either-list-functions- Functions involving lists of Either
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Functions involving lists of Either.



partlyMap :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [Either a b] Source #

>>> import Prelude (even, show)
>>> partlyMap (\x -> if even x then Just (show x) else Nothing) [1..5]
[Left 1,Right "2",Left 3,Right "4",Left 5]


groupEither :: [Either a b] -> [Either [a] [b]] Source #

>>> groupEither [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
[Left [1,2],Right "a",Left [3],Right "bc"]


partition :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b]) Source #

>>> partition [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']


spanLeft :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [Either a b]) Source #

>>> spanLeft [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
([1,2],[Right 'a',Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c'])
>>> spanLeft [Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
([],[Right 'a',Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c'])

spanLeft' :: [Either a b] -> ([a], Maybe (b, [Either a b])) Source #

Similar to spanLeft, but preserves a little more information in the return type: if the remainder of the list is non-empty, then it necessarily begins with a Right, and so we can go ahead and unwrap that and return it as a value of type b.

>>> spanLeft' [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
([1,2],Just ('a',[Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c']))
>>> spanLeft' [Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
([],Just ('a',[Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c']))
>>> spanLeft' [Left 1, Left 2, Left 3]

spanRight :: [Either a b] -> ([b], [Either a b]) Source #

Similar to spanRight, but preserves a little more information in the return type: if the remainder of the list is non-empty, then it necessarily begins with a Left, and so we can go ahead and unwrap that and return it as a value of type a.

>>> spanRight [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
("",[Left 1,Left 2,Right 'a',Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c'])
>>> spanRight [Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
("a",[Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c'])

spanRight' :: [Either a b] -> ([b], Maybe (a, [Either a b])) Source #

>>> spanRight' [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
("",Just (1,[Left 2,Right 'a',Left 3,Right 'b',Right 'c']))
>>> spanRight' [Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']
("a",Just (3,[Right 'b',Right 'c']))
>>> spanRight' [Right 'a', Right 'b', Right 'c']


leadLeft :: [Either a b] -> ([b], [(a, [b])]) Source #

>>> leadLeft [Right 'a', Right 'b', Left 1, Right 'c', Right 'd', Left 2, Right 'e', Right 'f']
>>> leadLeft [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']

leadLeft' Source #


:: a

Leader to use for the first group in case the list does not begin with a Left.

-> [Either a b] 
-> [(a, [b])] 
>>> leadLeft' 0 [Right 'a', Right 'b', Left 1, Right 'c', Right 'd', Left 2, Right 'e', Right 'f']
>>> leadLeft' 0 [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Right 'c']

leadRight :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [(b, [a])]) Source #

>>> leadRight [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Left 4, Right 'b', Left 5, Left 6]
>>> leadRight [Right 'a', Left 3, Left 4, Right 'b', Right 'c', Left 5, Left 6]

leadRight' Source #


:: b

Leader to use for the first group in case the list does not begin with a Right.

-> [Either a b] 
-> [(b, [a])] 
>>> leadRight' 'z' [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'a', Left 3, Left 4, Right 'b', Left 5, Left 6]
>>> leadRight' 'z' [Right 'a', Left 3, Left 4, Right 'b', Right 'c', Left 5, Left 6]


branchLeft :: BranchComparison a -> [Either a b] -> ([b], Forest (a, [b])) Source #

>>> import Prelude
>>> heading level title = Left (level, title)
>>> chapter = heading 1
>>> section = heading 2
>>> p text = Right text
>>> :{
>>> list =
>>> [ p "Copyright"
>>> , p "Preface"
>>> , chapter "Animals"
>>> , p "The kingdom animalia"
>>> , section "Vertebrates"
>>> , p "Cats"
>>> , p "Snakes"
>>> , section "Invertebrates"
>>> , p "Worms"
>>> , p "Jellyfishes"
>>> , chapter "Fungus"
>>> , p "Yeast"
>>> , p "Truffles"
>>> , p "Morels"
>>> ]
>>> :}
>>> import Data.Functor.Contravariant
>>> flipComparison (Comparison f) = Comparison (flip f)
>>> headingComparison = contramap fst (flipComparison defaultComparison)
>>> (frontMatter, mainMatter) = branchLeft headingComparison list
>>> frontMatter
>>> import Data.List
>>> showContent ((_, x), ys) = x ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " ys
>>> import Data.Tree
>>> putStrLn $ drawForest $ map (fmap showContent) mainMatter
Animals: The kingdom animalia
+- Vertebrates: Cats, Snakes
`- Invertebrates: Worms, Jellyfishes

Fungus: Yeast, Truffles, Morels

branchRight :: BranchComparison b -> [Either a b] -> ([a], Forest (b, [a])) Source #

Same as branchLeft, but with the types flipped; here, Right is the case that indicates a branch.

type BranchComparison a = Comparison a Source #

The relative significance of branches (greater values are closer to the root).