{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
module Language.Egison.Primitives (primitiveEnv, primitiveEnvNoIO) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error

import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.Ratio

import System.IO
import System.Random

import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq

import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Database.MySQL.Base as MySQL
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC

import Control.Monad

import Language.Egison.Types
import Language.Egison.Core

primitiveEnv :: IO Env
primitiveEnv = do
  let ops = map (second PrimitiveFunc) (primitives ++ ioPrimitives)
  bindings <- forM (constants ++ ops) $ \(name, op) -> do
    ref <- newIORef . WHNF $ Value op
    return (name, ref)
  return $ extendEnv nullEnv bindings

primitiveEnvNoIO :: IO Env
primitiveEnvNoIO = do
  let ops = map (second PrimitiveFunc) primitives
  bindings <- forM (constants ++ ops) $ \(name, op) -> do
    ref <- newIORef . WHNF $ Value op
    return (name, ref)
  return $ extendEnv nullEnv bindings

{-# INLINE noArg #-}
noArg :: (MonadError EgisonError m) =>
         m EgisonValue ->
         [WHNFData] -> m EgisonValue
noArg f = \vals -> case vals of 
                     [] -> f
                     _ -> throwError $ ArgumentsNum 0 $ length vals

{-# INLINE oneArg #-}
oneArg :: (MonadError EgisonError m) =>
          (WHNFData -> m EgisonValue) ->
          [WHNFData] -> m EgisonValue
oneArg f = \vals -> case vals of 
                      [val] -> f val
                      [] -> f $ Value $ Tuple []
                      _ -> throwError $ ArgumentsNum 1 $ length vals

{-# INLINE twoArgs #-}
twoArgs :: (MonadError EgisonError m) =>
           (WHNFData -> WHNFData -> m EgisonValue) ->
           [WHNFData] -> m EgisonValue
twoArgs f = \vals -> case vals of 
                       [val, val'] -> f val val'
                       _ -> throwError $ ArgumentsNum 2 $ length vals

{-# INLINE threeArgs #-}
threeArgs :: (MonadError EgisonError m) =>
             (WHNFData -> WHNFData -> WHNFData -> m EgisonValue) ->
             [WHNFData] -> m EgisonValue
threeArgs f = \vals -> case vals of 
                         [val, val', val''] -> f val val' val''
                         _ -> throwError $ ArgumentsNum 3 $ length vals

-- Constants

constants :: [(String, EgisonValue)]
constants = [ ("pi", Float 3.141592653589793) ]

-- Primitives

primitives :: [(String, PrimitiveFunc)]
primitives = [ ("+i", integerBinaryOp (+)) 
             , ("-i", integerBinaryOp (-))
             , ("*i", integerBinaryOp (*))
             , ("modulo",    integerBinaryOp mod)
             , ("quotient",   integerBinaryOp quot)
             , ("remainder", integerBinaryOp rem)
             , ("eq-i?",  integerBinaryPred (==))
             , ("lt-i?",  integerBinaryPred (<))
             , ("lte-i?", integerBinaryPred (<=))
             , ("gt-i?",  integerBinaryPred (>))
             , ("gte-i?", integerBinaryPred (>=))
             , ("+f", floatBinaryOp (+))
             , ("-f", floatBinaryOp (-))
             , ("*f", floatBinaryOp (*))
             , ("/f", floatBinaryOp (/))
             , ("eq-f?",  floatBinaryPred (==))
             , ("lt-f?",  floatBinaryPred (<))
             , ("lte-f?", floatBinaryPred (<=))
             , ("gt-f?",  floatBinaryPred (>))
             , ("gte-f?", floatBinaryPred (>=))
             , ("neg", integerUnaryOp negate)
             , ("abs", integerUnaryOp abs)
             , ("sqrt", floatUnaryOp sqrt)
             , ("exp", floatUnaryOp exp)
             , ("log", floatUnaryOp log)
             , ("sin", floatUnaryOp sin)
             , ("cos", floatUnaryOp cos)
             , ("tan", floatUnaryOp tan)
             , ("asin", floatUnaryOp asin)
             , ("acos", floatUnaryOp acos)
             , ("atan", floatUnaryOp atan)
             , ("sinh", floatUnaryOp sinh)
             , ("cosh", floatUnaryOp cosh)
             , ("tanh", floatUnaryOp tanh)
             , ("asinh", floatUnaryOp asinh)
             , ("acosh", floatUnaryOp acosh)
             , ("atanh", floatUnaryOp atanh)
             , ("round",    floatToIntegerOp round)
             , ("floor",    floatToIntegerOp floor)
             , ("ceiling",  floatToIntegerOp ceiling)
             , ("truncate", floatToIntegerOp truncate)
             , ("itof", integerToFloat)
             , ("rtof", rationalToFloat)
             , ("itos", integerToString)
             , ("stoi", stringToInteger)
             , ("eq?",  eq)
             , ("lt?",  lt)
             , ("lte?", lte)
             , ("gt?",  gt)
             , ("gte?", gte)
             , ("+", plus)
             , ("-", minus)
             , ("*", multiply)
             , ("/", divide)
             , ("/-inverse", divideInverse)
             , ("assert", assert)
             , ("assert-equal", assertEqual)

