{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Text.EditDistance.MonadUtilities where {-# INLINE loopM_ #-} loopM_ :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m () loopM_ from to action = go from to where go from to | from > to = return () | otherwise = do action from go (from + 1) to -- foldM in Control.Monad is not defined using SAT style so optimises very poorly {-# INLINE foldM #-} foldM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a foldM f a xs = foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) return xs a {- -- If we define it like this, then we aren't able to deforest wrt. a "build" in xs, which would be sad :( foldM f = go where go a (x:xs) = f a x >>= \fax -> go fax xs go a [] = return a -} -- If we just use a standard foldM then our loops often box stuff up to return from the loop which is then immediately discarded -- TODO: using this instead of foldM improves our benchmarks by about 2% but makes the code quite ugly.. figure out what to do {-# INLINE foldMK #-} foldMK :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> (a -> m res) -> m res foldMK f a xs k = foldr (\x rest a -> f a x >>= rest) k xs a