{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Description: Calculate differences between vectors. -- -- This module implements a variation on the -- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner–Fischer_algorithm Wagner-Fischer> -- algorithm to find the shortest sequences of operations which transforms -- one vector of values into another. module Data.Vector.Distance ( -- * Types Params(..), ChangeMatrix(..), -- * Operations leastChanges, allChanges, -- * Example strParams, ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.Function import Data.List hiding (delete, insert) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V -- | Operations invoked by the Wagner-Fischer algorithm. -- -- The parameters to this type are as follows: -- -- * 'v' is the type of values being compared, -- * 'o' is the type representing operations, -- * 'c' is the type representing costs. -- -- The chief restrictions on these type parameters is that the cost type 'c' -- must have instances of 'Monoid' and 'Ord'. A good default choice might be -- the type @('Sum' 'Int')@. data Params v o c = Params { equivalent :: v -> v -> Bool -- ^ Are two values equivalent? , delete :: Int -> v -> o -- ^ Delete the element at an index. , insert :: Int -> v -> o -- ^ Insert an element at an index. , substitute :: Int -> v -> v -> o -- ^ Substitute an element at an index. , cost :: o -> c -- ^ Cost of a change. , positionOffset :: o -> Int -- ^ Positions to advance after a change. E.g. @0@ for a deletion. } -- | Matrix of optimal edit scripts and costs for all prefixes of two vectors. -- -- This is a representation of the @n * m@ dynamic programming matrix -- constructed by the algorithm. The matrix is stored in a 'Vector' in -- row-major format with an additional row and column corresponding to the -- empty prefix of the source and destination 'Vectors'. type ChangeMatrix o c = Vector (c, [o]) -- | /O(nm)./ Find the cost and optimal edit script to transform one 'Vector' -- into another. leastChanges :: (Monoid c, Ord c) => Params v o c -> Vector v -- ^ \"Source\" vector. -> Vector v -- ^ \"Destination" vector. -> (c, [o]) leastChanges p ss tt = fmap (catMaybes . reverse) . V.last $ rawChanges p ss tt -- | /O(nm)./ Calculate the complete matrix of edit scripts and costs between -- two vectors. allChanges :: (Monoid c, Ord c) => Params v o c -> Vector v -- ^ \"Source\" vector. -> Vector v -- ^ \"Destination" vector. -> ChangeMatrix o c allChanges p src dst = V.map (fmap (catMaybes . reverse)) $ rawChanges p src dst -- | /O(nm)./ Calculate the complete matrix of edit scripts and costs between -- two vectors. -- -- This is a fairly direct implementation of Wagner-Fischer algorithm using -- the 'Vector' data-type. The 'ChangeMatrix' is constructed in a single-pass. -- -- Note: The change matrix is \"raw\" in that the edit script in each cell is -- in reverse order and uses 'Maybe' to allow for steps at which no change is -- necessary. rawChanges :: (Monoid c, Ord c) => Params v o c -> Vector v -- ^ \"Source\" vector. -> Vector v -- ^ \"Destination" vector. -> Vector (c, [Maybe o]) rawChanges p@Params{..} src dst = let len_x = 1 + V.length dst len_y = 1 + V.length src len_n = len_x * len_y ix x y = (x * len_y) + y -- Get a cell from the 'ChangeMatrix'. It is an error to get a cell -- which hasn't been calculated yet! get :: Vector (c, [Maybe o]) -> Int -> Int -> (c, [Maybe o]) get m x y = fromMaybe (error $ "Unable to get " <> show (x,y) <> " from change matrix") (m V.!? (ix x y)) -- Calculate the position to be updated by the next edit in a script. position = sum . fmap (maybe 1 positionOffset) -- Given a partially complete 'ChangeMatrix', compute the next cell. ctr v = case V.length v `quotRem` len_y of -- Do nothing for "" ~> "" ( 0, 0) -> (mempty, mempty) -- Delete everything in src for "..." ~> "" ( 0, pred -> y) -> let o = delete 0 (src V.! y) (pc, po) = get v 0 y in (cost o <> pc, Just o : po) -- Insert everything in dst for "" ~> "..." (pred -> x, 0) -> let o = insert x (fromMaybe (error "NAH") $ dst V.!? x) (pc, po) = get v x 0 in (cost o <> pc, Just o : po) -- Compare options between src and dst for "..." ~> "..." (pred -> x, pred -> y) -> let s = src V.! y d = dst V.! x tl = get v (x) (y) top = get v (x+1) (y) left = get v (x) (y+1) in if s `equivalent` d then (Nothing:) <$> get v x y else minimumBy (compare `on` fst) -- Option 1: perform a deletion. [ let c = delete (position . snd $ top) s in (cost c <>) *** (Just c :) $ top -- Option 2: perform an insertion. , let c = insert (position . snd $ left) d in (cost c <>) *** (Just c :) $ left -- Option 3: perform a substitution. , let c = substitute (position . snd $ tl) s d in (cost c <>) *** (Just c :) $ tl ] in V.constructN len_n ctr -- | Example 'Params' to compare @('Vector' 'Char')@ values. -- -- The algorithm will produce edit distances in terms of @('Sum' 'Int')@ and -- edit scripts containing @(String, Int, Char)@ values. -- -- The first component of each operation is either @"delete"@, @"insert"@, or -- @"replace"@. strParams :: Params Char (String, Int, Char) (Sum Int) strParams = Params{..} where equivalent = (==) delete i c = ("delete", i, c) insert i c = ("insert", i, c) substitute i c c' = ("replace", i, c') cost _ = Sum 1 positionOffset ("delete", _, _) = 0 positionOffset _ = 1