             , ("pure-mysql", pureMySQL)

integerUnaryOp :: (Integer -> Integer) -> PrimitiveFunc
integerUnaryOp op = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  Integer . op <$> fromIntegerValue val

integerBinaryOp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> PrimitiveFunc
integerBinaryOp op = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  (Integer .) . op <$> fromIntegerValue val
                   <*> fromIntegerValue val'

integerBinaryPred :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> PrimitiveFunc
integerBinaryPred pred = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  (Bool .) . pred <$> fromIntegerValue val
                  <*> fromIntegerValue val'

floatUnaryOp :: (Double -> Double) -> PrimitiveFunc
floatUnaryOp op = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  Float . op <$> fromFloatValue val

floatBinaryOp :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> PrimitiveFunc
floatBinaryOp op = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  (Float .) . op <$> fromFloatValue val
                 <*> fromFloatValue val'

floatBinaryPred :: (Double -> Double -> Bool) -> PrimitiveFunc
floatBinaryPred pred = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  (Bool .) . pred <$> fromFloatValue val
                  <*> fromFloatValue val'

floatToIntegerOp :: (Double -> Integer) -> PrimitiveFunc
floatToIntegerOp op = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  Integer . op <$> fromFloatValue val

integerToFloat :: PrimitiveFunc
integerToFloat = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  Float . fromInteger <$> fromIntegerValue val

rationalToFloat :: PrimitiveFunc
rationalToFloat = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  Float . fromRational <$> fromRationalValue val

integerToString :: PrimitiveFunc
integerToString = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
   makeStringValue . show <$> fromIntegerValue val

stringToInteger :: PrimitiveFunc
stringToInteger = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val -> do
   numStr <- fromStringValue val
   return $ Integer (read numStr :: Integer)

eq :: PrimitiveFunc
eq = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  (Bool .) . (==) <$> fromPrimitiveValue val
                  <*> fromPrimitiveValue val'

lt :: PrimitiveFunc
lt = (liftError .) $ twoArgs lt'
  lt' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Integer i')) = return $ Bool $ i < i'
  lt' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Bool $ fromInteger i < f
  lt' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Integer i)) = return $ Bool $ f < fromInteger i
  lt' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Bool $ f < f'
  lt' (Value (Integer _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  lt' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  lt' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

lte :: PrimitiveFunc
lte = (liftError .) $ twoArgs lte'
  lte' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Integer i')) = return $ Bool $ i <= i'
  lte' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Bool $ fromInteger i <= f
  lte' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Integer i)) = return $ Bool $ f <= fromInteger i
  lte' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Bool $ f <= f'
  lte' (Value (Integer _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  lte' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  lte' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

gt :: PrimitiveFunc
gt = (liftError .) $ twoArgs gt'
  gt' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Integer i')) = return $ Bool $ i > i'
  gt' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Bool $ fromInteger i > f
  gt' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Integer i)) = return $ Bool $ f > fromInteger i
  gt' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Bool $ f > f'
  gt' (Value (Integer _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  gt' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  gt' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

gte :: PrimitiveFunc
gte = (liftError .) $ twoArgs gte'
  gte' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Integer i')) = return $ Bool $ i >= i'
  gte' (Value (Integer i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Bool $ fromInteger i >= f
  gte' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Integer i)) = return $ Bool $ f >= fromInteger i
  gte' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Bool $ f >= f'
  gte' (Value (Integer _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  gte' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  gte' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

plus :: PrimitiveFunc
plus = (liftError .) $ twoArgs plus'
  plus' (Value (Integer x)) (Value (Integer x')) = return $ Integer $ (x + x')
  plus' (Value (Integer i)) val = plus' (Value (Rational (i % 1))) val
  plus' val (Value (Integer i)) = plus' val (Value (Rational (i % 1)))
  plus' (Value (Rational x)) (Value (Rational x')) = let y = (x + x') in
                                                      if denominator y == 1
                                                        then return $ Integer $ numerator y
                                                        else return $ Rational y
  plus' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Float $ f + f'
  plus' (Value (Rational i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Float $ (fromRational i) + f
  plus' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Rational i)) = return $ Float $ f + (fromRational i)
  plus' (Value (Rational _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  plus' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  plus' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

