{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
Module:      Data.Eliminator.TH
Copyright:   (C) 2017 Ryan Scott
License:     BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer:  Ryan Scott
Stability:   Experimental
Portability: GHC

Generate dependently typed elimination functions using Template Haskell.
module Data.Eliminator.TH (
    -- * Eliminator generation
    -- $conventions
  , deriveElimNamed
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad

import           Data.Char (isUpper)
import           Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind (Type)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude

import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar (tupleNameDegree_maybe, unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe)

{- $conventions
'deriveElim' and 'deriveElimNamed' provide a way to automate the creation of
eliminator functions, which are mostly boilerplate. Here is a complete example
showing how one might use 'deriveElim':

$('singletons' [d| data MyList a = MyNil | MyCons a (MyList a) |])
$('deriveElim' ''MyList)

This will produce an eliminator function that looks roughly like the following:

elimMyList :: forall (a :: 'Type') (p :: MyList a '~>' 'Type') (l :: MyList a).
              'Sing' l
           -> p '@@' MyNil
           -> (forall (x :: a). 'Sing' x
                -> forall (xs :: MyList a). 'Sing' xs -> p '@@' xs
                -> p '@@' (MyCons x xs))
           -> p '@@' l
elimMyList SMyNil pMyNil _ = pMyNil
elimMyList (SMyCons (x' :: 'Sing' x) (xs' :: 'Sing' xs)) pMyNil pMyCons
  = pMyCons x' xs' (elimMyList @a @p @xs pMyNil pMyCons)

There are some important things to note here:

* Because these eliminators use 'Sing' under the hood, in order for
  'deriveElim' to work, the 'Sing' instance for the data type given as an
  argument must be in scope. Moreover, 'deriveElim' assumes the naming
  conventions for singled constructors used by the @singletons@ library.
  (This is why the 'singletons' function is used in the example above).

* There is a convention for the order in which the arguments appear.
  The quantified type variables appear in this order:

    1. First, the type variables of the data type itself (@a@, in the above example).

    2. Second, a predicate type variable of kind @\<Datatype\> '~>' 'Type'@
       (@p@, in the above example).

    3. Finally, a type variable of kind @\<Datatype\>@ (@l@, in the above example).

  The function arguments appear in this order:

    1. First, a 'Sing' argument (@'Sing' l@, in the above example).

    2. Next, there are arguments that correspond to each constructor. More on this
       in a second.

  The return type is the predicate type variable applied to the data type
  (@p '@@' (MyCons x xs)@, the above example).

  The type of each constructor argument also follows certain conventions:

    1. For each field, there will be a rank-2 type variable whose kind matches
       the type of the field, followed by a matching 'Sing' type. For instance,
       in the above example, @forall (x :: a). 'Sing' x@ corresponds to the
       first field of @MyCons@.

    2. In addition, if the field is a recursive occurrence of the data type,
       an additional argument will follow the 'Sing' type. This is best
       explained using the above example. In the @MyCons@ constructor, the second
       field (of type @MyCons a@) is a recursive occurrence of @MyCons@, so
       that corresponds to the type
       @forall (xs :: MyList a). 'Sing' xs -> p '@@' xs@, where @p '@@' xs@
       is only present due to the recursion.

    3. Finally, the return type will be the predicate type variable applied
       to a saturated occurrence of the data constructor
       (@p '@@' (MyCons x xs)@, in the above example).

* You'll need to enable lots of GHC extensions in order for the code generated
  by 'deriveElim' to typecheck. You'll need at least the following:

    * @AllowAmbiguousTypes@

    * @GADTs@

    * @RankNTypes@

    * @ScopedTypeVariables@

    * @TemplateHaskell@

    * @TypeApplications@

    * @TypeInType@

* 'deriveElim' doesn't support every possible data type at the moment.
  It is known not to work for the following:

    * Data types defined using @GADTs@ or @ExistentialQuantification@

    * Data family instances

    * Data types which use polymorphic recursion
      (e.g., @data Foo a = Foo (Foo a)@)

