Module:      Elocrypt.Passowrd
Description: Generate pronouncable, hard-to-guess passwords
Copyright:   (c) Sean Gillespie, 2015
License:     OtherLicense
Maintainer:  Sean Gillespie <sean@mistersg.net>
Stability:   Experimental

Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords
module Data.Elocrypt where

import Data.Elocrypt.Trigraph

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random hiding (next)
import Data.Bool
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (min, max)

-- * Data Types

-- |Options for generating passwords or passphrases. Do not use
-- this constructor directly. Instead use 'genOptions' to construct
-- an instance.
newtype GenOptions = GenOptions {
  genCapitals :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Default options for generating passwords or passphrases. This is
-- the preferred way to construct 'GenOptions'.
genOptions :: GenOptions
genOptions = GenOptions {
  genCapitals = False

-- * Random password generators

-- |Generate a password using the generator g, returning the result and the
--  updated generator.
--  @
--  -- Generate a password of length 10 using the system generator
--  myGenPassword :: IO (String, StdGen)
--  myGenPassword = genPassword 10 genOptions \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
genPassword :: RandomGen g
               => Int        -- ^ password length
               -> GenOptions -- ^ options
               -> g          -- ^ random generator
               -> (String, g)
genPassword len = runRand . mkPassword len

-- |Plural version of genPassword.  Generates an infinite list of passwords
--  using the generator g, returning the result and the updated generator.
-- @
-- -- Generate 10 passwords of length 10 using the system generator
-- myGenPasswords :: IO ([String], StdGen)
-- myGenPasswords = (\(ls, g) -> (ls, g) `liftM` genPasswords 10 10 genOptions `liftM` getStdGen
-- @
genPasswords :: RandomGen g
                => Int        -- ^ password length
                -> Int        -- ^ number of passwords
                -> GenOptions -- ^ options
                -> g          -- ^ random generator
                -> ([String], g)
genPasswords len n = runRand . mkPasswords len n

-- |Generate a password using the generator g, returning the result.
--  @
--  -- Generate a password of length 10 using the system generator
--  myNewPassword :: IO String
--  myNewPassword = newPassword 10 genOptions \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
newPassword :: RandomGen g
               => Int        -- ^ password length
               -> GenOptions -- ^ options
               -> g          -- ^ random generator
               -> String
newPassword len = evalRand . mkPassword len

-- |Plural version of newPassword.  Generates an infinite list of passwords
--  using the generator g, returning the result
-- @
-- -- Generate 10 passwords of length 10 using the system generator
-- myNewPasswords :: IO [String]
-- myNewPasswords = genPasswords 10 10 genOptions `liftM` getStdGen
-- @
newPasswords :: RandomGen g
                => Int        -- ^ password length
                -> Int        -- ^ number of passwords
                -> GenOptions -- ^ options
                -> g          -- ^ random generator
                -> [String]
newPasswords len n = evalRand . mkPasswords len n

-- |Generate a password using the MonadRandom m. MonadRandom is exposed here
--  for extra control.
--  @
--  -- Generate a password of length 10 using the system generator
--  myPassword :: IO String
--  myPassword = evalRand (mkPassword 10 genOptions) \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
mkPassword :: MonadRandom m
              => Int        -- ^ password length
              -> GenOptions -- ^ options
              -> m String
mkPassword len opts = do
  f2 <- reverse `liftM` first2 opts
  if len > 2
    then reverse `liftM` lastN opts (len - 2) f2
    else return . reverse . take len $ f2

-- |Plural version of mkPassword.  Generate an infinite list of passwords using
--  the MonadRandom m.  MonadRandom is exposed here for extra control.
-- @
-- -- Generate an list of length 20 with passwords of length 10 using the system generator
-- myMkPasswords :: IO [String]
-- myMkPasswords = evalRand (mkPasswords 10 20 genOptions) \`liftM\` getStdGen
-- @
mkPasswords :: MonadRandom m
               => Int        -- ^ password length
               -> Int        -- ^ number of passwords
               -> GenOptions -- ^ options
               -> m [String]
mkPasswords len n = replicateM n . mkPassword len

-- * Random passphrase generators

-- |Generate a passphrase using the generator g, returning the result and the
--  updated generator.
--  @
--  -- Generate a passphrase of 10 words, each having a length between 6 and 12,
--  -- using the system generator
--  myGenPassphrase :: IO (String, StdGen)
--  myGenPassphrase = genPassword 10 6 10 genOptions \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
genPassphrase :: RandomGen g
              => Int        -- ^ number of words
              -> Int        -- ^ minimum word length
              -> Int        -- ^ maximum word length
              -> GenOptions -- ^ options
              -> g          -- ^ random generator
              -> ([String], g)
genPassphrase n min max = runRand . mkPassphrase n min max

-- |Generate a passphrase using the generator g, returning the result.
--  @
--  -- Generate a passphrase of 10 words, each having a length between 6 an 12,
--  -- using the system generator.
--  myNewPassphrase :: IO String
--  myNewPassphrase = newPassphrase 10 6 12 \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
newPassphrase :: RandomGen g
               => Int        -- ^ number of words
               -> Int        -- ^ minimum word length
               -> Int        -- ^ maximum word length
               -> GenOptions -- ^ options
               -> g          -- ^ random generator
               -> [String]
newPassphrase n min max = evalRand . mkPassphrase n min max

-- |Generate a finite number of words of random length (between @min@ and @max@ chars)
--  using the MonadRandom m. MonadRandom is exposed here for extra control.
--  @
--  -- Generate a passphrase of 10 words, each having a length between 6 and 12.
--  myPassphrase :: IO String
--  myPassphrase = evalRand (mkPassphrase 10 6 12) \`liftM\` getStdGen
--  @
mkPassphrase :: MonadRandom m
             => Int        -- ^ number of words
             -> Int        -- ^ minimum word length
             -> Int        -- ^ maximum word length
             -> GenOptions -- ^ options
             -> m [String]
mkPassphrase n min max opts = replicateM n $
  getRandomR (min, max) >>= flip mkPassword opts

-- * Internal

-- |Generate two random characters. Uses 'Elocrypt.Trigraph.trigragh'
--  to generate a weighted list.
first2 :: MonadRandom m 
       => GenOptions
       -> m String
first2 opts = fromList (map toWeight frequencies) >>= mapM (capitalizeR caps)
  where toWeight (s, w) = (s, sum w)
        GenOptions{genCapitals=caps} = opts

-- |Generate the last n characters using previous two characters
--  and their 'Elocrypt.Trigraph.trigraph'
lastN :: MonadRandom m => GenOptions -> Int -> String -> m String
lastN _    0   ls = return ls
lastN opts len ls = next opts ls >>= lastN opts (len - 1) . (:ls)

-- |Generate a random character based on the previous two characters and
--  their 'Elocrypt.Trigraph.trigraph'
next :: MonadRandom m 
     => GenOptions -- ^ options
     -> String     -- ^ the prefix
     -> m Char
next opts prefix = nextLetter prefix >>= capitalizeR caps
  where GenOptions{genCapitals=caps} = opts

-- |Randomly choose a letter from the trigraph
nextLetter :: MonadRandom m
           => String  -- ^ the prefix
           -> m Char
nextLetter = fromList . fromJust . findWeights . reverse . take 2

-- |Randomly capitalize a character 10% of the time
capitalizeR :: MonadRandom m
           => Bool    -- ^ Whether to do the capitalization
           -> Char    -- ^ The character to capitalize
           -> m Char
capitalizeR cap c | cap = fromList [(c, 6), (toUpper c, 1)]
                  | otherwise = return c