minus :: PrimitiveFunc
minus = (liftError .) $ twoArgs minus'
  minus' (Value (Integer x)) (Value (Integer x')) = return $ Integer $ (x - x')
  minus' (Value (Integer i)) val = minus' (Value (Rational (i % 1))) val
  minus' val (Value (Integer i)) = minus' val (Value (Rational (i % 1)))
  minus' (Value (Rational x)) (Value (Rational x')) = let y = (x - x') in
                                                      if denominator y == 1
                                                        then return $ Integer $ numerator y
                                                        else return $ Rational y
  minus' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Float $ f - f'
  minus' (Value (Rational i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Float $ (fromRational i) - f
  minus' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Rational i)) = return $ Float $ f - (fromRational i)
  minus' (Value (Rational _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  minus' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  minus' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

multiply :: PrimitiveFunc
multiply = (liftError .) $ twoArgs multiply'
  multiply' (Value (Integer x)) (Value (Integer x')) = return $ Integer $ (x * x')
  multiply' (Value (Integer i)) val = multiply' (Value (Rational (i % 1))) val
  multiply' val (Value (Integer i)) = multiply' val (Value (Rational (i % 1)))
  multiply' (Value (Rational x)) (Value (Rational x')) = let y = (x * x') in
                                                      if denominator y == 1
                                                        then return $ Integer $ numerator y
                                                        else return $ Rational y
  multiply' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Float $ f * f'
  multiply' (Value (Rational i)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Float $ (fromRational i) * f
  multiply' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Rational i)) = return $ Float $ f * (fromRational i)
  multiply' (Value (Rational _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  multiply' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  multiply' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

divide :: PrimitiveFunc
divide = (liftError .) $ twoArgs divide'
  divide' (Value (Integer x)) (Value (Integer x')) = return $ Rational $ (x % x')
  divide' (Value (Integer i)) val = divide' (Value (Rational (i % 1))) val
  divide' val (Value (Integer i)) = divide' val (Value (Rational (i % 1)))
  divide' (Value (Rational x)) (Value (Rational x')) =
    let m = numerator x' in
    let n = denominator x' in
    let y = (x * (n % m)) in
      if denominator y == 1
        then return $ Integer $ numerator y
        else return $ Rational y
  divide' (Value (Rational x)) (Value (Float f)) = return $ Float $ (fromRational x) / f
  divide' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Rational x)) = return $ Float $ f / (fromRational x)
  divide' (Value (Rational _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  divide' (Value (Float f)) (Value (Float f')) = return $ Float $ f / f'
  divide' (Value (Float _)) val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val
  divide' val _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" val

divideInverse :: PrimitiveFunc
divideInverse = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ divideInverse'
  divideInverse' (Value (Rational rat)) = do
    return $ Tuple [Integer (numerator rat), Integer (denominator rat)]
  divideInverse' (Value (Integer x)) = do
    return $ Tuple [Integer x, Integer 1]
  divideInverse' val = throwError $ TypeMismatch "rational" val

assert ::  PrimitiveFunc
assert = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \label test -> do
  test <- fromBoolValue test
  if test
    then return $ Bool True
    else throwError $ Assertion $ show label

assertEqual :: PrimitiveFunc
assertEqual = threeArgs $ \label actual expected -> do
  actual <- evalDeep actual
  expected <- evalDeep expected
  if actual == expected
    then return $ Bool True
    else throwError $ Assertion $ show label ++ "\n expected: " ++ show expected ++
                                  "\n but found: " ++ show actual

pureMySQL :: PrimitiveFunc
pureMySQL = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' -> do
  dbName <- fromStringValue val
  qStr <- fromStringValue val'
  let ret = unsafePerformIO $ query' dbName $ BC.pack qStr
  return $ Collection $ Sq.fromList $ map (\r -> Tuple (map makeStringValue r)) ret
  query' :: String -> ByteString -> IO [[String]]
  query' dbName q = do
    conn <- MySQL.connect MySQL.defaultConnectInfo { MySQL.connectDatabase = dbName }
    MySQL.query conn q
    ret <- MySQL.storeResult conn
    fetchAllRows ret
  fetchAllRows :: MySQL.Result -> IO [[String]]
  fetchAllRows ret = do
    row <- MySQL.fetchRow ret
    case row of
      [] -> return []
      _ -> do row' <- forM row (\mcol -> case mcol of
                                           Just col ->  return $ BC.unpack col
                                           Nothing -> return "null")
              rows' <- fetchAllRows ret
              return $ row':rows'

