{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.EngineIO ( -- $intro -- * Example Usage -- $example -- * Running Engine.IO applications initialize , handler , EngineIO , ServerAPI (..) , SocketApp(..) -- * Interacting with 'Socket's , send , receive , Socket , SocketId , socketId , getOpenSockets , dupRawReader -- * The Engine.IO Protocol -- This section of the API is somewhat low-level, and exposes the raw -- protocol to users. -- ** Packets , Packet(..) , parsePacket , encodePacket , PacketType -- ** Packet Contents , PacketContent(..) -- ** Payloads , Payload(..) , parsePayload , encodePayload -- ** Transport types , TransportType(..) , parseTransportType ) where import Prelude hiding (any) import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, withMVar) import Control.Error (exceptT, throwE) import Control.Exception (SomeException(SomeException), try) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, forever, guard, mzero, replicateM, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Loops (unfoldM) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Iter (cutoff, delay, retract) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT) import Data.Aeson ((.=)) import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit) import Data.Foldable (asum, for_) import Data.Function (fix, on) import Data.Ix (inRange) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, mempty) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Traversable (for) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.Delay as STMDelay import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Attoparsec import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as AttoparsecC8 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSChar8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Network.WebSockets as WebSockets import qualified Network.WebSockets.Connection as WebSockets import qualified System.Random.MWC as Random -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The possible packet types, as mentioned in the -- data PacketType = Open | Close | Ping | Pong | Message | Upgrade | Noop deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- packetTypeToIndex :: Num i => PacketType -> i packetTypeToIndex t = case t of Open -> 0 Close -> 1 Ping -> 2 Pong -> 3 Message -> 4 Upgrade -> 5 Noop -> 6 {-# INLINE packetTypeToIndex #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- packetTypeFromIndex :: (Eq i, MonadPlus m, Num i) => i -> m PacketType packetTypeFromIndex i = case i of 0 -> return Open 1 -> return Close 2 -> return Ping 3 -> return Pong 4 -> return Message 5 -> return Upgrade 6 -> return Noop _ -> mzero {-# INLINE packetTypeFromIndex #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A single Engine.IO packet. data Packet = Packet !PacketType !PacketContent deriving (Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The contents attached to a packet. Engine.IO makes a clear distinction -- between binary data and text data. Clients will receive binary data as a -- Javascript @ArrayBuffer@, where as 'TextPacket's will be received as UTF-8 -- strings. data PacketContent = BinaryPacket !BS.ByteString | TextPacket !Text.Text deriving (Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse bytes as an 'Packet' assuming the packet contents extends to the -- end-of-input. parsePacket :: Attoparsec.Parser Packet parsePacket = parsePacket' Attoparsec.takeByteString {-# INLINE parsePacket #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a 'Packet', nested another parser for the body of the packet. parsePacket' :: Attoparsec.Parser BS.ByteString -> Attoparsec.Parser Packet parsePacket' body = parseBase64 <|> parseBinary <|> parseText where parseBase64 = do _ <- AttoparsecC8.char 'b' Packet <$> c8PacketType <*> (either fail (return . BinaryPacket) . Base64.decode =<< body) parseBinary = do Packet <$> (packetTypeFromIndex =<< Attoparsec.satisfy (inRange (0, 6))) <*> (BinaryPacket <$> body) parseText = do Packet <$> c8PacketType <*> (TextPacket . Text.decodeUtf8 <$> body) c8PacketType = packetTypeFromIndex . digitToInt =<< AttoparsecC8.satisfy (inRange ('0', '6')) {-# INLINE parsePacket' #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Encode a 'Packet' to a 'Builder.Builder'. The first argument determines -- whether or not binary is supported - if not, binary data will be base 64 -- encoded. encodePacket :: Bool -- ^ If true, all bytes can be used. Otherwise, the packet will be base 64 -- encoded. -> Packet -> Builder.Builder encodePacket True (Packet t (BinaryPacket bytes)) = Builder.word8 (packetTypeToIndex t) <> Builder.byteString bytes encodePacket False (Packet t (BinaryPacket