{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Control.Effect.Coroutine (
    EffectCoroutine, Coroutine, runCoroutine, suspend,
    Iterator (..), evalIterator
) where

import Control.Monad.Effect

-- | An effect describing a suspendable computation.
data Coroutine i o a = Coroutine (o -> a) i

type instance Is Coroutine f = IsCoroutine f

type family IsCoroutine f where
    IsCoroutine (Coroutine i o) = True
    IsCoroutine f = False

class MemberEffect Coroutine (Coroutine i o) l => EffectCoroutine i o l
instance MemberEffect Coroutine (Coroutine i o) l => EffectCoroutine i o l

-- | Suspends the current computation by providing a value
-- of type `i` and then waiting for a value of type `o`.
suspend :: EffectCoroutine i o l => i -> Effect l o
suspend = send . Coroutine id

-- | Converts a `Coroutine` effect into an `Iterator`.
runCoroutine :: Effect (Coroutine i o :+ l) a -> Effect l (Iterator i o l a)
runCoroutine = eliminate (return . Done) (\(Coroutine f x) k -> return (Next (k . f) x))

-- | A suspended computation.
data Iterator i o l a
    = Done a -- ^ Describes a finished computation.
    | Next (o -> Effect l (Iterator i o l a)) i
    -- ^ Describes a computation that provided a value
    -- of type `i` and awaits a value of type `o`.

-- | Evaluates an iterator by providing it with an input stream.
evalIterator :: Iterator i o l a -> [o] -> Effect l (Iterator i o l a, [i])
evalIterator (Next f v) (x:xs) = do
    i <- f x
    (r, vs) <- evalIterator i xs
    return (r, v:vs)
evalIterator i _ = return (i, [])