-- | @'deriveElim' dataName@ generates a top-level elimination function for the
-- datatype @dataName@. The eliminator will follow these naming conventions:
-- The naming conventions are:
-- * If the datatype has an alphanumeric name, its eliminator will have that name
--   with @elim@ prepended.
-- * If the datatype has a symbolic name, its eliminator will have that name
--   with @~>@ prepended.
deriveElim :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveElim dataName = deriveElimNamed (eliminatorName dataName) dataName

-- | @'deriveElimNamed' funName dataName@ generates a top-level elimination
-- function named @funName@ for the datatype @dataName@.
deriveElimNamed :: String -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveElimNamed funName dataName = do
  info@(DatatypeInfo { datatypeVars    = vars
                     , datatypeVariant = variant
                     , datatypeCons    = cons
                     }) <- reifyDatatype dataName
  let noDataFamilies =
        fail "Eliminators for data family instances are currently not supported"
  case variant of
    DataInstance    -> noDataFamilies
    NewtypeInstance -> noDataFamilies
    Datatype        -> pure ()
    Newtype         -> pure ()
  predVar <- newName "p"
  singVar <- newName "s"
  let elimN = mkName funName
      dataVarBndrs = catMaybes $ map typeToTyVarBndr vars
      promDataKind = datatypeType info
      predVarBndr = KindedTV predVar (InfixT promDataKind ''(~>) (ConT ''Kind.Type))
      singVarBndr = KindedTV singVar promDataKind
  caseTypes <- traverse (caseType dataName predVar) cons
  let returnType  = predType predVar (VarT singVar)
      bndrsPrefix = dataVarBndrs ++ [predVarBndr]
      allBndrs    = bndrsPrefix ++ [singVarBndr]
      elimType = ForallT allBndrs []
                   (ravel (singType singVar:caseTypes) returnType)
        | null cons
        = do singVal <- newName "singVal"
             pure $ FunD elimN [Clause [VarP singVal] (NormalB (CaseE (VarE singVal) [])) []]

        | otherwise
        = do caseClauses
               <- itraverse (\i -> caseClause dataName elimN
                                              (map tyVarBndrName bndrsPrefix)
                                              i (length cons)) cons
             pure $ FunD elimN caseClauses
  elimDef <- qelimDef
  pure [SigD elimN elimType, elimDef]

caseType :: Name -> Name -> ConstructorInfo -> Q Type
caseType dataName predVar
         (ConstructorInfo { constructorName    = conName
                          , constructorVars    = conVars
                          , constructorContext = conContext
                          , constructorFields  = fieldTypes })
  = do unless (null conVars && null conContext) $
         fail $ unlines
           [ "Eliminators for GADTs or datatypes with existentially quantified"
           , "data constructors currently not supported"
       vars <- newNameList "f" $ length fieldTypes
       let returnType = predType predVar
                                 (foldl' AppT (ConT conName) (map VarT vars))
           mbInductiveType var varType =
             let inductiveArg = predType predVar (VarT var)
             in mbInductiveCase dataName varType inductiveArg
       pure $ foldr' (\(var, varType) t ->
                        ForallT [KindedTV var varType]
                                (ravel (singType var:maybeToList (mbInductiveType var varType)) t))
                     (zip vars fieldTypes)

caseClause :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Int -> Int
           -> ConstructorInfo -> Q Clause
caseClause dataName elimN bndrNamesPrefix conIndex numCons
    (ConstructorInfo { constructorName   = conName
                     , constructorFields = fieldTypes })
  = do let numFields = length fieldTypes
       singVars    <- newNameList "s"   numFields
       singVarSigs <- newNameList "sTy" numFields
       usedCaseVar <- newName "useThis"
       caseVars    <- ireplicateA numCons $ \i ->
                        if i == conIndex
                        then pure usedCaseVar
                        else newName ("_p" ++ show i)
       let singConName = singDataConName conName
           mkSingVarPat var varSig = SigP (VarP var) (singType varSig)
           singVarPats = zipWith mkSingVarPat singVars singVarSigs

           mbInductiveArg singVar singVarSig varType =
             let prefix = foldAppType (VarE elimN)
                             $ map VarT bndrNamesPrefix
                            ++ [VarT singVarSig]
                 inductiveArg = foldExp prefix
                                  $ VarE singVar:map VarE caseVars
             in mbInductiveCase dataName varType inductiveArg
           mkArg f (singVar, singVarSig, varType) =
             foldExp f $ VarE singVar
                       : maybeToList (mbInductiveArg singVar singVarSig varType)
           rhs = foldl' mkArg (VarE usedCaseVar) $
                        zip3 singVars singVarSigs fieldTypes
       pure $ Clause (ConP singConName singVarPats : map VarP caseVars)
                     (NormalB rhs)