bytes)) = Builder.char8 'b' <> Builder.char8 (intToDigit (packetTypeToIndex t)) <> Builder.byteString (Base64.encode bytes) encodePacket _ (Packet t (TextPacket bytes)) = Builder.char8 (intToDigit (packetTypeToIndex t)) <> Builder.byteString (Text.encodeUtf8 bytes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A 'Payload' is a stream of 0-or-more 'Packet's. newtype Payload = Payload (V.Vector Packet) deriving (Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a stream of bytes into a 'Payload'. parsePayload :: Attoparsec.Parser Payload parsePayload = Payload <$> (goXHR2 <|> goXHR) where goXHR = do len <- AttoparsecC8.decimal <* AttoparsecC8.char ':' packet <- parsePacket' (Attoparsec.take (len - 1)) -- the type consumes 1 byte (V.singleton packet <$ Attoparsec.endOfInput) <|> (V.cons packet <$> goXHR) goXHR2 = do _ <- Attoparsec.satisfy (`elem` [0, 1]) len <- parseLength =<< Attoparsec.many1 (Attoparsec.satisfy (inRange (0, 9))) _ <- Attoparsec.word8 maxBound packet <- parsePacket' (Attoparsec.take (len - 1)) -- the type consumes 1 byte (V.singleton packet <$ Attoparsec.endOfInput) <|> (V.cons packet <$> goXHR2) parseLength bytes = do guard (length bytes <= 319) return $ foldl' (\n x -> n * 10 + x) 0 $ map fromIntegral bytes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Encode a 'Payload' to a 'Builder.Builder'. As with 'encodePacket', the -- first argument determines whether or not binary transmission is supported. encodePayload :: Bool -- ^ If true, all bytes can be used. Otherwise, the packet will be base 64 -- encoded. -> Payload -> Builder.Builder encodePayload supportsBinary (Payload packets) = let encodeOne packet = let bytes = encodePacket supportsBinary packet in mconcat [ Builder.word8 $ if isBinaryPacket packet then 1 else 0 , mconcat $ map (Builder.word8 . read . pure) $ show (LBS.length (Builder.toLazyByteString bytes)) , Builder.word8 maxBound , bytes ] in V.foldl' (\bytes p -> bytes <> encodeOne p) mempty packets where isBinaryPacket (Packet _ (BinaryPacket _)) = True isBinaryPacket _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The possible types of transports Engine.IO supports. data TransportType = Polling -- ^ XHR long polling. | Websocket -- ^ HTML 5 websockets. deriving (Eq, Show) instance Aeson.ToJSON TransportType where toJSON t = Aeson.toJSON $ (`asTypeOf` show t) $ case t of Polling -> "polling" Websocket -> "websocket" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Attempt to parse a 'TransportType' from its textual representation. parseTransportType :: Text.Text -> Maybe TransportType parseTransportType t = case t of "polling" -> Just Polling "websocket" -> Just Websocket _ -> Nothing {-# INLINE parseTransportType #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The type of unique Engine.IO sessions. This is currently a base64-encoded -- random identifier. type SocketId = BS.ByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Transport = Transport { transIn :: STM.TChan Packet , transOut :: STM.TChan Packet , transType :: !TransportType } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A connected Engine.IO session. data Socket = Socket { socketId :: !SocketId , socketTransport :: STM.TVar Transport , socketIncomingMessages :: STM.TChan PacketContent , socketOutgoingMessages :: STM.TChan PacketContent , socketRawIncomingBroadcast :: STM.TChan Packet } instance Eq Socket where (==) = (==) `on` socketId instance Ord Socket where compare = comparing socketId -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Receive data from the client, blocking if the input queue is empty. receive :: Socket -> STM.STM PacketContent receive Socket{..} = STM.readTChan socketIncomingMessages {-# INLINE receive #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a packet to the client. This is a non-blocking write. send :: Socket -> PacketContent -> STM.STM () send Socket{..} = STM.writeTChan socketOutgoingMessages {-# INLINE send #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A dictionary of functions that Engine.IO needs in order to provide -- communication channels. data ServerAPI m = ServerAPI { srvGetQueryParams :: m (HashMap.HashMap BS.ByteString [BS.ByteString]) -- ^ Retrieve the 'HashMap.HashMap' of query parameters in the request path -- to their zero-or-more values. , srvTerminateWithResponse :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> Builder.Builder -> forall a . m a -- ^ Send a response with the given status code, content type and body. This -- should also terminate the web request entirely, such that further actions -- in @m@ have no effect. , srvParseRequestBody :: forall a. Attoparsec.Parser a -> m (Either String a) -- ^ Run a 'Attoparsec.Parser' against the request body. , srvGetRequestMethod :: m BS.ByteString -- ^ Get the request method of the current request. The request method -- should be in uppercase for standard methods (e.g., @GET@). , srvRunWebSocket :: WebSockets.ServerApp -> m () -- ^ Upgrade the current connection to run a WebSocket action. