-- |
-- Module      :  Crypto.ECC.NIST.Base
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marcel Fourné 20[09..14]
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Marcel Fourné (haskell@marcelfourne.de)
-- Stability   :  beta
-- Portability :  Good
-- ECC Base algorithms & point formats for NIST Curves as specified in NISTReCur.pdf[http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/documents/dss/NISTReCur.pdf]
-- Re Timing-Attacks: The field backends differ in timing-attack resistance. Due to the nature of NIST-curves, there are pitfalls in this module.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -feager-blackholing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable , BangPatterns #-}

module Crypto.ECC.NIST.Base ( FP.FPrime
                            , F2.F2
                            , EC(..)
                            , ECPF(..)
                            , affine
                            , export
                            , padd
                            , pdouble
                            , pmul
                            , ison

import Prelude (Eq,Show,(==),(&&),Integer,Int,show,Bool(False,True),(++),($),fail,undefined,(+),(-),otherwise,(<),div,not,(>),(<=),(>=),maxBound,rem,quot,quotRem,error,mod,(^))
import qualified Prelude as P (fromInteger,toInteger)
-- import qualified Data.Bits as B (shift)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Crypto.Common
import qualified Crypto.Fi as FP
-- import Crypto.FPrime
import qualified Crypto.F2 as F2

-- | all Elliptic Curves, the parameters being the BitLength L, A, B and P
data EC a where
  -- the Integer Curves, having the form y^2*z=x^3-3*x*z^2+B*z^3 mod P (projective with a = -3); relevant for "ison"
  ECi :: Int          -- the effective bitlength
      -> FP.FPrime    -- b
      -> FP.FPrime    -- p
      -> FP.FPrime    -- r
      -> EC FP.FPrime -- the resulting curve
  -- the Curves on F2, having the form  y^2*z+x*y*z=x^3+a*x^2*z+b*z^3 mod P (projective); relevant for "ison"
  ECb :: Int          -- the effective bitlength
      -> Int          -- a, may be 0 or 1
      -> F2.F2        -- b, may be 1 or something larger
      -> F2.F2        -- p
      -> FP.FPrime    -- r
      -> EC F2.F2     -- the resulting curve
instance Eq (EC a) where
  (ECi l b p r) == (ECi l' b' p' r') = l==l' && FP.eq b b' && FP.eq p p' && FP.eq r r'
  (ECb l a b p r) == (ECb l' a' b' p' r') = l==l' && a==a' && F2.eq b b' && F2.eq p p' && FP.eq r r'
  _ == _ = False
instance Show (EC a) where
  show (ECi l b p r) = "Curve with length" ++ show l ++", y^2=x^3-3*x+" ++ show b ++ " mod " ++ show p ++ " and group order " ++ show r ++ "."
  show (ECb l a b p r) = "Curve with length" ++ show l ++", y^2=x^3+" ++ show a ++ "*x+" ++ show (F2.toInteger b) ++ " mod " ++ show (F2.toInteger p) ++ " and group order " ++ show r  ++ "."

-- every point has a curve on which it is valid (has to be tested manually), plus possibly some coordinates
-- parametrised by the kind of numbers one which it may be computed
-- point formats may be translated through functions
-- | data of Elliptic Curve Points
data ECPF a where 
  -- Elliptic Curve Point Projective coordinates, three parameters x, y and z, like affine (x/z,y/z)
  ECPp :: FP.FPrime      -- x
       -> FP.FPrime      -- y
       -> FP.FPrime      -- z
       -> ECPF FP.FPrime -- the point
  -- Elliptic Curve Point Projective coordinates in F2, three parameters x, y and z, like affine (x/z,y/z)
  ECPpF2 :: F2.F2        -- x
         -> F2.F2        -- y
         -> F2.F2        -- z
         -> ECPF F2.F2   -- the point
instance Eq (ECPF a) where
  (ECPp x y z) == (ECPp x' y' z') = FP.eq x x' && FP.eq y y' && FP.eq z z'
  (ECPpF2 x y z) == (ECPpF2 x' y' z') = F2.eq x x' && F2.eq y y' && F2.eq z z'
  _ == _ = False
instance Show (ECPF a) where
  show (ECPp x y z) = "x: " ++ show x ++ " y: " ++ show y ++ " z: " ++ show z
  show (ECPpF2 x y z) = "x: " ++ show (F2.toInteger x) ++ " y: " ++ show (F2.toInteger y) ++ " z: " ++ show (F2.toInteger z)

