{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} -- | -- Module : Numeric.EMD -- Copyright : (c) Justin Le 2018 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : justin@jle.im -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- -- Empirical Mode Decomposition in pure Haskell. -- -- Main interface is 'emd', with 'defaultEO'. A tracing version that -- outputs a log to stdout is also available, as 'emdTrace'. This can be -- used to help track down a specific IMF that might be taking more time -- than desired. -- -- This package uses "sized vectors" as its main interface, to ensure: -- -- 1. The resulting 'EMD' contains IMFs that are all the same length as -- the input vector -- 2. We provide a vector of size of at least one. -- -- There are many functions to convert unsized vectors to sized vectors in -- "Data.Vector.Sized" and associated modules, including 'toSized' (for -- when you know the size at compile-time) and 'withSized' (for when you -- don't). -- module Numeric.EMD ( -- * Empirical Mode Decomposition emd , emdTrace , emd' , EMD(..) , EMDOpts(..), defaultEO, BoundaryHandler(..), SiftCondition(..), defaultSC, SplineEnd(..) -- * Internal , sift, SiftResult(..) , envelopes ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Finite import Data.Functor.Identity import GHC.TypeNats import Numeric.EMD.Internal.Extrema import Numeric.EMD.Internal.Spline import Text.Printf import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Sized as SVG -- | Options for EMD composition. data EMDOpts a = EO { eoSiftCondition :: SiftCondition a -- ^ stop condition for sifting , eoSplineEnd :: SplineEnd a -- ^ end conditions for envelope splines , eoBoundaryHandler :: Maybe BoundaryHandler -- ^ process for handling boundary } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data BoundaryHandler -- | Clamp envelope at end points (Matlab implementation) = BHClamp -- | Extend boundaries symmetrically | BHSymmetric deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- -- | Extend boundaries assuming global periodicity -- -- | BHPeriodic -- | Default 'EMDOpts' defaultEO :: Fractional a => EMDOpts a defaultEO = EO { eoSiftCondition = defaultSC , eoSplineEnd = SENatural , eoBoundaryHandler = Just BHSymmetric } -- | Stop conditions for sifting process data SiftCondition a -- | Stop using standard SD method = SCStdDev !a -- | Stop after a fixed number of sifting iterations | SCTimes !Int -- | One or the other | SCOr (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a) -- | Stop when both conditions are met | SCAnd (SiftCondition a) (SiftCondition a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Default 'SiftCondition' defaultSC :: Fractional a => SiftCondition a defaultSC = SCStdDev 0.3 `SCOr` SCTimes 100 -- R package uses SCTimes 20, Matlab uses no limit -- defaultSC = SCStdDev 0.3 -- | 'True' if stop testCondition :: (VG.Vector v a, Fractional a, Ord a) => SiftCondition a -> Int -> SVG.Vector v n a -> SVG.Vector v n a -> Bool testCondition tc i v v' = go tc where sd = SVG.sum $ SVG.zipWith (\x x' -> (x-x')^(2::Int) / (x^(2::Int) + eps)) v v' go = \case SCStdDev t -> sd <= t SCTimes l -> i >= l SCOr f g -> go f || go g SCAnd f g -> go f && go g eps = 0.0000001 -- | An @'EMD' v n a@ is an Empirical Mode Decomposition of a time series -- with @n@ items of type @a@ stored in a vector @v@. data EMD v n a = EMD { emdIMFs :: ![SVG.Vector v n a] , emdResidual :: !(SVG.Vector v n a) } deriving Show -- | EMD decomposition of a given time series with a given sifting stop -- condition. -- -- Takes a sized vector to ensure that: -- -- 1. The resulting 'EMD' contains IMFs that are all the same length as -- the input vector -- 2. We provide a vector of size of at least one. emd :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a) => EMDOpts a -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> EMD v (n + 1) a emd eo = runIdentity . emd' (const (pure ())) eo -- | 'emd', but tracing results to stdout as IMFs are found. Useful for -- debugging to see how long each step is taking. emdTrace :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a, MonadIO m) => EMDOpts a -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> m (EMD v (n + 1) a) emdTrace = emd' $ \case SRResidual _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Residual found." SRIMF _ i -> liftIO $ printf "IMF found (%d sifts)\n" i -- | 'emd' with a callback for each found IMF. emd' :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a, Applicative m) => (SiftResult v (n + 1) a -> m r) -> EMDOpts a -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> m (EMD v (n + 1) a) emd' cb eo = go id where go !imfs !v = cb res *> case res of SRResidual r -> pure $ EMD (imfs []) r SRIMF v' _ -> go (imfs . (v':)) (v - v') where res = sift eo v -- | The result of a sifting operation. Each sift either yields -- a residual, or a new IMF. data SiftResult v n a = SRResidual !