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An opaque data type representing an open Engine.IO server. data EngineIO = EngineIO { eioOpenSessions :: STM.TVar (HashMap.HashMap SocketId Socket) , eioRng :: MVar Random.GenIO } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'initialize' initializes a new Engine.IO server. You can later serve this -- session by using 'handler'. initialize :: IO EngineIO initialize = EngineIO <$> STM.newTVarIO mempty <*> (Random.createSystemRandom >>= newMVar) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Retrieve a list of /all/ currently open Engine.IO sessions. getOpenSockets :: EngineIO -> STM.STM (HashMap.HashMap SocketId Socket) getOpenSockets = STM.readTVar . eioOpenSessions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data EngineIOError = BadRequest | TransportUnknown | SessionIdUnknown deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The application to run for the duration of a connected socket. data SocketApp = SocketApp { saApp :: IO () -- ^ An IO action to run for the duration of the socket's lifetime. If this -- action terminates, the connection will be closed. You will likely want -- to loop 'Control.Monad.forever' and block as appropriate with 'receive'. , saOnDisconnect :: IO () -- ^ An action to execute when the connection is closed, either by 'saApp' -- terminating, or the client disconnecting. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Build the necessary handler for Engine.IO. The result of this function is a computation that you should serve under the @/engine.io/@ path. 'handler' takes a function as an argument that is called every time a new session is created. This function runs in the @m@ monad, so you have access to initial web request, which may be useful for performing authentication or collecting cookies. This function then returns a 'SocketApp', describing the main loop and an action to perform on socket disconnection. -} handler :: MonadIO m => EngineIO -> (Socket -> m SocketApp) -> ServerAPI m -> m () handler eio socketHandler api@ServerAPI{..} = do queryParams <- srvGetQueryParams exceptT (serveError api) return $ do reqTransport <- maybe (throwE TransportUnknown) return $ do [t] <- HashMap.lookup "transport" queryParams parseTransportType (Text.decodeUtf8 t) socket <- for (HashMap.lookup "sid" queryParams) $ \sids -> do sid <- case sids of [sid] -> return sid _ -> throwE SessionIdUnknown mSocket <- liftIO (STM.atomically (HashMap.lookup sid <$> getOpenSockets eio)) case mSocket of Nothing -> throwE SessionIdUnknown Just s -> return s supportsBinary <- case HashMap.lookup "b64" queryParams of Just ["1"] -> return False Just ["0"] -> return True Nothing -> return True _ -> throwE BadRequest case socket of Just s -> do transport <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTVar (socketTransport s) case transType transport of Polling | reqTransport == Polling -> lift (handlePoll api transport supportsBinary) | reqTransport == Websocket -> lift (upgrade api s) _ -> throwE BadRequest Nothing -> lift (freshSession eio socketHandler api supportsBinary) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- freshSession :: MonadIO m => EngineIO -> (Socket -> m SocketApp) -> ServerAPI m -> Bool -> m () freshSession eio socketHandler api supportsBinary = do socket <- do mkSocket <- liftIO $ do transport <- STM.newTVarIO =<< (Transport <$> STM.newTChanIO <*> STM.newTChanIO <*> pure Polling) incoming <- STM.newTChanIO outgoing <- STM.newTChanIO rawInBroadcast <- STM.newBroadcastTChanIO return (\sId -> Socket sId transport incoming outgoing rawInBroadcast) let tryAllocation = liftIO $ do sId <- newSocketId eio STM.atomically $ runMaybeT $ do openSessions <- lift (STM.readTVar (eioOpenSessions eio)) guard (not (HashMap.member sId openSessions)) let socket = mkSocket sId lift (STM.modifyTVar' (eioOpenSessions eio) (HashMap.insert sId socket)) return socket untilSuccess f = maybe (delay (untilSuccess f)) return =<< f maybeSocket <- retract (cutoff 10 (untilSuccess tryAllocation)) maybe (srvTerminateWithResponse api 500 "text/plain" "Session allocation failed") return maybeSocket app <- socketHandler socket userSpace <- liftIO $ Async.async (saApp app) pingTimeoutDelay <- liftIO $ STMDelay.newDelay (pingTimeout * 1000000) heartbeat <- liftIO $ Async.async $ STM.atomically (STMDelay.waitDelay