-- internal function, codifies point at infinity
isinf :: Int -> ECPF a -> Bool
isinf l (ECPp x y z) = FP.eq x (FP.fromInteger l 0) && FP.eq y (FP.fromInteger l 1) && FP.eq z (FP.fromInteger l 0)
isinf l (ECPpF2 x y z) = F2.eq x (F2.F2 l (zero l)) && F2.eq y (F2.F2 l (one l)) && F2.eq z (F2.F2 l (zero l))

-- | translate point in internal format to a pair of Integers in affine x and y coordinate
-- | this is intended as interface to other libraries
export :: EC a -> ECPF a -> (Integer,Integer)
export c@ECi{} pt@ECPp{} = let (x,y) = affine c pt
                           in (FP.toInteger x, FP.toInteger y)
export c@ECb{} pt@ECPpF2{} = let (x,y) = affine c pt
                             in (F2.toInteger x, F2.toInteger y)                              
export _ _ = error "export parameters of different type"

-- | generic getter, returning the affine x and y-value
affine :: EC a -> ECPF a -> (a,a)
affine (ECi l _ p _)   a@(ECPp x y z)
  | isinf l a = error "converting Point at Infinity"
  | FP.eq z $ FP.fromInteger l 0 = (FP.fromInteger l 0,FP.fromInteger l 0)
  | FP.eq z $ FP.fromInteger l 1 = (x,y)
  | otherwise = let z' = FP.inv p z
                in (FP.mulr p x z', FP.mulr p y z')
affine (ECb l _ _ p _) a@(ECPpF2 x y z)
  | isinf l a = error "converting Point at Infinity"
  | F2.eq z $ F2.F2 l (zero l) = (F2.fromInteger l 0, F2.fromInteger l 0)
  | F2.eq z $ F2.F2 l (one l) = (x,y)
  | otherwise = let z' = F2.inv p z
                in (F2.mulr p x z', F2.mulr p y z')
affine _ _ = error "affine parameters of different type"
{-# INLINABLE affine #-}

-- | add an elliptic point onto itself, base for padd a a
pdouble :: EC a -> ECPF a -> ECPF a
pdouble (ECi l _ p _) p1@(ECPp x1 y1 z1) =
  if isinf l p1
  then p1
  else -- old: let a = ((-3)*z1^(2::Int)+3*x1^(2::Int)) `mod` p
       let a = FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 3) (FP.mulr p (FP.subr p x1 z1) (FP.addr p x1 z1)) -- since alpha == -3 on NIST-curves
           b = FP.mulr p y1 z1
           c = FP.mulr p x1 $ FP.mulr p y1 b
           d = FP.subr p (FP.pow p a (2::Int)) (FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 8) c)
           x3 = FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 2) $ FP.mulr p b d
           y3 = FP.subr p (FP.mulr p a (FP.subr p (FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 4) c) d)) (FP.mulr p (FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 8) (FP.pow p y1 (2::Int))) (FP.pow p b (2::Int)))
           z3 = FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 8) (FP.pow p b (3::Int))
       in ECPp x3 y3 z3
pdouble (ECb l alpha _ p _) p1@(ECPpF2 x1 y1 z1) =
  if isinf l p1
  then p1
  else let a = F2.pow p x1 (2::Int)
           b = F2.addr p a (F2.mulr p y1 z1)
           c = F2.mulr p x1 z1
           d = F2.pow p c (2::Int)
           e = F2.addr p (F2.addr p (F2.pow p b (2::Int)) (F2.mulr p b c)) (if alpha==1 then d else F2.F2 l (zero l))
           x3 = F2.mulr p c e
           y3 = F2.addr p (F2.mulr p (F2.addr p b c) e) (F2.mulr p (F2.pow p a (2::Int)) c)
           z3 =  F2.mulr p c d
       in ECPpF2 x3 y3 z3
pdouble _ _ = error "pdouble parameters of different type"
{-# INLINABLE pdouble #-}

