module Main where import Text.EditDistance.EditCosts import qualified Text.EditDistance.Bits as Bits import qualified Text.EditDistance.STUArray as STUArray import qualified Text.EditDistance.SquareSTUArray as SquareSTUArray import System.IO import System.Exit --import System.Posix.IO import System.Time ( ClockTime(..), getClockTime ) import System.Random import System.Process import Data.List import Control.Monad import Control.Exception --import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay ) import Control.Parallel.Strategies ( NFData, rnf ) sTRING_SIZE_STEP, mAX_STRING_SIZE :: Int sTRING_SIZE_STEP = 3 mAX_STRING_SIZE = 108 time :: IO a -> IO Float time action = do TOD s1 ps1 <- getClockTime action TOD s2 ps2 <- getClockTime return $ (fromIntegral (s2 - s1) + (fromIntegral (ps2 - ps1) / 10^(12 :: Int))) augment :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [(a, b)] augment fx xs = liftM (zip xs) $ mapM fx xs sample :: NFData a => (String -> String -> a) -> (Int, Int) -> IO Float sample distance bounds@(i, j) = do -- Generate two random strings of length i and j gen <- newStdGen let (string1, string2_long) = splitAt i (randoms gen) string2 = take j string2_long -- Force the two strings to be evaluated so they don't meddle -- with the benchmarking evaluate (rnf string1) evaluate (rnf string2) -- Our sample is the time taken to find the edit distance putStrLn $ "Sampling " ++ show bounds time $ loop 1000 $ evaluate (distance string1 string2) loop :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m () loop n act = sequence_ (replicate n act) joinOnKey :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, c)] -> [(a, (b, c))] joinOnKey xs ys = [(x_a, (x_b, y_c)) | (x_a, x_b) <- xs, (y_a, y_c) <- ys, x_a == y_a] gnuPlotScript :: String gnuPlotScript = "set term postscript eps enhanced color\n\ \set output \"\"\n\ \#unset key\n\ \set dgrid3d\n\ \set hidden3d\n\ \#set pm3d map\n\ \#splot \"data.plot\" using 1:2:3\n\ \splot \"data.plot\" using 1:2:3 title \"Bits\" with lines, \"data.plot\" using 1:2:4 title \"STUArray\" with lines, \"data.plot\" using 1:2:5 title \"SquareSTUArray\" with lines\n\ \quit\n" toGnuPlotFormat :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => [((a, b), [c])] -> String toGnuPlotFormat samples = unlines (header : map sampleToGnuPlotFormat samples) where first_cs = snd $ head samples header = "#\tX\tY" ++ concat (replicate (length first_cs) "\tZ") sampleToGnuPlotFormat ((a, b), cs) = concat $ intersperse "\t" $ [show a, show b] ++ map show cs main :: IO () main = do let sample_range = [(i, j) | i <- [0,sTRING_SIZE_STEP..mAX_STRING_SIZE] , j <- [0,sTRING_SIZE_STEP..mAX_STRING_SIZE]] bits_samples <- augment (sample $ Bits.levenshteinDistance) sample_range sqstu_samples <- augment (sample $ SquareSTUArray.levenshteinDistance defaultEditCosts) sample_range stu_samples <- augment (sample $ STUArray.levenshteinDistance defaultEditCosts) sample_range let paired_samples = bits_samples `joinOnKey` (stu_samples `joinOnKey` sqstu_samples) listified_samples = [((i, j), [a, b, c]) | ((i, j), (a, (b, c))) <- paired_samples] writeFile "data.plot" (toGnuPlotFormat listified_samples) writeFile "plot.script" gnuPlotScript (_inp, _outp, _err, gp_pid) <- runInteractiveCommand "(cat plot.script | gnuplot); RETCODE=$?; rm plot.script; exit $RETCODE" gp_exit_code <- waitForProcess gp_pid case gp_exit_code of ExitSuccess -> putStrLn "Plotted at ''" ExitFailure err_no -> putStrLn $ "Failed! Error code " ++ show err_no