pingTimeoutDelay) brain <- liftIO $ Async.async $ fix $ \loop -> do mMessage <- STM.atomically $ do transport <- STM.readTVar (socketTransport socket) asum [ do req <- STM.readTChan (transIn transport) case req of Packet Message m -> STM.writeTChan (socketIncomingMessages socket) m Packet Ping m -> STM.writeTChan (transOut transport) (Packet Pong m) _ -> return () STM.writeTChan (socketRawIncomingBroadcast socket) req return (Just req) , do STM.readTChan (socketOutgoingMessages socket) >>= STM.writeTChan (transOut transport) . Packet Message return Nothing ] -- If we *received* a message, then we can reset the ping timer. for_ mMessage (const (STMDelay.updateDelay pingTimeoutDelay (pingTimeout * 1000000))) -- If we received a close message, terminate. Otherwise, loop. case mMessage of Just (Packet Close _) -> return () _ -> loop _ <- liftIO $ Async.async $ do _ <- Async.waitAnyCatchCancel [ userSpace, brain, heartbeat ] STM.atomically (STM.modifyTVar' (eioOpenSessions eio) (HashMap.delete (socketId socket))) saOnDisconnect app let openMessage = OpenMessage { omSocketId = socketId socket , omUpgrades = [ Websocket ] , omPingTimeout = pingTimeout * 1000 , omPingInterval = 25000 } payload = Payload $ V.singleton $ Packet Open (TextPacket $ Text.decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode openMessage) writeBytes api (encodePayload supportsBinary payload) where pingTimeout = 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- upgrade :: MonadIO m => ServerAPI m -> Socket -> m () upgrade ServerAPI{..} socket = srvRunWebSocket go where go pending = do conn <- WebSockets.acceptRequest $ -- We do our ping/pong, so disable `websockets` doing this. pending { WebSockets.pendingOnAccept = (const $ return ()) } mWsTransport <- runMaybeT $ do Packet Ping (TextPacket "probe") <- lift (receivePacket conn) lift (sendPacket conn (Packet Pong (TextPacket "probe"))) (wsIn, wsOut) <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ do currentTransport <- STM.readTVar (socketTransport socket) return (transIn currentTransport, transOut currentTransport) -- We wait 100ms to match the reference engine.io Javascript. -- See automattic/engine.io socket.js revision d11e17c8. check <- liftIO (Async.async (do threadDelay 100000 STM.atomically (do t <- STM.readTVar (socketTransport socket) when (transType t == Polling) (STM.writeTChan (transOut t) (Packet Noop (TextPacket Text.empty)))))) Packet Upgrade body <- lift (receivePacket conn) guard (body == TextPacket Text.empty || body == BinaryPacket BS.empty) liftIO (Async.cancel check) return (Transport wsIn wsOut Websocket) for_ mWsTransport $ \wsTransport@Transport { transIn = wsIn, transOut = wsOut } -> do -- The client has completed the upgrade, so we can swap out the current -- transport with a WebSocket transport. STM.atomically (STM.writeTVar (socketTransport socket) wsTransport) reader <- Async.async $ forever $ do p <- STM.atomically (STM.readTChan wsOut) sendPacket conn p fix $ \loop -> do e <- try (receivePacket conn >>= STM.atomically . STM.writeTChan wsIn) case e of Left (SomeException _) -> return () Right _ -> loop Async.cancel reader STM.atomically (STM.writeTChan wsIn (Packet Close (TextPacket Text.empty))) receivePacket conn = do msg <- WebSockets.receiveDataMessage conn case msg of WebSockets.Text bytes -> case Attoparsec.parseOnly parsePacket (LBS.toStrict bytes) of Left ex -> do putStrLn $ "Malformed packet received: " ++ show bytes ++ " (" ++ show ex ++ ")" receivePacket conn Right p -> return p other -> do putStrLn $ "Unknown WebSocket message: " ++ show other receivePacket conn sendPacket conn (Packet t (TextPacket text)) = WebSockets.sendTextData conn $ Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.pack (pure $ intToDigit (packetTypeToIndex t)) <> text sendPacket conn p@(Packet _ (BinaryPacket _)) = do WebSockets.sendBinaryData conn (Builder.toLazyByteString (encodePacket True p)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- handlePoll :: MonadIO m => ServerAPI m -> Transport -> Bool -> m () handlePoll api@ServerAPI{..