with Amazon. " putStrLn "This is typically a problem with your keys." putStrLn (" ("++show(view serviceCode se)++")") putStrLn (show se) exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) let z = Just (view optS3Zone opts) unless (elemOf (dazrsAvailabilityZones . folded . azZoneName) z r) $ fail' ["Invalid availability zone for region."] return (opts, e) adjustTargetName :: UTCTime -> Options -> Options adjustTargetName now opts | view optTargetKey opts == view optTargetKey defaultOptions = let baseName = takeFileName (view optKernel opts) formStr = baseName ++ "-%0C%0y%m%d-%H%M%S.raw" keyStr = formatTime defaultTimeLocale formStr now in set optTargetKey (fromString keyStr) opts | otherwise = opts adjustImageName :: Options -> Options adjustImageName opts | view optImageName opts == view optImageName defaultOptions = set optImageName (toText (view optTargetKey opts)) opts | otherwise = opts fail' :: [String] -> IO a fail' errs = do forM_ errs $ \ e -> putStrLn ("ERROR: " ++ e) putStrLn ("\n" ++ usageInfo hdr options) exitWith (ExitFailure 1) where hdr = "Usage: ec2-unikernel [OPTION...] KERNEL [RAMDISK ...]"