Name: elerea-examples Version: 0.1.0 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Synopsis: Example applications for Elerea Category: reactivity, FRP Description: Example applications for Elerea. They are factored out into their own package so as to avoid unnecessary dependencies in the library. Check out the @doc@ directory for the colourful literate sources. . The programs included are the following: . * chase: a minimal example that demonstrates reactivity and mutually recursive signals . * breakout: a not too fancy breakout clone Author: Patai Gergely Maintainer: Patai Gergely ( Copyright: (c) 2009, Patai Gergely License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Stability: experimental Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: src/Common/Vector.lhs src/Common/Utils.lhs doc/Breakout.html doc/Breakout.png doc/Chase.html doc/hscolour.css doc/Makefile Executable elerea-breakout Executable: elerea-breakout HS-Source-Dirs: src Main-IS: Breakout.lhs Build-Depends: base, elerea, OpenGL, GLFW GHC-Options: -O2 Executable elerea-chase Executable: elerea-chase HS-Source-Dirs: src Main-IS: Chase.lhs Build-Depends: base, elerea, OpenGL, GLFW GHC-Options: -O2