{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {- | The problem: You have a system of equations, that you have written as a single matrix equation @Ax = b@ Where A and b are matrices (b could be a vector, as a special case). You want to find a solution x. The solution: You can choose between various decompositions, depending on what your matrix A looks like, and depending on whether you favor speed or accuracy. However, let's start with an example that works in all cases, and is a good compromise: @ import Data.Eigen.Matrix import Data.Eigen.LA main = do let a :: MatrixXd a = fromList [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,10]] b = fromList [[3],[3],[4]] x = solve ColPivHouseholderQR a b putStrLn \"Here is the matrix A:\" >> print a putStrLn \"Here is the vector b:\" >> print b putStrLn \"The solution is:\" >> print x @ produces the following output @ Here is the matrix A: Matrix 3x3 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 Here is the vector b: Matrix 3x1 3.0 3.0 4.0 The solution is: Matrix 3x1 -2.0000000000000004 1.0000000000000018 0.9999999999999989 @ Checking if a solution really exists: Only you know what error margin you want to allow for a solution to be considered valid. You can compute relative error using @'norm' (ax - b) / 'norm' b@ formula or use 'relativeError' function which provides the same calculation implemented slightly more efficient. -} module Data.Eigen.LA ( -- * Basic linear solving Decomposition(..), solve, relativeError, -- * Rank-revealing decompositions {- | Certain decompositions are rank-revealing, i.e. are able to compute the 'rank' of a matrix. These are typically also the decompositions that behave best in the face of a non-full-rank matrix (which in the 'square' case means a singular matrix). @ import Data.Eigen.Matrix import Data.Eigen.LA main = do let a = fromList [[1,2,5],[2,1,4],[3,0,3]] :: MatrixXd putStrLn "Here is the matrix A:" >> print a putStrLn "The rank of A is:" >> print (rank FullPivLU a) putStrLn "Here is a matrix whose columns form a basis of the null-space of A:" >> print (kernel FullPivLU a) putStrLn "Here is a matrix whose columns form a basis of the column-space of A:" >> print (image FullPivLU a) @ produces the following output @ Here is the matrix A: Matrix 3x3 1.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 The rank of A is: 2 Here is a matrix whose columns form a basis of the null-space of A: Matrix 3x1 0.5000000000000001 1.0 -0.5 Here is a matrix whose columns form a basis of the column-space of A: Matrix 3x2 5.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 @ -} rank, kernel, image, -- * Multiple linear regression {- | A linear regression model that contains more than one predictor variable. -} linearRegression ) where import Prelude as P import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import qualified Foreign.Concurrent as FC #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 #else import Control.Applicative #endif import Data.Eigen.Matrix import qualified Data.Eigen.Internal as I import qualified Data.Eigen.Matrix.Mutable as M import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS {- | @ Decomposition Requirements on the matrix Speed Accuracy Rank Kernel Image PartialPivLU Invertible ++ + - - - FullPivLU None - +++ + + + HouseholderQR None ++ + - - - ColPivHouseholderQR None + ++ + - - FullPivHouseholderQR None - +++ + - - LLT Positive definite +++ + - - - LDLT Positive or negative semidefinite +++ ++ - - - JacobiSVD None - +++ + - - @ The best way to do least squares solving for square matrices is with a SVD decomposition ('JacobiSVD') -} data Decomposition -- | LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting. = PartialPivLU -- | LU decomposition of a matrix with complete pivoting. | FullPivLU -- | Householder QR decomposition of a matrix. | HouseholderQR -- | Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with column-pivoting. | ColPivHouseholderQR -- | Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with full pivoting. | FullPivHouseholderQR -- | Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix. | LLT -- | Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting. | LDLT -- | Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix. | JacobiSVD deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Read) -- | [x = solve d a b] finds a solution @x@ of @ax = b@ equation using decomposition @d@ solve :: I.Elem a b => Decomposition -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b solve d a b = I.performIO $ do x <- M.new (cols a) 1 M.unsafeWith x $ \x_vals x_rows x_cols -> unsafeWith a $ \a_vals a_rows a_cols -> unsafeWith b $ \b_vals b_rows b_cols -> I.call $ I.solve (I.cast $ fromEnum d) x_vals x_rows x_cols a_vals a_rows a_cols b_vals b_rows b_cols unsafeFreeze x -- | [e = relativeError x a b] computes @norm (ax - b) / norm b@ where @norm@ is L2 norm relativeError :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> a relativeError x a b = I.performIO $ unsafeWith x $ \x_vals x_rows x_cols -> unsafeWith a $ \a_vals a_rows a_cols -> unsafeWith b $ \b_vals b_rows b_cols -> alloca $ \pe -> do I.call $ I.relativeError pe x_vals x_rows x_cols a_vals a_rows a_cols b_vals b_rows b_cols I.cast <$> peek pe -- | The rank of the matrix rank :: I.Elem a b => Decomposition -> Matrix a b -> Int rank d m = I.performIO $ alloca $ \pr -> do I.call $ unsafeWith m $ I.rank (I.cast $ fromEnum d) pr I.cast <$> peek pr -- | Return matrix whose columns form a basis of the null-space of @A@ kernel :: I.Elem a b => Decomposition -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b kernel d m1 = I.performIO $ alloca $ \pvals -> alloca $ \prows -> alloca $ \pcols -> unsafeWith m1 $ \vals1 rows1 cols1 -> do I.call $ I.kernel (I.cast $ fromEnum d) pvals prows pcols vals1 rows1 cols1 vals <- peek pvals rows <- I.cast <$> peek prows cols <- I.cast <$> peek pcols fp <- FC.newForeignPtr vals $ I.free vals return $ Matrix rows cols $ VS.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 fp $ rows * cols -- | Return a matrix whose columns form a basis of the column-space of @A@ image :: I.Elem a b => Decomposition -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b image d m1 = I.performIO $ alloca $ \pvals -> alloca $ \prows -> alloca $ \pcols -> unsafeWith m1 $ \vals1 rows1 cols1 -> do I.call $ I.image (I.cast $ fromEnum d) pvals prows pcols vals1 rows1 cols1 vals <- peek pvals rows <- I.cast <$> peek prows cols <- I.cast <$> peek pcols fp <- FC.newForeignPtr vals $ I.free vals return $ Matrix rows cols $ VS.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 fp $ rows * cols {- | [(coeffs, error) = linearRegression points] computes multiple linear regression @y = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + ... + an xn + b@ using 'ColPivHouseholderQR' decomposition * point format is @[y, x1..xn]@ * coeffs format is @[b, a1..an]@ * error is calculated using 'relativeError' @ import Data.Eigen.LA main = print $ linearRegression [ [-4.32, 3.02, 6.89], [-3.79, 2.01, 5.39], [-4.01, 2.41, 6.01], [-3.86, 2.09, 5.55], [-4.10, 2.58, 6.32]] @ produces the following output @ ([-2.3466569233817127,-0.2534897541434826,-0.1749653335680988],1.8905965120153139e-3) @ -} linearRegression :: [[Double]] -> ([Double], Double) linearRegression points = (coeffs, e) where a = fromList $ P.map ((1:).tail) points b = fromList $ P.map ((:[]).head) points x = solve ColPivHouseholderQR a b e = relativeError x a b coeffs = P.map head $ toList x