# ChangeLog / ReleaseNotes ## Version * Introducing type `:->` to simplify type signatures of endomorphism folding functions that restrict type of a result. (**new**) * Type class `AnEndo` moved in to a separate module `Data.Monoid.Endo.AnEndo`. Definitions are reexported by `Data.Monoid.Endo.Fold`, therefore providing backward compatible API. (**change**) * Introducing `instance AnEndo a => AnEndo (Identity a)`. (**new**) * Introducing `FromEndo` type class for conversion of endomorphism in to a value. It is a dual to `AnEndo` type class. This type class resides in its own module `Data.Monoid.Endo.FromEndo`. (**new**) * Introducing `ApplyEndo` newtype that provides easier endomorphism evaluation in cases when there is an "obvious" default value. This type has its own module `Data.Monoid.Endo.Apply` that also provides various helper functions and type class instances. (**new**) * Providing `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Read1` and `Show1` instances if built with [transformers package][transformers] >=0.5 or base >=4.9 (i.e. GHC >=8.0.1) is available. (**new**) * Providing `Generic1` instance for `WrappedFoldable`. (**new**) * Introducing `instance AnEndo a => AnEndo (Option a)`, but only when compiled with base >=4.9, since that is the first version of base which contains `Semigroup`. (**new**) * Bumped upper bound of [transformers package][transformers] to include 0.5.\* versions. (**change**) * Synchronized API documentation of `Data.Monoid.Endo.Fold` with README. (**trivial change**) * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * API documentation ehancements and clarifications. * Explicit implementation of `aDualEndo` for `instance AnEndo a => AnEndo (Maybe a)`. * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Default implementation for `anEndo` method of 'AnEndo' type class, which is now defined as: `anEndo = getDual . aDualEndo`. As a consequence it is now possible to define complete instances of `AnEndo` by providing either `anEndo` or `aDualEndo`. (**new**, **change**) * Introducing associated type `Result` to `FoldEndoArgs` type class. This allows result of the whole folding to be explicitly stated in a type signature. (**new**, **change**) * Introducing functions `embedEndoWith` and `embedDualEndoWith`. Both can be used to simplify application of endomorphisms that are result of folding. (**new**) - `embedEndoWith :: (AnEndo e, EndoOperatesOn e ~ a) => (Endo a -> b) -> e -> b` - `embedDualEndoWith :: (AnEndo e, EndoOperatesOn e ~ a) => (Dual (Endo a) -> b) -> e -> b` * Introducing `instance AnEndo (Proxy a)`, which is useful in cases when one needs to force constraint `EndoOperatesOn args ~ a` where `a` is the `a` from `Proxy a`. This is done by encoding value of `Proxy` in to identity endomorphism that operates on specified type `a`. (**new**) * Introducing `instance (Monoid c, FoldEndoArgs r) => FoldEndoArgs (Const c r)`, which is useful in cases when one needs to discard the computation and return a constant instead. (**new**) * Bumping upper bounds on base and between, therefore it now builds on GHC 7.10 with base 4.8. (**new**) * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Bugfix release. * Bugfix: Unable to compile with [transformers][] >= 0.4 (again). * Minor documentation updates. * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Bugfix release. * Bugfix: Unable to compile with [transformers][] >= 0.4. * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * **This version doesn't work with [transformers][] >= 0.4.** * First public release. * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: [Hackage]: http://hackage.haskell.org/ "HackageDB (or just Hackage) is a collection of releases of Haskell packages." [transformers]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers "Package transformers on Hackage."