-- | add 2 elliptic points
padd :: EC a -> ECPF a -> ECPF a -> ECPF a
padd curve@(ECi l _ p _) p1@(ECPp x1 y1 z1) p2@(ECPp x2 y2 z2)
        | FP.eq x1 x2 && FP.eq y1 (FP.neg p y2) && FP.eq z1 z2 = ECPp (FP.fromInteger l 0) (FP.fromInteger l 1) (FP.fromInteger l 0) -- Point at Infinity
        | isinf l p1 = p2
        | isinf l p2 = p1
        | p1==p2 = pdouble curve p1
        | otherwise = 
            let a = FP.subr p (FP.mulr p y2 z1) (FP.mulr p y1 z2)
                b = FP.subr p (FP.mulr p x2 z1) (FP.mulr p x1 z2)
                c = FP.subr p (FP.subr p (FP.mulr p (FP.pow p a (2::Int)) $ FP.mulr p z1 z2) (FP.pow p b (3::Int))) (FP.mulr p (FP.fromInteger l 2) $ FP.mulr p (FP.pow p b (2::Int)) $ FP.mulr p x1 z2)
                x3 = FP.mulr p b c
                y3 = FP.subr p (FP.mulr p a (FP.subr p (FP.mulr p (FP.pow p b (2::Int)) $ FP.mulr p x1 z2) c)) (FP.mulr p (FP.pow p b (3::Int)) $ FP.mulr p y1 z2)
                z3 = FP.mulr p (FP.pow p b (3::Int)) $ FP.mulr p z1 z2
            in ECPp x3 y3 z3
padd curve@(ECb l alpha _ p _) p1@(ECPpF2 x1 y1 z1) p2@(ECPpF2 x2 y2 z2)
        | F2.eq x1 x2 && F2.eq y1 (F2.addr p x2 y2) && F2.eq z1 z2 = ECPpF2 (F2.F2 l (zero l)) (F2.F2 l (one l)) (F2.F2 l (zero l))  -- Point at Infinity
        | isinf l p1 = p2
        | isinf l p2 = p1
        | p1==p2 = pdouble curve p1
        | otherwise = 
            let a = F2.addr p (F2.mulr p y1 z2) (F2.mulr p z1 y2)
                b = F2.addr p (F2.mulr p x1 z2) (F2.mulr p z1 x2)
                c = F2.pow p b (2::Int)
                d = F2.mulr p z1 z2
                e = F2.addr p
                    (F2.mulr p
                     (F2.addr p
                      (F2.addr p
                       (F2.pow p a (2::Int))
                       (F2.mulr p a b)
                      (F2.mulr p (if alpha==1 then c else F2.F2 l (zero l)) c)
                    (F2.mulr p b c)
                x3 = F2.mulr p b e
                y3 = F2.addr p
                     (F2.mulr p
                      (F2.mulr p
                       (F2.addr p
                        (F2.mulr p a x1)
                        (F2.mulr p y1 b))
                     (F2.mulr p (F2.addr p a b) e)
                z3 = F2.mulr p (F2.pow p b (3::Int)) d
            in ECPpF2 x3 y3 z3
padd _ _ _ = error "padd parameters of different type"
{-# INLINABLE padd #-}