(SVG.Vector v n a) | SRIMF !(SVG.Vector v n a) !Int -- ^ number of sifting iterations -- | Iterated sifting process, used to produce either an IMF or a residual. sift :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a) => EMDOpts a -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> SiftResult v (n + 1) a sift EO{..} = go 1 where go !i !v = case sift' eoSplineEnd eoBoundaryHandler v of Nothing -> SRResidual v Just !v' | testCondition eoSiftCondition i v v' -> SRIMF v' i | otherwise -> go (i + 1) v' -- | Single sift sift' :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a) => SplineEnd a -> Maybe BoundaryHandler -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a) sift' se bh v = go <$> envelopes se bh v where go (mins, maxs) = SVG.zipWith3 (\x mi ma -> x - (mi + ma)/2) v mins maxs -- | Returns cubic splines of local minimums and maximums. Returns -- 'Nothing' if there are not enough local minimum or maximums to create -- the splines. envelopes :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a) => SplineEnd a -> Maybe BoundaryHandler -> SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a, SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a) envelopes se bh xs = do when (bh == Just BHClamp) $ do guard (M.size mins > 1) guard (M.size maxs > 1) (,) <$> splineAgainst se emin mins <*> splineAgainst se emax maxs where -- minMax = M.fromList [(minBound, SVG.head xs), (maxBound, SVG.last xs)] (mins,maxs) = extrema xs (emin,emax) = case bh of Nothing -> mempty Just bh' -> extendExtrema xs bh' (mins,maxs) -- | isJust bh = (mins `M.union` minMax, maxs `M.union` minMax) -- | otherwise = (mins, maxs) extendExtrema :: forall v n a. (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n) => SVG.Vector v (n + 1) a -> BoundaryHandler -> (M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a, M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a) -> (M.Map Int a, M.Map Int a) -- (M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a, M.Map (Finite (n + 1)) a) extendExtrema xs = \case BHClamp -> const (firstLast, firstLast) BHSymmetric -> \(mins, maxs) -> let addFirst = case (flippedMin, flippedMax) of (Nothing , Nothing ) -> mempty -- first point is local maximum (Just (_,mn) , Nothing ) -> (mn , firstPoint) -- first point is local minimum (Nothing , Just (_,mx) ) -> (firstPoint, mx ) (Just (mni,mn), Just (mxi,mx)) | mni < mxi -> (mn , firstPoint) | otherwise -> (firstPoint, mx ) where flippedMin = flip fmap (M.lookupMin mins) $ \(minIx, minVal) -> (minIx, M.singleton (negate (fromIntegral minIx)) minVal) flippedMax = flip fmap (M.lookupMin maxs) $ \(maxIx, maxVal) -> (maxIx, M.singleton (negate (fromIntegral maxIx)) maxVal) addLast = case (flippedMin, flippedMax) of (Nothing , Nothing ) -> mempty -- last point is local maximum (Just (_,mn) , Nothing ) -> (mn , lastPoint ) -- last point is local minimum (Nothing , Just (_,mx) ) -> (lastPoint , mx ) (Just (mni,mn), Just (mxi,mx)) | mni > mxi -> (mn , lastPoint ) | otherwise -> (lastPoint , mx ) where flippedMin = flip fmap (M.lookupMax mins) $ \(minIx, minVal) -> (minIx, M.singleton (extendSym (fromIntegral minIx)) minVal) flippedMax = flip fmap (M.lookupMax maxs) $ \(maxIx, maxVal) -> (maxIx, M.singleton (extendSym (fromIntegral maxIx)) maxVal) in addFirst `mappend` addLast where lastIx = fromIntegral $ maxBound @(Finite n) firstPoint = M.singleton 0 (SVG.head xs) lastPoint = M.singleton lastIx (SVG.last xs) firstLast = firstPoint `mappend` lastPoint extendSym i = 2 * lastIx - i -- | Build a splined vector against a map of control points. splineAgainst :: (VG.Vector v a, KnownNat n, Fractional a, Ord a) => SplineEnd a -> M.Map Int a -- ^ extensions -> M.Map (Finite n) a -> Maybe (SVG.Vector v n a) splineAgainst se ext = fmap go . makeSpline se . mappend (M.mapKeysMonotonic fromIntegral ext) . M.mapKeysMonotonic fromIntegral where go spline = SVG.generate (sampleSpline spline . fromIntegral)