{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}
-- | This module lets you periodically flush metrics to a elastic
-- backend. Example usage:
-- > main = do
-- >     store <- newStore
-- >     forkElastic defaultElasticOptions store
-- You probably want to include some of the predefined metrics defined
-- in the ekg-core package, by calling e.g. the 'registerGcStats'
-- function defined in that package.
module System.Remote.Monitoring.Elastic
      -- * The elastic syncer
    , elasticThreadId
    , forkElastic
      -- * Elastic options
    , ElasticOptions(..)
    , defaultElasticOptions
    ) where

import           Control.Concurrent    (ThreadId, threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent    (forkIO)
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad         (forever, void)
import           Data.Int              (Int64)
import           Data.Monoid           ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text             as T
import           Data.Text.Lens
import           Data.Time.Calendar    (toGregorian)
import           Data.Time.Clock       (getCurrentTime, utctDay)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import           Network.Wreq          as Wreq
import qualified System.Metrics        as Metrics

import           System.Metrics.Json

-- | A handle that can be used to control the elastic sync thread.
-- Created by 'forkElastic'.
newtype Elastic = Elastic { threadId :: ThreadId }

-- | The thread ID of the elastic sync thread. You can stop the sync by
-- killing this thread (i.e. by throwing it an asynchronous
-- exception.)
elasticThreadId :: Elastic -> ThreadId
elasticThreadId = threadId

-- | Options to control how to connect to the elastic server and how
-- often to flush metrics. The flush interval should be shorter than
-- the flush interval elastic itself uses to flush data to its
-- backends.
data ElasticOptions = ElasticOptions
    { -- | Server hostname or IP address
      _host          :: !T.Text

      -- | Server port
    , _port          :: !Int

      -- | The elastic index to insert into
    , _indexBase     :: !T.Text

      -- | Append "-YYYY.MM.DD" onto index?
    , _indexByDate   :: !Bool

      -- | Data push interval, in ms.
    , _flushInterval :: !Int

      -- | Print debug output to stderr.
    , _debug         :: !Bool

      -- | Prefix to add to all metric names.
    , _prefix        :: !T.Text

      -- | Suffix to add to all metric names. This is particularly
      -- useful for sending per host stats by settings this value to:
      -- @takeWhile (/= \'.\') \<$\> getHostName@, using @getHostName@
      -- from the @Network.BSD@ module in the network package.
    , _suffix        :: !T.Text
      -- | Extra tags to add to events
    , _tags          :: ![T.Text]

makeClassy ''ElasticOptions

-- | Defaults:
-- * @host@ = @\"\"@
-- * @port@ = @8125@
-- * @indexBase@ = @metricbeats@
-- * @indexByDate@ = @True@
-- * @flushInterval@ = @1000@
-- * @debug@ = @False@
defaultElasticOptions :: ElasticOptions
defaultElasticOptions = ElasticOptions
    { _host          = ""
    , _port          = 9200
    , _indexBase     = "metricbeats"
    , _indexByDate   = True
    , _flushInterval = 1000
    , _debug         = False
    , _prefix        = ""
    , _suffix        = ""
    , _tags          = []

-- | Create a thread that flushes the metrics in the store to elastic.
forkElastic :: ElasticOptions  -- ^ Options
           -> Metrics.Store  -- ^ Metric store
           -> IO Elastic      -- ^ Elastic sync handle
forkElastic opts store = Elastic <$> forkIO (loop store opts)

loop :: Metrics.Store   -- ^ Metric store
     -> ElasticOptions   -- ^ Options
     -> IO ()
loop store opts = forever $ do
    start <- time
    flushSample store opts
    end <- time
    threadDelay ((opts ^. flushInterval) * 1000 - fromIntegral (end - start))
    loop store opts

-- | Microseconds since epoch.
time :: IO Int64
time = (round . (* 1000000.0) . toDouble) `fmap` getPOSIXTime
  where toDouble = realToFrac :: Real a => a -> Double

-- | Construct the correct URL to send metrics too from '_host' and '_port'
elasticURL :: ElasticOptions -> String
elasticURL eo = "http://" ++ (eo ^. host.unpacked) ++ ":" ++ show (eo ^. port) ++ "/_bulk"

-- | Construct the index to send to
-- if '_indexByDate' if @True@ this will be '_indexBase'-YYYY.MM.DD otherwise it
-- will just be '_indexBase'
mkIndex :: ElasticOptions -> IO CreateBulk
mkIndex eo =
  CreateBulk <$> if eo ^. indexByDate
    then appendDate (eo ^. indexBase)
    else return (eo ^. indexBase)
    appendDate base = do
      day <- toGregorian . utctDay <$> getCurrentTime
      return $ base <> "-" <> dateStr day
    dateStr (y, m, d) = T.intercalate "." [toT y, toT m, toT d]
    toT :: Show a => a -> T.Text
    toT = T.pack . show

-- | Create a 'BulkRequest' and send it elastic
flushSample :: Metrics.Store -> ElasticOptions -> IO ()
flushSample store eo = do
  createBulk <- mkIndex eo
  bulkEvts <- sampleBeatEvents store (eo ^. tags)
  void $ Wreq.post (elasticURL eo) $ BulkRequest $ (createBulk,) <$> bulkEvts