-- TODO: Rule out polymorphic recursion
mbInductiveCase :: Name -> Type -> a -> Maybe a
mbInductiveCase dataName varType inductiveArg
  = case unfoldType varType of
      headTy :| _
          -- Annoying special case for lists
        | ListT <- headTy
        , dataName == ''[]
       -> Just inductiveArg

        | ConT n <- headTy
        , dataName == n
       -> Just inductiveArg

        | otherwise
       -> Nothing

-- | Construct a type of the form @'Sing' x@ given @x@.
singType :: Name -> Type
singType x = ConT ''Sing `AppT` VarT x

-- | Construct a type of the form @p '@@' ty@ given @p@ and @ty@.
predType :: Name -> Type -> Type
predType p ty = InfixT (VarT p) ''(@@) ty

-- | Generate a list of fresh names with a common prefix, and numbered suffixes.
newNameList :: String -> Int -> Q [Name]
newNameList prefix n = ireplicateA n $ newName . (prefix ++) . show

eliminatorName :: Name -> String
eliminatorName n
  | first:_ <- nStr
  , isUpper first
  = "elim" ++ nStr

  | otherwise
  = "~>" ++ nStr
    nStr = nameBase n

typeToTyVarBndr :: Type -> Maybe TyVarBndr
typeToTyVarBndr (SigT (VarT n) k) = Just $ KindedTV n k
typeToTyVarBndr _                 = Nothing

-- Reconstruct and arrow type from the list of types
ravel :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
ravel []    res = res
ravel (h:t) res = AppT (AppT ArrowT h) (ravel t res)

-- apply an expression to a list of expressions
foldExp :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
foldExp = foldl' AppE

-- apply an expression to a list of types
foldAppType :: Exp -> [Type] -> Exp
foldAppType = foldl' AppTypeE

-- | Decompose an applied type into its individual components. For example, this:
-- @
-- Either Int Char
-- @
-- would be unfolded to this:
-- @
-- Either :| [Int, Char]
-- @
unfoldType :: Type -> NonEmpty Type
unfoldType = go []
    go :: [Type] -> Type -> NonEmpty Type
    go acc (AppT t1 t2)    = go (t2:acc) t1
    go acc (SigT t _)      = go acc t
    go acc (ForallT _ _ t) = go acc t
    go acc t               = t :| acc

tyVarBndrName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarBndrName (PlainTV  n)   = n
tyVarBndrName (KindedTV n _) = n

itraverse :: Applicative f => (Int -> a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
itraverse f xs0 = go xs0 0 where
  go [] _ = pure []
  go (x:xs) n = (:) <$> f n x <*> (go xs $! (n + 1))

ireplicateA :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> f a) -> f [a]
ireplicateA cnt0 f =
    loop cnt0 0
    loop cnt n
        | cnt <= 0  = pure []
        | otherwise = liftA2 (:) (f n) (loop (cnt - 1) $! (n + 1))

-- Taken directly from singletons

singDataConName :: Name -> Name
singDataConName nm
  | nm == '[]                                      = 'SNil
  | nm == '(:)                                     = 'SCons
  | Just degree <- tupleNameDegree_maybe nm        = mkTupleDataName degree
  | Just degree <- unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe nm = mkTupleDataName degree
  | otherwise                                      = prefixUCName "S" ":%" nm

mkTupleDataName :: Int -> Name
mkTupleDataName n = mkName $ "STuple" ++ (show n)

-- put an uppercase prefix on a name. Takes two prefixes: one for identifiers
-- and one for symbols
prefixUCName :: String -> String -> Name -> Name
prefixUCName pre tyPre n = case (nameBase n) of
    (':' : rest) -> mkName (tyPre ++ rest)
    alpha -> mkName (pre ++ alpha)