-- IO Primitives

ioPrimitives :: [(String, PrimitiveFunc)]
ioPrimitives = [ ("return", return')
               , ("open-input-file", makePort ReadMode)
               , ("open-output-file", makePort WriteMode)
               , ("close-input-port", closePort)
               , ("close-output-port", closePort)
               , ("read-char", readChar)
               , ("read-line", readLine)
--             , ("read", readFromStdin)
               , ("write-char", writeChar)
               , ("write-string", writeString)
               , ("write", write)
--             , ("print", writeStringLine)
               , ("eof?", isEOFStdin)
               , ("flush", flushStdout)
               , ("read-char-from-port", readCharFromPort)
               , ("read-line-from-port", readLineFromPort)
--             , ("read-from-port", readFromPort)
               , ("write-char-to-port", writeCharToPort)
               , ("write-string-to-port", writeStringToPort)
               , ("write-to-port", writeToPort)
               , ("eof-port?", isEOFPort)
--             , ("print-to-port", writeStringLineToPort)
               , ("flush-port", flushPort)
               , ("rand", randRange) ]
--             , ("get-lib-dir-name", getLibDirName) ]

makeIO :: EgisonM EgisonValue -> EgisonValue
makeIO m = IOFunc $ liftM (Value . Tuple . (World :) . (:[])) m

makeIO' :: EgisonM () -> EgisonValue
makeIO' m = IOFunc $ m >> return (Value $ Tuple [World, Tuple []])

return' :: PrimitiveFunc
return' = oneArg $ return . makeIO . evalDeep

makePort :: IOMode -> PrimitiveFunc
makePort mode = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val -> do
  filename <- fromStringValue val 
  return . makeIO . liftIO $ Port <$> openFile filename mode

closePort :: PrimitiveFunc
closePort = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO' . liftIO . hClose <$> fromPortValue val

writeChar :: PrimitiveFunc
writeChar = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO' . liftIO . putChar <$> fromCharValue val

writeString :: PrimitiveFunc
writeString = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO' . liftIO . putStr <$> fromStringValue val

write :: PrimitiveFunc
write = oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO' . liftIO . putStr . show <$> evalDeep val

readChar :: PrimitiveFunc
readChar = noArg $ return $ makeIO $ liftIO $ liftM Char getChar

readLine :: PrimitiveFunc
readLine = noArg $ return $ makeIO $ liftIO $ liftM makeStringValue getLine

flushStdout :: PrimitiveFunc
flushStdout = noArg $ return $ makeIO' $ liftIO $ hFlush stdout

isEOFStdin :: PrimitiveFunc
isEOFStdin = noArg $ return $ makeIO $ liftIO $ liftM Bool isEOF

writeCharToPort :: PrimitiveFunc
writeCharToPort = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  ((makeIO' . liftIO) .) . hPutChar <$> fromPortValue val <*> fromCharValue val'

writeStringToPort :: PrimitiveFunc
writeStringToPort = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  ((makeIO' . liftIO) .) . hPutStr <$> fromPortValue val <*> fromStringValue val'

writeToPort :: PrimitiveFunc
writeToPort = twoArgs $ \val val' -> do
  ((makeIO' . liftIO) .) . hPutStr <$> liftError (fromPortValue val)
                                   <*> (show <$> evalDeep val')

readCharFromPort :: PrimitiveFunc
readCharFromPort = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO . liftIO . liftM Char . hGetChar <$> fromPortValue val

readLineFromPort :: PrimitiveFunc
readLineFromPort = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO . liftIO . liftM makeStringValue . hGetLine <$> fromPortValue val

flushPort :: PrimitiveFunc
flushPort = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO' . liftIO . hFlush <$> fromPortValue val

isEOFPort :: PrimitiveFunc
isEOFPort = (liftError .) $ oneArg $ \val ->
  makeIO . liftIO . liftM Bool . hIsEOF <$> fromPortValue val

--rand :: PrimitiveFunc
--rand = noArg $ return $ makeIO $ liftIO $ liftM Integer $ getStdRandom random

randRange :: PrimitiveFunc
randRange = (liftError .) $ twoArgs $ \val val' ->
  return . makeIO . liftIO . liftM Integer . getStdRandom . randomR =<< liftM2 (,) (fromIntegerValue val) (fromIntegerValue val')