{- | To use embeddock, place the following preprocessor pragma at the beginning of your source code. > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF embeddock -optF $EMBED$ #-} You can specify the embed string by @-optF@. The default embed string is "$" . Expressions in parenthesis that immediately follow the embed strings are treated as embed expression. Embed expressions are evaluated in the context of the module. The result should be of type string. Please look at the source code of this module for an usecase of @embeddock@. At the moment, embeddock is not compatible with one-liner comment "--" due to the backend lexer. -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF embeddock -optF $EMBED$ #-} module Embeddock.Example where import Data.Time import System.IO.Unsafe {- | An answer to the life, the universe and everything. The answer is $EMBED$(show answer) .-} answer :: Integer answer = 6*7 {- | The time this file was processed. The current time was $EMBED$(show now). Please refer to the Source to see how these documents were generated. -} now :: UTCTime now = unsafePerformIO $ getCurrentTime