} transport supportsBinary = do requestMethod <- srvGetRequestMethod case requestMethod of m | m == "GET" -> poll m | m == "POST" -> post _ -> serveError api BadRequest where poll = do readTimeout <- liftIO $ STM.registerDelay (45 * 1000000) let out = transOut transport -- Here we attempt to read as much from the transport output as we can. -- We also consider the timeout above, such that if we haven't even read -- one message by the timeout is reached, we instead emit a `ping`. packets <- liftIO $ do p <- STM.atomically $ do let dequeueHead = Just <$> STM.readTChan out timeout = Nothing <$ (STM.readTVar readTimeout >>= STM.check) dequeueHead <|> timeout case p of Just p' -> (p' :) <$> unfoldM (STM.atomically (STM.tryReadTChan (transOut transport))) Nothing -> return [ Packet Ping (BinaryPacket mempty) ] writeBytes api (encodePayload supportsBinary (Payload (V.fromList packets))) post = do p <- srvParseRequestBody parsePayload case p of Left ex -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "WARNING: Parse failure in Network.EngineIO.handlePoll: " ++ show ex srvTerminateWithResponse 400 "text/plain" "Empty request body" Right (Payload packets) -> liftIO $ STM.atomically (V.mapM_ (STM.writeTChan (transIn transport)) packets) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writeBytes :: Monad m => ServerAPI m -> Builder.Builder -> m a writeBytes ServerAPI {..} builder = do srvTerminateWithResponse 200 "application/octet-stream" builder {-# INLINE writeBytes #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newSocketId :: EngineIO -> IO SocketId newSocketId eio = Base64.encode . BS.pack <$> withMVar (eioRng eio) (replicateM 15 . Random.uniformR (0, 63)) {-# INLINE newSocketId #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data OpenMessage = OpenMessage { omSocketId :: !SocketId , omUpgrades :: [TransportType] , omPingTimeout :: !Int , omPingInterval :: !Int } instance Aeson.ToJSON OpenMessage where toJSON OpenMessage {..} = Aeson.object [ "sid" .= Text.decodeUtf8 omSocketId , "upgrades" .= omUpgrades , "pingTimeout" .= omPingTimeout , "pingInterval" .= omPingInterval ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- serveError :: Monad m => ServerAPI m -> EngineIOError -> m a serveError ServerAPI{..} e = srvTerminateWithResponse 400 "application/json" $ Builder.lazyByteString $ Aeson.encode $ Aeson.object [ "code" .= errorCode, "message" .= errorMessage ] where errorCode :: Int errorCode = case e of TransportUnknown -> 0 SessionIdUnknown -> 1 BadRequest -> 3 errorMessage :: Text.Text errorMessage = case e of TransportUnknown -> "Transport unknown" SessionIdUnknown -> "Session ID unknown" BadRequest -> "Bad request" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create a new 'IO' action to read the socket's raw incoming communications. -- The result of this call is iteslf an STM action, which when called will return -- the next unread incoming packet (or block). This provides you with a separate -- channel to monitor incoming communications. It may be useful to monitor this to -- determine if the socket has activity. -- -- This is a fairly low level operation, so you will receive *all* packets - -- including pings and other control codes. dupRawReader :: Socket -> IO (STM.STM Packet) dupRawReader s = do c <- STM.atomically (STM.dupTChan (socketRawIncomingBroadcast s)) return (STM.readTChan c) {- $intro @Network.EngineIO@ is a Haskell of implementation of , a real-time framework for the web. Engine.IO provides you with an abstraction for doing real-time communication between a server and a client. Engine.IO abstracts the framing and transport away, so that you can have real-time communication over long-polling HTTP requests, which are later upgraded to web sockets, if available. @Network.EngineIO@ needs to be provided with a 'ServerAPI' in order to be run. 'ServerAPI' informs us how to fetch request headers, write HTTP responses to the client, and run web socket applications. Hackage contains implementations of 'ServerAPI' as: * for Snap. * for Yesod. If you write your own implementation of 'ServerAPI', please share it on Hackage and I will link to it from here. -} {- $example A simple echo server is easy to write with Engine.IO. The following imports will be required: > import Control.Concurrent.STM > import Control.Monad (forever) > import Network.EngineIO > import Network.EngineIO.Snap > import Snap.Http.Server Next, we write the implementation of our per-socket processing logic. For this application we simply receive from the socket, and then send the result back to the socket. We wrap this all in 'Control.Monad.forever' as this connection should never terminate. > handleSocket :: MonadIO m => Socket -> m SocketApp > handleSocket s = return $ SocketApp app onDisconnect > where > app = forever $ STM.atomically $ receive s >>= EIO.send s > onDisconnect = STM.atomically $ send s $ TextPacket "Bye!" Finally, we add a @main@ function to our application to launch it. I'll use @engine-io-snap@ as my server implementation: > main :: IO () > main = do > eio <- initialize > quickHttpServe $ handler eio handleSocket snapAPI This means that /any/ URL works as the Engine.IO server, which is sufficient for our example. In a real production application, you will probably want to nest the 'handler' under @/engine.io@. -}