Elerea Chase example ==================== This is a minimal example to show how to define signals that can be mutually recursive and can optionally depend on user input too. The grey square accelerates towards the red square at a rate proportional to their relative position, and it can be given a momentary impulse with the left mouse button. For a slightly more complex example check out `Breakout.lhs`. > {-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-} > > module Main where > > import Control.Applicative > import Control.Monad > import Data.IORef > import FRP.Elerea.Param > import Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW > import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL > > import Common.Utils > import Common.Vector The `main` function contains the whole reactive logic. Note that `driveNetwork` is just a simple loop, and you can see its source below in the `Utils` module. > main = do > initialize > openWindow (Size 640 480) [DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8, DisplayAlphaBits 8, DisplayDepthBits 24] Window > windowTitle $= "Elerea Chase" > > (windowSize,windowSizeSink) <- external vnull > (mousePosition,mousePositionSink) <- external vnull > (mousePress,mousePressSink) <- external False > > closed <- newIORef False > windowSizeCallback $= resizeGLScene windowSizeSink > windowCloseCallback $= writeIORef closed True > initGL 640 480 > > network <- start $ do > mouseClick <- edge mousePress > rec let newVel clk v0 = case clk of > True -> Just <$> integralVec v0 acc > False -> return Nothing > acc = (mousePosition^-^pos)^*.0.3 > vel0 <- integralVec vnull acc > vels <- storeJust vel0 =<< generator (newVel <$> mouseClick <*> vel^+^pos^-^mousePosition) > vel <- delay vnull (join vels) > pos <- delay vnull =<< integralVec vnull vel > > return $ render <$> windowSize <*> mousePosition <*> pos > > driveNetwork network (readInput mousePositionSink mousePressSink closed) > > closeWindow The `render` function takes a snapshot of the system (window size and the positions of the squares) and turns it into OpenGL calls. The signal executed by the `driveNetwork` function is the time-varying version of the IO action returned here. > render (V w h) (V cx cy) (V ox oy) = do > let drawSquare x y s = do > loadIdentity > translate $ Vector3 (x/w*2-1) (h/w-y/w*2) 0 > renderPrimitive Quads $ do > vertex $ Vertex3 (-s) (-s) (0 :: GLfloat) > vertex $ Vertex3 ( s) (-s) (0 :: GLfloat) > vertex $ Vertex3 ( s) ( s) (0 :: GLfloat) > vertex $ Vertex3 (-s) ( s) (0 :: GLfloat) > > clear [ColorBuffer] > > color $ Color4 1 0 0 (0.5 :: GLfloat) > drawSquare cx cy 0.05 > color $ Color4 1 1 1 (0.6 :: GLfloat) > drawSquare ox oy 0.03 > > flush > swapBuffers The `readInput` function provides the driver layer. It feeds the peripheral-bound signals and also decides when to stop execution by returning `Nothing` instead of the time elapsed since its last call. > readInput mousePos mouseBut closed = do > t <- get GLFW.time > GLFW.time $= 0 > Position x y <- get GLFW.mousePos > mousePos (V (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) > b <- GLFW.getMouseButton GLFW.ButtonLeft > mouseBut (b == GLFW.Press) > k <- getKey ESC > c <- readIORef closed > return (if c || k == Press then Nothing else Just t) OpenGL is initialised with practically everything turned off. Only alpha blending is needed to be able to use translucent colours. > initGL width height = do > clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 1 > blend $= Enabled > blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha,OneMinusSrcAlpha) The window size callback takes care of the `windowSize` signal and the projection matrix. > resizeGLScene winSize size@(Size w h) = do > winSize (V (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)) > > viewport $= (Position 0 0,size) > > matrixMode $= Projection > loadIdentity > scale 1 (fromIntegral w/fromIntegral h) (1 :: GLfloat) > > matrixMode $= Modelview 0