-- | "generic" verify, if generic ECP is on EC via getxA and getyA
ison :: EC a -> ECPF a -> Bool
ison (ECi l beta p _) a@(ECPp x y z)
  | isinf l a = True
  | otherwise =
    (FP.mulr p (FP.pow p y (2::Int)) z)
    (FP.addr p (FP.pow p x (3::Int)) (FP.addr p (FP.mulr p (FP.mulr p (FP.neg p (FP.fromInteger l 3)) x) (FP.pow p z (2::Int))) (FP.mulr p beta (FP.pow p z (3::Int)))))
ison (ECb l alpha beta p _) a@(ECPpF2 x y z)
  | isinf l a = True
  | otherwise =
    (F2.addr p
     (F2.mulr p (F2.pow p y (2::Int)) z)
     (F2.mulr p (F2.mulr p x y) z)
    (F2.addr p
     (F2.addr p
      (F2.pow p x (3::Int))
      (if alpha==1 then F2.mulr p (F2.pow p x (2::Int)) z else F2.F2 l (zero l))
     (F2.mulr p beta (F2.pow p z (3::Int)))
ison _ _ = error "ison parameters of different type"
{-# INLINABLE ison #-}

-- | Point Multiplication. The implementation is a montgomery ladder, which should be timing-attack-resistant (except for caches...)
pmul :: EC a -> ECPF a -> FP.FPrime -> ECPF a
-- {-
pmul curve@(ECi l _ p _) b@ECPp{} k'  =
  let k = FP.redc (FP.subr p p (FP.fromInteger l 1)) k'
      ex !p1 !p2 !i
        | i < 0 = p1
        | not (FP.testBit k i) = ex (pdouble curve p1) (padd curve p1 p2) (i - 1)
        | otherwise           = ex (padd curve p1 p2) (pdouble curve p2) (i - 1)
  in ex b (pdouble curve b) (log2len k - 2)
pmul curve@(ECb l _ _ p _) b@ECPpF2{} k'  =
  let p' = (FP.fromInteger l $ F2.toInteger p)
      k = FP.redc (FP.subr p' p' (FP.fromInteger l 1)) k'
      ex !p1 !p2 !i
        | i < 0 = p1
        | not (FP.testBit k i) = ex  (pdouble curve p1) (padd curve p1 p2) (i - 1)
        | otherwise           = ex (padd curve p1 p2) (pdouble curve p2) (i - 1)
  in ex b (pdouble curve b) (log2len k - 2)
-- -}
-- these rely on point addition/doubling to be branching free! i.e. DO NOT USE FOR STANDARD NIST-CURVES! (bc. simpler timing attack w/o FLUSH+RELOAD)
pmul curve@(ECi l _ p _) b@ECPp{} k'
  | k' == 0 = ECPp (FP.fromInteger l 0) (FP.fromInteger l 1) (FP.fromInteger l 0)
  | k' == 1 = b
  | otherwise =
    let k = FP.redc (FP.subr p p (FP.fromInteger l 1)) k'
        ex pt i
          | i < 0 = pt
          | otherwise = let cond = B.shift k (-i) `mod` 2
                        in ex (padd curve (pmul curve b cond) (pdouble curve pt)) (i - 1) -- cond == 1 -> b, cond == 0 -> inf (add neutral)
    in ex b (log2len k - 2) -- begin one after highest bit (always set for i > 0), loglen returns highest bit position +1
pmul curve@(ECb l _ _ p _) b@ECPpF2{} k'
  | k' == 0 = ECPpF2 (F2.fromInteger l 0) (F2.fromInteger l 1) (F2.fromInteger l 0)
  | k' == 1 = b
  | otherwise =
    let p' = (FP.fromInteger l $ F2.toInteger p)
        k = FP.redc (FP.subr p' p' (FP.fromInteger l 1)) k'
        ex pt i
          | i < 0 = pt
          | otherwise = let cond = B.shift k (-i) `mod` 2
                        in ex (padd curve (pmul curve pt cond) (pdouble curve pt)) (i - 1)
    in ex b (log2len k - 2)
-- -}
pmul _ _ _ = error "pmul parameters of different type"
{-# INLINABLE pmul #-}